Is Property Tax Illegal ?

Posted by freedomforall 2 weeks, 5 days ago to Economics
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"Issue #1
One can argue the 16th Amendment going back to 1913 and we are prepared to do so. The quantified evidence that we have assembled over several years of lawsuits points to exactly why the law as originally written prohibits taxation on unrealized gains. “Market value” as created by the States from which an Assessed Taxable Value is denoted, is in fact an unrealized gain.

Although perhaps well intentioned in its debut, property tax has been made illegal because there are no longer any enforced laws protecting the rights of the real estate taxpaying Citizens."
the article describes 4 issues that make the property tax, as implemented in the states and by school boards, illegal.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks, 5 days ago
    From the article: "The system has become so irretrievably corrupt, that the only solution is the elimination of property taxes in favor of a Uniform States Sales Tax." TRUE, but good luck with that since it requires recognition of "justice". IMHO, one of the biggest problems is the "legal system" (not justice system, which really no longer exists) where the actors within it profit so handsomely on the taxpayers dime no change will be forthcoming until the whole thing collapses.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 weeks, 3 days ago
      One BIG mess, so convoluted, inside out and up side down. Wouldn't know where to start so, I have to agree, . . scrap it all
      The whole thing gives me one big headache
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 weeks, 1 day ago
        With you, OUC. Worse is the 16th Amendment to the Constitution: a one-line statement that gave birth to a gigantic government bureaucracy with a code of rules and regulations thousands of pages long that (IMHO) no single human being understands that is used to rob you, jail you, even kill you, backed up with a standing army armed to the teeth to make sure you comply. The leading line of the Constitutional document, "We The People...", doesn't seem to apply here.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 weeks, 1 day ago
    The only reason why taxing unrealized gains on property hasn't completely collapsed the real estate market is because people need a roof over their heads. It's still theft, though. This is how they fund the schools but government never should have been in the business of education. Why not tack "healthcare for all" onto property tax? (shhhh...don't tell them I said that).
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