Is Big Tech Melting Your Brain?

Posted by freedomforall 10 months, 3 weeks ago to Technology
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"Generations ago it wasn’t uncommon for educated people to memorize chunks of The Iliad, building up their minds by forcing them to do all the rewarding work associated with real reading: assembling images, keeping track of plot and character structure, juggling themes and challenging ideas even as you carried the story along. Then came mass media. Newspapers shortened attention span, movies arrived and did visual assembly for you, TV mastered mental junk food, MTV replaced story with montages of interesting nonsensical images, then finally the Internet came and made it possible to endlessly follow your own random impulses instead of anyone else’s schedule or plot.

I’m not a believer in “eat your vegetables” media. People who want to reform the press often feel the solution involves convincing people that just should read 6,000-word ProPublica investigations about farm prices instead of visiting porn sites or watching awesome YouTube compilations of crane crashes. It can’t work. The only way is to compete with spirit: make articles interesting or funny enough that audiences will swallow the “important” parts, although even that’s the wrong motive. Rolling Stone taught me that the lad-mag geniuses that company brought in in the nineties, who were convinced Americans wouldn’t read anything longer than 400 words in big type, were wrong. In fact, if you treat people like grownups, they tend to like a challenge, especially if the writer conveys his or her own excitement at discovery. The world is a great and hilarious mystery and if you don’t have confidence you can make the story of it fun, you shouldn’t be in media. But there is one problem.

Inventions like TikTok, which I’m on record saying shouldn’t be banned, are designed to create mentally helpless users, like H addicts. If you stand there scrolling and thinking Next! enough, your head will sooner or later be fully hollowed out. You’ll lose the ability to remember, focus, and decide for yourself. There’s a political benefit in this for leaders, but more importantly there’s a huge commercial boon. The mental jellyfish is more susceptible to advertising (which of course allows firms to charge more) and wll show less and less will over time to walk out of the Internet’s various brain-eating chambers."

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 10 months, 3 weeks ago
    I don't have a computer of my own. But I use the ones at the local library sometimes. But today, I wanted to look something up, and there was something on the site about the "Privacy Policy", and I was not prepared to sign my life away, neither did I have the time and patience to read the whole contract at the time, so I erased most of the information I had put on it in order to sign on, and simply got off the site.
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  • Posted by mhubb 10 months, 3 weeks ago
    what is messing with my brain are all the lies from companies and government about "carbon neutral"

    no carbon, no life

    is that their goal?
    if so, they are serving the purpose of evil, Satan
    and if you do not believe Satan exists, you are not paying attention
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