Fifty Shades of Central Bank Tyranny. Are We Already Under A CBDC System?
Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 2 weeks ago to Economics
"The United States has had a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) since the late 1990s—or possibly even as far back as the 1970s, depending on how you define it. Definitions matter. Just as the bestselling novel 50 Shades of Gray explores the complex dynamics of control and submission in a relationship, our financial system has evolved into what could be called “50 Shades of Central Bank Tyranny.”
Each layer of our digital currency system peels back the seductive mask of freedom, revealing progressively darker shades of control. As we delve deeper, what seems like autonomy at first glance is only an illusion where more intricate and pervasive forms of dominance lay hidden, its grip tightening with every layer.
Our politicians work their sleight of hand by manipulating language itself to give a false impression, masking either a different intent or simply trying to gain the appearance of a victory with little or no actual underlying achievement. After all, the Patriot Act was anything but “patriotic.” The CARES Act, while sounding warmly empathetic, cared more about large multinational corporations than small businesses, about Big Pharma over American health, and above all, about the expansion of the surveillance state and protection of the censorship industrial complex over the liberty and free speech of the American people.
Just as 50 Shades of Gray reveals the intricate power plays in a seemingly consensual relationship, so too does our current financial system reveal its true nature as a digital dominatrix—one that has been steadily adding links to the chain of financial enslavement, tightening its grip on our autonomy for decades.
In this article, I will define what a Central Bank Digital Currency is by exploring its major categories. I’ll demonstrate that the US already operates with a form of CBDC, albeit without the flashy labels. I will also show that the Federal Reserve (the Fed) can introduce more dystopian elements into this system—such as programming restrictions on when, how, and where you can spend your money without requiring Congressional approval.
However, the fear of central bank control over your transactions is, in fact, a red herring. The real threat lies with our government, which has already perfected the art of surveillance. Adding programmability is just the next logical step. Ultimately, both Republicans and Democrats are steering us toward the same destination: total digital control. They may use different words and different propaganda, but their goals converge. While we can’t simply vote out of this predicament, we can opt out entirely."
"The United States has had a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) since the late 1990s—or possibly even as far back as the 1970s, depending on how you define it. Definitions matter. Just as the bestselling novel 50 Shades of Gray explores the complex dynamics of control and submission in a relationship, our financial system has evolved into what could be called “50 Shades of Central Bank Tyranny.”
Each layer of our digital currency system peels back the seductive mask of freedom, revealing progressively darker shades of control. As we delve deeper, what seems like autonomy at first glance is only an illusion where more intricate and pervasive forms of dominance lay hidden, its grip tightening with every layer.
Our politicians work their sleight of hand by manipulating language itself to give a false impression, masking either a different intent or simply trying to gain the appearance of a victory with little or no actual underlying achievement. After all, the Patriot Act was anything but “patriotic.” The CARES Act, while sounding warmly empathetic, cared more about large multinational corporations than small businesses, about Big Pharma over American health, and above all, about the expansion of the surveillance state and protection of the censorship industrial complex over the liberty and free speech of the American people.
Just as 50 Shades of Gray reveals the intricate power plays in a seemingly consensual relationship, so too does our current financial system reveal its true nature as a digital dominatrix—one that has been steadily adding links to the chain of financial enslavement, tightening its grip on our autonomy for decades.
In this article, I will define what a Central Bank Digital Currency is by exploring its major categories. I’ll demonstrate that the US already operates with a form of CBDC, albeit without the flashy labels. I will also show that the Federal Reserve (the Fed) can introduce more dystopian elements into this system—such as programming restrictions on when, how, and where you can spend your money without requiring Congressional approval.
However, the fear of central bank control over your transactions is, in fact, a red herring. The real threat lies with our government, which has already perfected the art of surveillance. Adding programmability is just the next logical step. Ultimately, both Republicans and Democrats are steering us toward the same destination: total digital control. They may use different words and different propaganda, but their goals converge. While we can’t simply vote out of this predicament, we can opt out entirely."
all money is really digital
and subject to manipulation
Direct deposit.
Credit cards.
On-line banking.
Direct billing.
Pay the businesses you love in cash, the rest get CC's.
Instead of holding onto large sums of money in a bank, instead buy tangible things; land, tools, precious metals. If your hobby is cars, boats, antiques, music (fill in the blank) invest in quality. Make sure they are the desirable ones, the ones that hold long-term value.
Always hold some cash on hand.
Have we been moved into a CASHLESS Society. Yeah, certainly. (FWIW, the company that prints our $$$ demands payment in GOLD. LMAO)
the biggest difference between a CBDC and our CASHLESS (semi-controlled) society is the application of a few rules.
1) Programmatic Access Restriction (no meat for you)
2) Zonal restrictions (Can't buy HERE)
3) Expiration Currency (This $50 must be spent on hookers or children or it evaporates in 72hrs)
4) Negative Interest Rates. (No bank could ever do this. People would not deposit with them. BUT a CBDC can just take the % out on a daily basis. Not a single human required once programmed in.
5) Ability to tie this to Social Credit Scores, Permanent ID (Only racist if required for Voting, BTW), and as another control mechanism.
6) Did you take your meds? Sorry, your wallet is closed until you take your Statin, your 115th Booster, and your "Side Effect Prevention Pill"
So... NOT YET. And if we allow this, it will be much worse.
For the record. BTC, like the Constitution, was designed to keep GOVERNMENTS in check.
Imagine if the government had to pay everything on a BLOCK CHAIN with Publicly Visible Records.
Good Luck MISPLACING $1 Trillion. It could not happen.
That's why WE will live under a CBDC before they will.
Imagine "Sorry, your government check cannot be cashed today, because Congress over spent the actual currency!"
Convert your paper $ into ammunition!
Only a 10% premium over spot ammo prices!
Buy now before cash expiration!
and if they are silver, good for vampires and werewolves
question, do politicians count as vampires??
Leaving our assets under the control of the enemy is foolish when there are alternatives. The enemy has imposed penalties if we wish to remove our assets from retirement accounts, but its foolish to risk 100% to avoid losing 20% of an asset with an inflated value. Moving the assets to a place that is much less likely to seize assets due to bail out thieves and enemies is common sense.The mountain of debt that the fools in D.C. have piled up will not go away peacefully, imo.
Side note: I watched an interesting video last night of a series of interviews of "millionaires" vacationing in Hawaii as to whom they are voting for. The Kommie-La supporters were all about she's a woman, she's black, she makes me feel good, and what a wonderful thing it would be to have woman of color for president. The Trump supporters were all about the economy, national sovereignty, and energy independence. The head count on the video was 50-50 but the reasoning contrast was stark!
"If any part of your uncertainty is a conflict between your heart and your mind - follow your mind".
Hawaii is second only to Commiepornia as a state in its lack of freedom. Lots of places more deserving of business from 'conservatives' and Trump supporters. The Deep State is at war with honest people, and the most effective weapon that conservatives can use peacefully is to starve to death the businesses that support enslaving us. This lack of resistance to tyranny also contributes to my lack of optimism.
Our collective future is dark and short. I don't see their plans having any affect on our survival after the micro nova (armageddon) . No matter how much we prepare (in a basic sense) we still start from scratch.
However, with innovative and creative input from the best of us in all fields, it's possible to hit the ground running and get back up quickly without having to reinvent the wheel.
I wonder if anyone thought about these things during the "end days of Noah" . . .