"Audit USAID…Then Shut it Down!" USAID is a key component of US government Regime change operations. The news from Ukraine is essentially being controlled by USAID funding. - Ron Paul
Posted by freedomforall 1 week, 5 days ago to Politics
"USAID funneled $53 million to ECO Health Alliance for corona virus gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. Did USAID help fund the COVID PLANDemic?"
SOURCE URL: https://x.com/RonPaul/status/1886556568323276940
They are currently above the law, and outside of being controlled.
We need to NATIONALIZE THEM. Fire the "Owners". and take the profits they make screwing us, and use that to pay the interest rates on our bonds, and pay down the debt.
What happens to the house of cards the banksters and Wall Street have been profiting from by making bets on derivatives they can't possibly afford to lose?
Counter-party contractual dependence probably would destroy the value of any assets in the short term and con-gress would bail them out against the interests of Americans.
It's the only way to return all Americans to fiscal sanity.
Cut off all new credit issuance to those with poor credit ratings, then reduce the credit card interest rates to % rates of federal debt to break the debt slavery cycle.
Pity that will greatly reduce the import of crappy products from China, too.
The next step, after we control it, is to AUDIT IT in real-time using software/AI. And have it identify the risk. Then SLOWLY let these things unwind without replacing them. Derivatives must have an expiration date, which helps us.
Finally, once we control the Fed. There will be no Bailouts. Their will be bankruptcy and settlement.
Also, the punishment for Money Laundering MUST BE Triple the amount of money laundered. Not a percentage of money made!
One agency down, a buttload to go.
USAID should be NUKED by DOGE.
Also, shame on DOGE They should PROJECT the savings over a 70 year LIFE span.
So, the savings PER PERSON LIFE should be used!
That kind of claim might be made when an entire department (e.g., Ejakashun, EPA, FDA, DEA )
is closed and clearly described as illegal and unconstitutional.
It's not just the fraud with USAID. Each CIA station chief is under that country's ambassador, who reports to the Secretary of State ... who runs USAID. USAID is a slush fund for the U.S. to "influence" other countries. So much for President Washington's admonition regarding foreign entanglements.
I like the Savings PER PERSON.
I certainly do NOT want my money going here.
It was Sent to Wuhan on orders of The Kenyan in 2015 so it wouldn’t happen on his watch.
See “Gain of Function Hall of Shame” if you really want to know what actually happened.