Prosecutors Knew Epstein Had Sex With Underage Girls Years Before Sweetheart Plea Deal That Freed Him To Go On Raping More Underage Girls

Posted by freedomforall 8 months ago to Politics
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"Federal prosecutors knew Jeffrey Epstein raped teenage girls 2 years before they cut him a sweetheart plea deal. We now know this because a Florida judge on Monday unveiled the grand jury transcript from that 2006 investigation.
Alex Acosta heard directly from one victim who clearly stated Epstein raped her the day before her 18th birthday. Acosta was the top federal prosecutor in Florida at the time of the plea agreement. He had first-hand testimony, but still gave Epstein a light plea deal. Epstein was sentenced to 1.5 years sentence in the Palm Beach County jail system, but his sentence he was allowed to go to his office almost daily as part of a work-release program. "
Corrupt Federal prosecutors
Corrupt Federal judges
Corrupt (murdering) treasonous Federal bureaucrats at FBI, BATF, JustUS Dept., CIA, NSA
Corrupt treasonous US Senators
Corrupt treasonous US House representatives
Corrupt Treasonous Vice President Buydem
Corrupt Treasonous President GHW Bush
Corrupt Treasonous President Clinton
Corrupt Treasonous President George Bush
Corrupt Treasonous President Obama
Corrupt Treasonous False President Buydem
D.C. can't be reformed. NIFO

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 months ago
    Due to an early interview I heard of Mike Cernovich (sp?) I learned a lot about the whole Epstein arrangement before his final arrest. My first comment to a colleague I worked with when we were talking about him was that "they'll never arrest this guy". I was wrong. They arrested him. Then, my colleague and I were talking that day and it hit me. I blurted out, "He'll be dead by this weekend!" Sure enough. He was dead...strangled in a suicide watch. (If you know the protocols on that in a corrections facility you know this was a huge inside job.)

    But, when he was arrested that last time I was naïve. Knowing the depth of his arrangements I was very open about it. This was a chance for America to go though a needed, very cathartic clensing where we arrest all these f'n perverts and start taking care of the children. Nope....the opposite happened. A certain government agency went all over his island TWICE since his death and never reported anything found. Why is that? I bet you can figure that out. This is like Ferris showing incriminating photos to Rearden.

    Read "One Nation Under Blackmail" on Epstein. I couldn't read it after the 1st chapter. Too dark for me...
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  • Posted by mhubb 8 months ago
    this is much bigger than epstein (who did not kill himself)

    much, much bigger
    but most people just do not care
    as long as they get t heir government job, pension, welfare, ect
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 8 months ago
      Americans especially don't care about kids. Clearly..."Here kids. Here's $35T in debt. Go f&%k yourselves. Don't forget to sign up for that military inscription, by the way. Or else."
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      • Posted by 8 months ago
        D.C. "leaders" don't care.
        Americans have no voice in what the "leaders" in D.C. do.
        Those Americans who voice disagreement (e.g., Jan 6) get jailed,censored/character assassinated, or murdered.
        Eventually enough Americans will forcefully resist the evil done in D.C.
        A reckoning is coming and overdue.
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