Great Replacement Job Shock: In August Alone, 1.3 Million Native-Born Americans Just Lost Their Jobs, Replaced By 635,000 [Mostly Illegal Invading] Immigrants.

Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 2 weeks ago to Economics
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"Starting at the top, while the number of employed workers did rise by 168K, looking closer at the composition of this increase is disastrous: that's because it consisted of an increase of 527K part-time jobs, offset by a 438K plunge in full-time jobs.

This means that since last June, the US has added just over 2 million part-time jobs, and lost over 1.5 million full-time jobs.

Needless to say, part-time jobs pay far less, don't offer benefits, and generally lead to a suboptimal outcomes for the labor market, one of which is the need to get more than one job, and sure enough, the number of multiple jobholders - or people who for whatever reason have more than one job - jumped above 8.5 million, back to all time highs.

And while the quality of job gains in the past year has clearly been catastrophic - a necessary condition to give the impression that headline, or quantiative, job growth was strong - there was a very clear reason for that, and it goes back to what we have been pounding the table on in the past: the reason is the continued replacement of native-born workers with immigrants (some legal but mostly illegal). And as the following chart shows, it is anything but a theory: it is cold hard fact.

Presenting exhibit A: the number of native-born vs foreign-born workers in August.

In an absolute shocker of a data point, in the past month, the US added 635K foreign-born workers, while losing 1.325 million native-born workers. This was tied for the biggest one-month drop in native-born workers since the covid crash!

But it's not just the past month, or two, or three... As regular readers know, the reason why suddenly we are bombarded with media pitches for why illegal immigrants are actually great for you, is that the US has not created a single job for native-born workers since July 2018! And in that interval, it has created 4.7 million jobs for immigrants, both legal and illegal."

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  • Posted by mhubb 5 months, 1 week ago
    i just see no way to stop a total economic collapse

    Trump may be able to delay it, mitigate it

    the real question is why idiots like biden, pelosi, schumer think that those they are importing will keep voting for people like them and not people like themselves. the democrat "leadership" is condemning its own children to becoming soylent green
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    • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 1 week ago
      "Trump may be able to delay it, mitigate it" or maybe not. A thought crossed my mind as I read your post and that is maybe "they" know an economic blow up is likely in the next four years so the commies put up Kommie-La knowing she will likely lose making Trump take the fall for the disaster. Hard to imagine Trump getting set up to be a patsy, but hey, just thinkin' here.
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      • Posted by 5 months, 1 week ago
        Regardless of which candidate is "selected" by the voting machine programmers
        the blame for any collapse will be placed by propagandist media upon the
        innocent, productive, and rational "right-wing domestic terrorists", aka MAGA
        and deplorables who value individual liberty.
        The next 5 years are for all the marbles.
        Get your gear in shape, practice marksmanship, and buy more ammo.
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      • Posted by mhubb 5 months, 1 week ago
        i've had the same thought

        but remember, they still blame Trump and Bush for stuff now

        Trump's ego is just slightly larger than mine
        he won't accept he is being setup

        (if you see something larger than Trump's ego, RUN!!!!!! RUN FAST!!!! and do not do like the people in Godzilla movies and run directly away from the monster, turn 90 degrees and run!!)
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    • Posted by 5 months, 1 week ago
      Clearly, they view children as just younger bodies to suck the life from.
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 5 months, 1 week ago
        Literally and figuratively.
        200,000 "immigrant" children missing each year. another 70-100,000 US citizen children go missing.
        Riddle me this Batman: Where the hell do a half million children go missing to every year?
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        • Posted by 5 months, 1 week ago
          I might argue with your math, but I get your point.
          Can't happen unless the corruption is very deep and widespread.
          Scumbags, politicians, banksters, stockbrokers, but now I'm repeating myself.
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          • Posted by tutor-turtle 5 months, 1 week ago
            The Elites who visited Epstein's Island, the creepy Alistair Crowley worshiping "celebrities", all those 70,80, 90 year olds who look decades younger than they should, are Adrenochrome junkies.
            And where does Adrenochrome come from?
            Yah my math might be off probably more like a million world wide.
            Hell 10,000 orphaned children disappeared from Haiti earthquake, after Clinton and her so-called "Foundation" swooped in and scooped them up.
            Evil doings on a massive scale are afoot.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 5 months, 1 week ago
    Lies more lies and statistics. It’s all over if the Will of the people are usurped again. Trump and BRICS are in a slow controlled demolition of the Central bank system. It has to be this way as the enemy are the Banksters
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