Afghanistan blame game continues: Bribe’m admin passes Afghanistan chaos blame to Trump, military, but Bribe’m’s top generals (Milley & McKenzie) blame Bribe’m admin—not Trump

Posted by bubah1mau 11 months, 3 weeks ago to Government
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Since the August 26, ‘21 lethal suicide bombing at Abbey Gate, Bribe’m’s poll numbers have consistently been lower than Trump’s when compiled statistics chart relative favorability at the same number of days in office:

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  • Posted by Stormi 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Trump did not have the best advisors, on anything, but they looked like genius compared to the motely bunch under Biden. Biden was really dump when he announded the day and time of the pull out from Afghanistan, and since has done nothing to rescue those who got caught in the disasterous pull out. In fact his foreign policy everywhere has been either self serving or just stupid. Teamin with Soros and his paid for Zelenskyy to drain the US of endless money has been a disaster for the people of Ukraine, one of whom I had emailed with over the years. Letting Soros run the border,w tih China and UN, also part of destroying USA. He looks at polls and tries to play to them, but when people get hurt by his acts, they turn on him, as well they should. As to Russia, we were cautious allies in the space program and alien science, being rude, as TBiden arrograntly was, just pure stupididy.
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  • Posted by mhubb 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    per Trump's plan, milley the traitor SHOULD have had a plan to withdraw already in the works before biden the usurper stole the election. but clearly milley the traitor was counting on change that did not happen, so he had to come up with something fast

    the result was chaos

    not going to mention following order from a domestic enemy..... as biden clearly was, being owned by china and other nations as was clear to any honest person
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    • Posted by mccannon01 11 months, 3 weeks ago
      Agree. I'm surprised Milley would say anything against commie pal Xiden. But then he may have figured he wouldn't get away with blatantly lying at that time.
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      • Posted by mhubb 11 months, 3 weeks ago
        he is trying to paint himself in a better light
        most people have short memories

        most people won't as the basic questions

        i'd ask 3

        do you hold to your Oath?
        is biden a domestic enemy?
        if not, why not?
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Why not have someone else to blame when you want parasitical low information sheeple to think you are perfect in every way?
    And that ain't no malarkey, Jack.
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