Before Joe, James and Hunter (Biden Crime Family), There Was Great-Great-Grandpa Moses - Convicted of Attempted Murder of an Unarmed Man, Used Political "Pull" and Was Pardoned By Lincoln

Posted by freedomforall 5 months ago to Politics
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"The Bidens have shown a legendary skill at evading legal accountability. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, Biden family members often marshal political allies and media to kill investigations or cut sweetheart deals.

The Bidens swim in scandal with the ease and agility of a bottlenose dolphin. From his own plagiarism scandal to his brother’s role in killing a man to his son’s various federal crimes, Bidens have long been a wonder in Washington.

It turns out that it may be something of a family trait acquired through generations of natural selection.

A historian recently discovered that Joe Biden’s great-great-grandfather, Moses J. Robinette, was accused and found guilty of attempted murder. The case followed a strikingly familiar pattern."

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 5 months ago
    It is a 'given' that some people seem to think they are so special they can do anything they want and shouldn't be called to task. I do not understand this concept. It is beyond my comprehension.
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