Pharma Industry Front Group Recruits 17K-Strong Doctor Army For Anti-RFK Lobbying Blitzkrieg

Posted by freedomforall 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"By way of caveat, which I will continue to offer until if/when the RFK Jr. tree bears fruit, I am by no means convinced that he is actually going to do anything about the elephant in the room — the mRNA gene therapy revolution — especially since he’s gone silent on the vaxx front since being announced for HHS head.

Maybe his apologists are right and he’s playing the long game; time will tell.

Yet, whatever goods he truly plans to deliver or not, it’s heartening to see the industry so transparently freaked out about a guy who explicitly promised not to take any vaccines off of the market. Indeed, all that RFK has very meekly floated policy-wise is that they undergo actual safety testing, which would require a placebo control group and which doesn’t currently happen for any of the shots currently approved by the FDA.

But even that is a bridge too far for the industry.

Hence the smears. Hence the propaganda blitzkrieg. "
SOURCE URL: https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/industry-front-group-recruits-17k

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 week, 4 days ago
    Make no mistake. RFK is the most feared man in America. He and I have a couple mutual friends. For years I've always understood that he's a good guy. I do not think for a minute that he's going to "take away vaccines". What he wants to do is "use robust science" and let the results of that see the light of day. Neither of those things have been allowed, and as a result billions of dollars have been stuffed into the gov-pharma complex...trillions, probably, and A LOT of people have been killed and permanently, seriously disabled. This is good vs. evil if you think sound science is good. They better protect him very well... And, I keep saying it! The first thing that needs to happen is to ban Pharma's direct marketing to the public. This is why real science hasn't been reported. Pharma's paying the reporters. Very, very simple. I've read the studies myself. And unless you're willing to do that you have no idea what's true. Kennedy quotes many of the studies regularly.
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    • Posted by 1 week, 4 days ago
      "ban Pharma's direct marketing to the public."
      We're on the same track, Abaco. This simultaneously economically punishes the mainstream
      media who have been responsible for hiding the truth and brainwashing people for so long.
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      • Posted by AmericanWoman 1 week, 3 days ago
        Feels as if its full-on fight of mind control when watching anything on the TV. Thought it was certain stations but it's everywhere disgusting.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 2 days ago
          Had to +1 that! I turn on the TV to try and get a bit of entertainment, but all I'm finding is propaganda woven into everything these days. I end up watching an old movie or rerun serial, how-to videos, or just shut it off.
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          • Posted by 1 week, 2 days ago
            Since the media being streamed or broadcast is virtually all done by enemies of freedom,
            it makes the act of video piracy something akin to Ragnar Danneskjold's resistance.
            "There are only two modes of living left to us today:
            to be a looter who robs disarmed victims or to be a victim who
            works for the benefit of his own despoilers. I did not choose to be either. ...
            I am merely complying with the system which my fellow men have established.
            If they believe that force is the proper means to deal with one another,
            I am giving them what they ask for.
            If they believe that the purpose of my life is to serve them, let them
            try to enforce their creed. If they believe that my mind is their property—
            let them come and get it."

            It's a war. Fight, fight, fight.
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      • Posted by $ mwolff 1 week, 2 days ago
        another practice Big Pharma does is provide meals for the various Dr's office and their staff. Several of the offices my wife worked at got free meals from pharmacy reps 3-4 times a week. This was from several different offices she worked at. Imagine how much less the meds would cost without having to support TV/media adds and meals to doctors' offices.
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 1 week, 2 days ago
          Good point. They spend A LOT on influencing. I also get a kick of the old stereotype that the pharma sales reps are flirty little former college cheerleaders sitting on the doctors lap....
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          • Posted by 1 week, 2 days ago
            Cheerleading drug dealers.
            Don't you wish doctors would just stick to banging their adult consenting secretaries like they did in the 20th century?
            But the leftist lawyers in D.C. ended that when they decided the law must judge every uneducated woman as always truthful and every white male is evil.
            D.C. NIFO. Meddling b@$t@rd$.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 5 days ago
    I urge all here to read this short article to get the full gist of what is being discussed. My reaction is, wow, how far has the medical profession fallen when this many doctors (scientists, if you will) reject the scientific method for determining the efficacy and safety of vaccines and other products? That's all RFKj is calling for. The "letter" reads like a well crafted propaganda piece to present enough facts to tug at heartstrings and impress the commoner of how great the these "medical people" really are. Here's a small quote, "...Vaccines are among the greatest medical breakthroughs in history, saving millions of lives and transforming communities worldwide… This appointment is a slap in the face to every health care professional...". It leads with a well known truth and ends with a lie they want to sell.

    Hey, I have an idea! Remove all lawsuit protections for Big Pharma from these questionable practices and THEN see if the scientific method gets reinstated.
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    • Posted by 1 week, 5 days ago
      They are good at pulling the purse-strings (and picking the pockets) of honest
      people while lying about the real effects of their experiments on healthy people.
      They KNOW that their concoctions are damaging to many and that's why
      they bribed con-gress to protect them from those they have damaged.
      Make such bribery a capital crime with additional monetary punishments
      so severe that even sociopaths won't be tempted.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 5 days ago
        Yes, MAHA. I think RFKj is a moderate lefty, but he's got this health situation in the right spotlight and Trump's tap to put him in the administration is a good move. All RFKj is really saying is, "Hey, somethings wrong and it's time we take a look to see what's going on." and the pharma/med establishment is so frickin' arrogant (and paid off) it's blocking all attempts. We went through this tactic with the 2020 election results where the ingrained left blocked all attempts to take a look. I would like to see Trump reopen that box of roaches and expose them to the light - not revenge, Justice!
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 1 week, 1 day ago
    As a family practice doctor, I can say that the pharm reps no longer provide those free lunches anymore. Many don't even have those free pens anymore. Argghhh. I used to love the food, and goodies, and I took them, but it never influenced my prescribing habits (maybe they figured that out, so they quit). Ha ha. That aside, I am hopeful RFK Jr gets confirmed and shakes up Big Pharma and the vaccine industry. As far as these doctor sheep that are signing up to oppose him, they are the same sheep that took the Covid vaccine, whether they believed in it or not, just to keep their jobs. I refused the shot and ended my career. And by the way, their are thousands of doctors supporting RFK Jr and fighting against the Covid vaccine, they just are suppressed by the MSM and many are being threatened with loss of board certifications, hospital privileges, and even licensure. Many in fact have already had their board certifications removed. I have to believe eventually the truth will come out.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 week, 1 day ago
      Thanks for the post, JohnRandALL. I wonder how many doctors and other medical professionals either threw in the towel or were pushed out because they refused the jab. My wife and I both opted out, but being retirees we didn't have a job to worry about.
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      • Posted by JohnRandALL 1 week ago
        In the hospital system I worked for, there were MANY doctors and nurses that left rather than get the shot, but the numbers were suppressed by the organization, they said in the news that the numbers were minimal, and did not effect services in any way, which was a lie. They covered it up.
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 6 days, 10 hours ago
          Thanks for sharing your perspective, John. I design healthcare facilities for a living and I'm having to deal with a complete dearth of engineers in their prime (typically 30 to 50 years old). They're all gone. There are just a few of us around with lots of experience, in our late 50s and older. I've been wondering why this massive gap exists and your comment reminded me that many of us were asked by the clients (healthcare providers) to take the jab to get access to the facilities to do our work. Maybe a lot of my colleagues just quit over it. I know it led to many firefighters, cops and airline pilots dropping out. There's been a real impact on my industry and I'm getting tired of fixing the screwups. Sadly...may just say "to hell with it" at the end of this year. Maybe go coach golf or drive a school bus...finally hit my "shrug job". I never took the jab.
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  • Posted by Lucky 1 week, 5 days ago
    RFK Jr has modestly asked for safety testing. He does not even specify criteria for passing such tests.

    The industry front group is outraged at this.
    Their letter uses the word qualified.
    All that means is that qualifications/accreditation are over-valued v. actual knowledge and experience, and, of course, state sanctions are too intrusive.
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    • Posted by bfreeman 1 week, 2 days ago
      Are these the same doctors who claimed that the "vaccine" was "safe and effective" when in fact the jabs introduced time bombs into people that will go off sooner or later? Maybe all of their licenses should be revoked for representing this group, just as they participated in the revocation of the licenses of the doctors who raised the alarms about the COVID shots.
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  • Posted by jimslag 1 week, 2 days ago
    Big Pharma needs to die, they are putting up a big blitzkrieg of around 57,000 doctors (?) to go against RFK. How many will be actors or Pharma exec's, who knows
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  • Posted by term2 4 days, 20 hours ago
    the more people and business hates RFK, the more the people need him to shake things up. Letting business have too much power for too long is a bad idea. They get used to taking advantage of their power, and the people need to stand up and show business that customers are THEIR real boss.
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