George Washington Jackerspades
From the following:
A Dissertation
Submitted to the Faculty
Of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
of Master of Arts
Department of History
John W. Manning
From a footnote in the above:
"House Report, 39th. Congress, 1st. Session, Doc.ll.
Also Louisville Daily Democrat, January 7, 1866. The
report of the Secretary of War, 1866, page 705, states
that after June 12, 1866, General Fiske was assigned to
duty as District Commander of Troops in Tennessee, and
finally mustered out of service, September 1, 1866.
Brig. Gen. J. R. Lewis succeeded him as head of the
Freedmen's Bureau in Tennessee, Kentucky was made a
separate sub-district.
At this point it is interesting to notice the work
of Fiske among the negroes, which must have been very
intimate, if the newspapers are to be depended upon.
The following are extracts from a speech of George
Washington Jackerspades, of color, to a meeting of
freedmen in Louisville, January 16, 1866, as reported
by the Democrat of January .17:
"He (General Fiske) told us, ladies and gemmen, feller
citizens, dat ob right all de lands in de Souf belong
to us. You hear date Yes, sar, and I te11s you dat
if dar was a few mor white men wid nigger hearts, like
our respected friend Ginral Frisk, we had dem lands • ...
Fact tis, I would like to hab a plantation down on de
Massissip river with a few of dese dam rebs to work
for me... He tell us dat when one of dese dam rebs
poke his head up (dat means when he sass collud gemmen
or lady) just shoot him on de spot ... . He (General Fiske)
is the only white man dat I eber see who was fit to be
a nigger. He ben to my house, de Ginral hab, he set
long side my ole women at de dinner table, he pat my
sun, Gump, on de hed and say, 'Sunny, you grow big
arter while, kill lots dam white trash'. He kiss my
little Tebisyann, and say, 'Brudder Sam, dis nice
little gal ob yourn - you send her to school arter
while- she make nice wife for my sun'. You hear dat."
(Great applause). 'He tell us to work or let lone,
just as we please, dat every ting belong to us anyhow.
And he say he be dam ef ne gwaine to let dem white
trash make vagrous laws for us - you hear dat • •• Now
I want you all to go home and pray dat if the Lord can't
change Ginrals skin in dis world, dat he may always keep
as black a heart as He got now, and when he come to die
to gib him a seat in heaben longside de niggars he hep
so well in dis world."
Interesting, as harsh as Reconstruction was in Kentucky, Kentuckians had voted early in the war to remain neutral.
By Zeitgeist (aka SpiritWoman)
((Funny, isn't it, how these people, once emancipated just KNEW they could run a plantation as good as or better than, their white plantation owners.))
A Dissertation
Submitted to the Faculty
Of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree
of Master of Arts
Department of History
John W. Manning
From a footnote in the above:
"House Report, 39th. Congress, 1st. Session, Doc.ll.
Also Louisville Daily Democrat, January 7, 1866. The
report of the Secretary of War, 1866, page 705, states
that after June 12, 1866, General Fiske was assigned to
duty as District Commander of Troops in Tennessee, and
finally mustered out of service, September 1, 1866.
Brig. Gen. J. R. Lewis succeeded him as head of the
Freedmen's Bureau in Tennessee, Kentucky was made a
separate sub-district.
At this point it is interesting to notice the work
of Fiske among the negroes, which must have been very
intimate, if the newspapers are to be depended upon.
The following are extracts from a speech of George
Washington Jackerspades, of color, to a meeting of
freedmen in Louisville, January 16, 1866, as reported
by the Democrat of January .17:
"He (General Fiske) told us, ladies and gemmen, feller
citizens, dat ob right all de lands in de Souf belong
to us. You hear date Yes, sar, and I te11s you dat
if dar was a few mor white men wid nigger hearts, like
our respected friend Ginral Frisk, we had dem lands • ...
Fact tis, I would like to hab a plantation down on de
Massissip river with a few of dese dam rebs to work
for me... He tell us dat when one of dese dam rebs
poke his head up (dat means when he sass collud gemmen
or lady) just shoot him on de spot ... . He (General Fiske)
is the only white man dat I eber see who was fit to be
a nigger. He ben to my house, de Ginral hab, he set
long side my ole women at de dinner table, he pat my
sun, Gump, on de hed and say, 'Sunny, you grow big
arter while, kill lots dam white trash'. He kiss my
little Tebisyann, and say, 'Brudder Sam, dis nice
little gal ob yourn - you send her to school arter
while- she make nice wife for my sun'. You hear dat."
(Great applause). 'He tell us to work or let lone,
just as we please, dat every ting belong to us anyhow.
And he say he be dam ef ne gwaine to let dem white
trash make vagrous laws for us - you hear dat • •• Now
I want you all to go home and pray dat if the Lord can't
change Ginrals skin in dis world, dat he may always keep
as black a heart as He got now, and when he come to die
to gib him a seat in heaben longside de niggars he hep
so well in dis world."
Interesting, as harsh as Reconstruction was in Kentucky, Kentuckians had voted early in the war to remain neutral.
By Zeitgeist (aka SpiritWoman)
((Funny, isn't it, how these people, once emancipated just KNEW they could run a plantation as good as or better than, their white plantation owners.))
When he heard a relative complain that his low economic condition was caused by "the man," he observed that he had never seen a bunch of white guys drag him out of school. That did not make him popular with the rest of the family.
On another occasion, a relative complained that his son was treated like a shoplifter in a high level clothing store. His comment to the relative was that maybe if his son didn't dress like a thug, talk like a thug, and keep making gang symbols people would treat him with more respect. Needless to say that wasn't well received, either.
I have had good and bad experiences. While there may be some cultural generalities observed [like this man's family] some people are able to rise above the norm, and that ability should be recognized.
And I don't know how to explain this to them so they can understand it.
Black Americans have only had the opportunity to experience life as white Americans do (sort of) since the 1960s. What didn't help was LBJ's "Great Society," giveaways that destroyed the black nuclear family. It was the kind of racism of low expectations that did terrible damage, resulting in most black children growing up in a single parent (usually the mother) home, and out of wedlock birth rate climbing to 70%.
Schools in black neighborhoods are lower quality than in white neighborhoods, with the combination of poor family conditions and incompetent teachers resulting in children unable to read by the age of eight. Child psychologists will tell you that if the window of opportunity to develop reading skills is missed, that person is likely to have a lower IQ score in testing. A child of any race that suffers these limiting conditions will appear less intelligent than their peers who have better family and educational conditions.
No reply necessary.
It is because of posters in the Gulch like you that I will soon be leaving. Hardly intellectual stimulation.
You condemn a GROUP of people for not being able to distinguish INDIVIDUALS.
I comprehend english fine, but obviously you do not. Still don't get it? None is so blind as one who WILL NOT see.
"Logical" enough for you?
A sense of respect for the rights of others does not necessarily depend on mentality only.
"American blacks cannot hold positions of power and authority in America, and the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa must have caretaker forms of government until and unless they can demonstrate self-restraint and self-government."
I would in bygone times, have told you that perhaps there is the rare black that is exceptional, maybe even able to think analytically, EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT every single black American will generalize that statement into ALL blacks can think analytically. This is what they do, and how they think. Generalization of instantiation is typical blackthink.
Please read my topic: "Parting Shot" to get a better idea of exactly what we are dealing with in the here and now, and why it will result in unwanted future consequences.
Culture is the great divider, as we witness a distinct split in American culture, with one side judging people by their character, and the other by the color of their skin. Leftists believe that whites are incurably racist, and would gladly point to you as that example.
Do you understand AVERAGE? You don't seem to understand RESPECT FOR OTHERS, so thought I would ask.
Different breeds have different characteristics, as well. Of course, it's more observant in breeds of dogs, as there are far fewer genes for intelligence, etc. But labradors on the whole, will retrieve, and border collies, on the whole, will shepherd.
Herrnstein and Murray showed that the average IQ of blacks is a whole standard deviation lower than the average IQ of all other Americans. You can read this in their study: The Bell Curve.
Eric Holder is one of the worst of these. I had a particularly bad run-in with him.
I never knew Obamma said that; he may have done it for the sake of immigrants from the Central and South America.
I'll get busy on that topic.
But there were (woman) judges who were against outlawing the use of Spanish in the schoolyard, saying Hispanics would get the idea they were 'not wanted'. In fact, the opposite would occur. Preventing Hispanics from learning and using English on the playground would give them the idea they were not wanted.
I do like your response, mccannon.
When I was working on contract in China the people were taught English in school because it was recognized as a world common language. All the techs and engineers I worked with were so proficient in English, I had a hard time trying to pick up a bit of Chinese. There were a few times they would join me at my hotel for dinner after work and they would bring their families so the children could converse with me in American English. It seems the left in America is working overtime to destroy the English language and, therefore, unglue a major bond that holds us together.
Here's the link. It may not go directly to the recording of the conference, but it is in the Wikipedia article on Plains Indian Sign Language. General Scott didn't want to lose the history of sign language in the Plains.
Or maybe the languages of the Eastern Indians were more compatible with each other.
It was interesting to hear (see?) one of the chiefs refer to the fact that the Indians fought each other before the White Man came, and the White Man told them to stop.
From my own heritage, part Choctaw, part Creek, these two tribes of the Five Civilized Tribes in the Southeast of America fought continuously before Spanish, French or English arrived. The French, though, allied with the Choctaw, and the British with the Creek, and it was said that even though the two tribes would fight each other anyway, they didn't like to do it at the instigation of the Europeans!!
(I found this in a book by Edward J. Cashin, "Lachlan McGillivray, Indian Trader, The Shaping of the Colonial Frontier", pub. date, 1991. Lachlan is one of my ancestors, as is Louis LeFlore who married a Choctaw Princess. The two were associated with the trading firm: Panton Leslie and Company which was domiciled in St. Augustine, Florida in one of the Two Floridas under the control of "His Catholic Majesties" of Spain. To me, this is incredible history, history that has been concealed from us for 'one reason or another'.)
And I agree. English is a 'lingua franca' for the world. Since the Tower of Babel, there needs to be some universal method of communicating for the peoples of the world. AI bots and google translate are poor substitutes.
(And I have even found Leftists references to a propagation of the idea that no lingua franca is necessary. Black is white, and all the rest of that rot.)
Firstly, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, read my topic "Parting Shot". Try to understand the relevant points, and their connection to respect for the rights of private American citizens.
Secondly, I am something new to these people. They 'know' what they have been told, and when something new appears, they do not have the capability of integrating it or responding to it in rational ways. This is a cause for the stagnation that occurs in the cultures of Sub-Saharan African peoples.
I don't believe they can comprehend that there is a difference between KNOWLEDGE, which is the learning or memorization of 'facts' discovered and demonstrated to be true by others, and INTELLIGENCE, which is actually the MEANS by which the 'facts' are ascertained, by others.
Dr. Zarkov, if you WANT RESPECT, then read my topic "Parting Shot" and comment on its relevance to respect for the rights of others.