Afghanistan blame game continues: Bribe’m admin passes Afghanistan chaos blame to Trump, military, but Bribe’m’s top generals (Milley & McKenzie) blame Bribe’m admin—not Trump
Posted by bubah1mau 11 months, 3 weeks ago to Government
Since the August 26, ‘21 lethal suicide bombing at Abbey Gate, Bribe’m’s poll numbers have consistently been lower than Trump’s when compiled statistics chart relative favorability at the same number of days in office:
the result was chaos
not going to mention following order from a domestic enemy..... as biden clearly was, being owned by china and other nations as was clear to any honest person
most people have short memories
most people won't as the basic questions
i'd ask 3
do you hold to your Oath?
is biden a domestic enemy?
if not, why not?
And that ain't no malarkey, Jack.