Why Gold Will Continue to Rise and US Standard of Living Drop

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Economics
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"Given the global trend towards dedollarization accompanied by many nations offloading UST as a trusted store of value it merited looking at the world from a Current Accounts perspective. The conclusion is given global changes and the US’s slow pace adjusting to those changes, these will happen:

Gold will continue to rise,
Treasuries will continue to weaken,
and the US standard of living will continue to deteriorate
Questions Asked and Answered
Credit Agricole released a very nice piece (at bottom) dissecting who owns what globally. Given mercantile trends and revamping of both supply chains, the report was helpful answering questions regarding Gold and its price path from here. These are the questions asked and answered.

What needs to change if the US is to continue to enjoy its current standard of living relative to the world?

What about UST makes them so desirable for foreign investors?

Who will buy our debt going forward if Foreigners are not?

What can we do to stop foreigners from selling, or make them consider buying more?

What other assets can approach UST qualities or be used to do this?

Can’t we just buy our own debt? ( nationalize the debt?)

Why isn’t simply buying our own debt enough to keep our current standard of living?"
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-02-11/why-gold-will-continue-rise-and-us-standard-living-drop

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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    First, SHAME on every person in office that votes for this stuff.
    The R's are just as bad. Their last bill. FUNDS the very NGOs that are sending people over the border.

    Brett Weinstein (And Chris Martenson) Went down, and followed the path. They showed that China and the UN and various NGOs are behind this. Encouraging it. FUNDING IT!

    And our elected MORONS were ready to send more money to those SAME NGOs. Why? Because they NGOs know how to Pay to Play.

    They give MILLIONS to the politicians/parties.
    And then the politicians VOTE to fund them with 100x those amounts to keep the gravy flowing.

    I like Warren Buffets suggestion. If you are in office, and you don't have a balanced budget you cannot run for re-election (EVER).

    I wonder if it would take 6 or 12yrs to get things fixed.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Biggest issue is currency manipulation/inflation. It not only destroys our currency but it damages our relationships with other nations by impoverishing their people as well - and all to prop up the looting bankers. Biggest thing we could do would be to go back to a hard currency standard and refuse to allow the bankers and their inflation to control/destroy the world.
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  • Posted by GaryL 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    I do not doubt golds values but I do have a simple question. So you have a stack of 1 ounce gold coins, $2000- $2500 and you need a couple loaves of bread, some ground beef and milk to feed your family when the SHTF. How much change will you get and in what form of currency? My bet is I could buy that food with a 20 round clip of 223/5.56 ammo. Just saying!
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    • Posted by amhunt 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      Silver: dollars, half dollars, quarters, and dimes.
      And then, of course, real copper pennies. I leave out nickles as they are/were made of nickel originally as I recall. I must say that I do like your "20 round clip" as a commodity being used as a medium of change (my definition of "money" as taught to me by Harry Browne).
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    • Posted by 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      I agree that making gold the only investment in one's future is not a wise choice.
      However, as a component in one's portfolio gold probably is a wise choice along with other things, like ammunition, vitamins, anti-virals, antibiotics, pain relievers, et al.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 3 months, 2 weeks ago
        Yes, construction materials including cement mix, replacement windows, aluminum for roofs, tires...
        The shit will not go down all at once (just me being positive), so we have time to prepare -- physical materials, get your body in shape to Work and keep your network of other libertarians / Objectivists / Free-Market folks vibrant.
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      • Posted by GaryL 3 months, 2 weeks ago
        Antibiotics maybe but all the rest are just the crap we have been force fed by our keepers. Lead and copper might be the cures to our future so change my mind before I am too old to enjoy the party.
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        • Posted by 3 months, 2 weeks ago
          GaryL, are you knowledgeable in nutrition?
          Have you not heard the value of large doses of vitamin C against antibiotic-resistant infections (that the allopathic quacks want to hide from you?)
          Have you not read about Zinc and Vitamin D and certain cheap (today) anti-virals being life savers against weaponized viruses (e.g., COVID)?
          If you think that aspirin has no place in your SHTF plans, then you will be unprepared and unable to shoot straight because of pain when your enemies are at your door.
          I will have lots of said 'crap' in my gulch.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 3 months, 2 weeks ago
      Those 1 oz gold coins are good for land, farm machinery, irrigation infrastructure, large infrequent purchases .. a 1/10th ounce coin for serious medical care performed by a physician that also works off grid and has a room in their home set aside for surgeries.
      Silver coins for barter.
      Also -- during the sundry Argentine and other S. American country financial crises, the people resorted to gold chains... bracelets, necklaces, 14 karat gold, remove a single link, a few grams, and use that for barter. And keep very quiet about what you actually own. Look like you are broke and act that way as well.

      Ammo ... yes, of course, stored well it will last for generations.
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