
Auerbach, Tom Wolfe, and Their Relationship to Each Other and Cultural Disintegration

Posted by $ SpiritWoman 1 week, 1 day ago to Culture
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You are wrong, [to a poster on another forum] you interpret just as I said you do. Just Sol Auerbach, writing under the pseudonym James S. Allen, Communist and Jew, in 1932 published under the auspices of "International Pamphlets" a global Communist publishing house, a tract called "The American Negro" "interpreted" (some say lied, as I do) the following, from reality itself:

"To justify the severe economic exploitation of the millions of Negro workers and tenant farmers, and at the same time to secure the support of the white workers in attacking the Negroes, the white ruling class of the country has deliberately cultivated the idea of “white superiority.” This notion which pervades every phase of the relations between white and black, originated in the days of slavery. Then the white landowners of the South used it to draw a distinct line of division between their slaves and the poor white fanners whose conditions were in many cases even worse than those of the slaves, being economically dependent on the large plantation owners through credits and rents. The animus of the small white farmer was thus turned against the Negro slave, who, he was led to believe, was the direct cause of his misery. Today, when capitalism inevitably causes mass unemployment and misery, the white worker of the South is still told that the Negro is to blame. Not only in the South, but in northern communities as well, the doctrine of white supremacy is used to terrorize Negro workers.

A whole system of segregation and Jim Crow laws and practices has been made a part of southern life. The Negro is looked upon as a virtual outcast, “only a Nigger,” who because of his so evident inferiority should be fortunate if he escapes a lynching party or the stray bullet of a policeman or overseer. This brutal system of persecution and tyranny is created by the capitalist class of the South. The more severe the economic exploitation the more severe all forms of oppression. Peonage on the southern farms is enforced by rope and faggot, by the state and the courts of “justice” run by white men. Poverty in the cities needs chain gangs and vagrancy laws and bullets. The Negro can be kept at his lower economic level to be used against white workers, only by this method of suppression. Because of this violent oppression the Negro workers are fast becoming the foremost revolutionary fighters.

From the moment of his birth, the child of a white worker in the South drinks in race prejudice. Segregation is a universal rule — -hospital, home, school, street-car, railway station, railroad, place of amusement, factory — in all these places the ruling class takes good care to draw the race line. There are legal ordinances in practically every southern city preventing fraternization of the races, providing for Jim Crow in amusement places, in housing, and the like. In six southern states intermarriage is prohibited by the state constitution, and 29 states have laws prohibiting intermarriage, although 80% of the American Negroes show a mixture with white blood.

In the North the Negro is also segregated, ostracized, and persecuted. With the growth of the Negro proletariat in the North and the fostering of race prejudice by the employers for their own ends, many elements of the southern “white superiority” idea and Jim Crow system function just as viciously."

This is from Auerbach's section: "White Supremacy".

You really should broaden your outlook. Perhaps a viewing of the blockbuster silent film of 1915 "Birth of a Nation" would help. I myself have gone through some of the events described, in a more modern version, of course.

Oh, and by the way, that great 20th century capitalist, Henry Ford, would have a great deal of dissension with this 'interpretation' of events.

((Interestingly, Jack Foner, the father of Eric Foner, who is a well-thought-of historian at Columbia University, noted for his "seminal"---whatever that means!---tome on Reconstruction in the South, believing he has proven it was a great and worthy thing, was a Communist. Perhaps he even knew Sol Auerbach.))

Tom Wolfe:
Furthermore, (From Tom Wolfe's "Radical Chic, or That Party at Lennie's", written 1970, about a party given by Leonard Bernstein, to help fund the Black Panthers):

"...according to Seymour Martin Lipset, Nathan Glazer, and Kenneth Keniston, an unusually high proportion of campus militants come from well-to-do Jewish families. They have developed the so-called 'red-diaper-baby' theory to explain it. According to Lipset, many Jewish children have grown up in families, which "around the breakfast table, day after day, in Scarsdale, Newton, Great Neck, and Beverly Hills, have discussed racist and reactionary tendencies in American society. Lipset speaks of the wealthy Jewish family with the 'right-wing lifestyle' (e.g. a majority of Americans outside of the South who have full time servants are Jewish, according to a study by Lipset, Glazer and Herbert Hyman) and the 'left-wing outlook'."

Perhaps that is how you grew up. But we don't really know, do we?

Your interpretation of any real events in today's (or yesterday's) America will not be allowed to change the original intent of our founders, as put down in words in the U.S. Constitution.

There is no need for, and there will be no, 'fundamental transformation' of America, just to allay your anxieties and misplaced fears.

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  • Posted by $ 1 week, 1 day ago
    Henry Ford made no distinction between his negro workers and his white workers. He found places for all. Yet he was castigated for being racist, and using his negro workers badly. How many lies can one nation of decent people---Anglo-Saxon and various and sundry immigrants, take?
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  • Posted by $ 1 week, 1 day ago
    And in case we forget, George Orwell, 1984:

    As Orwell wrote in 1984: "Black is white".

    And from a webpage on Orwell's 1984---I read it so long ago, I have forgotten details---:

    "The significance of "2+2=5" in 1984 by George Orwell is that it represents the Party's control over reality and truth. By forcing citizens to accept obvious falsehoods, the Party demonstrates its power to dictate what is real and to manipulate and oppress individual thought and perception."

    "In 1984, Physical Jerks are mandatory exercises that keep citizens physically fit and submissive. Doublethink is the ability to hold two contradictory beliefs simultaneously, which allows the Party to manipulate reality and control thoughts. Both serve to maintain the Party's absolute power by ensuring physical compliance and mental control over the populace."

    Thank God we have been able to see this before it's too late.
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