Ford Files Patent For System To "Automatically Snitch" On Speeders. Boycott Ford. They Are Assisting The Enemy..

Posted by freedomforall 6 months, 1 week ago to Technology
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"Ford has filed a new patent called "Systems and Methods for Detecting Speeding Violations" that reveals the company is looking at ways to "automatically snitch" on speeding drivers, a new report from TechRadar shows.

Ford's patent filing with the USPTO details a system using vehicles' cameras and sensors to detect speeding motorists and report them to authorities.

Basic sketches and flow charts illustrate how this technology senses speed violations, activates cameras to capture images, and transmits data to nearby pursuit vehicles or logs it to a server. The captured data, including speed, GPS location, and clear imagery or video, can then be sent to authorities for potential action."

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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 6 months, 1 week ago
    I always liked Fords. But this is bad news. I currently drive an 8 year old Subaru, and I am happy with it, has been very reliable. I had to get a rental car recently and drove halfway through Denver before I realized the lights were not on. Could not find the light switch. Nothing was intuitive. Screen full of lights, telling me nothing useful. To hell with new cars. Keeping mine til the wheels fall off.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 months, 1 week ago
    Makes me all the more glad I quit buying Fords and became an "everlasting Honda dino" around the turn of the century.
    Had two Fords that developed a transmission problems. The second one was one too many.
    My first Honda was an Accord that lasted 13 years without much of a bother before dashboard electronics shutdown prompted a decision to trade it in.
    I'm now driving my second Honda hatchback after the first getting quite old one without much of a bother got totaled in an accident.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 6 months, 1 week ago
    There's already the strong probability that everywhere you go is being logged someplace; if I would plead innocent to some crime because "I was somewhere else at the time", I'd bet my left testicle that the courts could subpoena Nissan's records regarding any and all of my movements.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 6 months, 1 week ago
    The busy body control freaks of government will LOVE this revenue producing method of fleecing the sheep even more. I can see states mandating retrofitting all existing cars to use this tech, too. So, I wonder, will this auto speed detect also automatically slow the vehicle down to the posted limit?
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    • Posted by 6 months, 1 week ago
      The lack of competence in auto repairs is also causing frustration.
      I made an appointment for some repair debugging on my car a month ago.
      The competent shop is 60 miles away and that was the soonest they could take the car in.
      A week before that appointment my clutch went out.
      Likely master or slave issue which could be repaired in a couple hours.
      I couldn't get an appointment locally for a week and I had the car towed there a day early.
      Two full days later and they've done nothing whatsoever. No bays available.
      (Huh? Why the F^&* did you say you could work on it then? Are you incompetent morons?)
      So that easy repair will take another couple days and I've lost the appointment at the competent shop
      to actually find the problem that the local guys are too incompetent to even figure out.
      Now I get to wait another month for another appointment - and I can't drive the car for another month.
      Competency on anything more than car washing and making french fries evaporated
      when so-called [evil, white male] Boomers were forced out of their jobs for cheaper
      [incompetent] youth [with Ivy League degrees in DEI.]
      The silver lining (if you can call it that) is that I'm being prepared for typical
      incompetence if I move to Latin America to escape the destruction of America.
      Asia looks better every day.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 6 months, 1 week ago
        I expect things to get a lot worse, especially as government mandates force more complexities on vehicles and government incompetence guarantees more incompetent graduates from the school system - how do you teach a kid that can barely write his name to diagnose and repair said vehicles?
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 6 months, 1 week ago
    We have most of what is needed to avoid all this sh1t.
    - Horse drawn vehicles, horses and harness.
    - Understanding of how to drive and to train a horse for driving.
    - Ancient Dodge trucks that don't have any of that computer stuff.

    However, we're getting old and will eventually have trouble taking care of our horses who are also old.

    Any suggestions? Our heirs are not interested in horses at all.
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    • Posted by Woodsteach 6 months, 1 week ago
      Snezzy, send them out to Nebraska, I'm down to just one hayburner and he is lonely.. Had to put down 3 OLD ones a month ago.

      My goal is a team of horses to farm 5-10 acres with.

      As far as the Fords, we knew that this was just a matter of time, we gave 'them''' auto driving, GPS, etc. for convience.. Hell if you cannot drive by using a map, stay home.
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      • Posted by $ Snezzy 6 months, 1 week ago
        Ours are mostly OLD. Our best pony, on the front of ponyspot dot com, is nearly 50. Another is like 37. No back teeth. We keep them alive on Standlee's alfalfa/timothy, timothy, and beet pulp pellets, well soaked. $$tandlee but well worth it.

        They're pretty smart, and I almost think they could walk to Nebraska themselves if they could only read a map.

        We use to have Saddlebreds. Brilliant driving horses, especially pair.

        For you, get a pair (or maybe four) of stout Haflingers, or maybe a pair of mules. Check with your Amish neighbors no matter how far away they might be.

        Beware using old harness. Inspect it in full sunlight. We bought some at night once, and the following day's sunshine revealed that all we had was quaint-looking wall decorations. We sold it all to a guy putting in a "Western-themed" restaurant.
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