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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    Instead, stop the fed.
    The banking cartel is the source of most of the misery on planet Earth.
    (Both major parties support and enthusiastically encourage banksters thievery.)
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 month, 2 weeks ago
      The argument FOR the Fed is...

      You can't trust ELECTED people to do the right thing...

      That's why we use UNELECTED, UNAUDITED people who ADMIT they profit from this, and keep their profits but make the Government subsidize their bailouts... OH, and they pay no income taxes.

      How about we tax MONEY CREATION... At DOUBLE the rate the Government pays in interest?

      But nobody comprehends the system... And that's by design!
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    "...No, voters will focus on the “problems” of greed and profit-seeking by those who produce, package, and deliver daily one of the world’s safest, most diverse, reliable, and accessible food supplies. And such voters will herald the latest champion of the mixed economy who will rescue us..."

    Isn't that what Hitler promised and got his party into power? Only to end in death, destruction, and division? Is this America's future? Except, instead of a raving maniac, we'll have a giggling airhead.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    Grocery stores have the lowest profit margin of any of our local businesses: about 1%.
    Just one more thing, in a list of thousands, Comrade Kabala knows nothing about.

    But WTF, we have: "Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy" -Stimpy
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  • Posted by 1 month, 2 weeks ago
    Good to see all the comments. I don't quite see the meaning of mhubb 22. Is restraining or even abolishing the Fed analogous to Putin removing "the power of the bankers"? In fact, it seems to me, it would free the banks (except no more Federal Reserve banks) and leave the money supply and banking to free enterprise. Not what Putin has in mind.
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 month, 2 weeks ago
      my understanding is that part of what Putin said he wanted was to get the bankers out of Russia (their power)

      this was when Tucker Carlson was still on Fox
      i believe Putin took Russia back to the Gold Standard, to help break the banker cartel

      and this is why they are so after him and Russia, they cannot allow someone to leave and show how corrupt the bankers are

      i remember hearing this, how true, got me

      Putin is not all bad nor is he all good
      no national leader can be a saint
      they can be devils

      but the West is doing EXACTLY what Putin said would start a wider war, trying to surround Russia with NATO. NATO should be ended, no more Soviet Union with client states
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