Real Journalism

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"Great heaves of outrage have been directed at former Fox commentator Tucker Carlson – who got fired from Fox for telling the truth about the drugs that were never vaccines and the fact that the drug cartels own the media (via advertising) as well as the government they bought with the revenue brought in via all that advertising – on account of his having had the temerity to interview the leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Because interviewing someone constitutes endorsing him, according to the logic of the Leftists (and some Rightists). A journalist, in other words, had better not be neutral and objective.

He must be an ideologue.

Of course, this is fact is why journalism is regarded with general contempt, having earned it. Bias is out of the closet now. And something more – and worse. Back in the day, everyone understood that Dan Rather leaned left. But Dan was obliged to at least try to hide his bias, which bound him to some extent at least to the standard of objectivity expected of people whose job it was to convey facts rather than their beliefs."

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    In my opinion which is of no particular value, Tucker Carlson is a 'real' Journalist. Don't even mention Rachel Madow and her idiot crown in the same breath. He's a Professional Journalist...the others are a bunch of clowns. I laugh when I hear what they are saying. nb
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