Huge Victory for my Buddy's Son

Posted by $ Abaco 11 months, 1 week ago to News
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Must share this. When I first met John he was next to me on our driving range practicing. I got to see real excellence at work...a fantastic competitor practicing his trade. He works very, very hard...8 hours a day at least. His dad and I became friends when his dad saw my son hitting balls (my son is a phenom) he called me out of the blue one night to talk about my son and junior golf. We've been friends ever since. His dad is also very hard-working, salt-of-the-earth guy. We're thrilled at this victory for John. This one included a tour-record round of 59!

There are good people out there, underdogs, who work like crazy and succeed. This is a prime example. And, this kid is the real deal...

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