Does Trump Learn From His Obvious Mistakes???

Posted by freedomforall 3 months ago to Politics
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"“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines (sic) that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat cancer – turning setback into comeback! You’re welcome, Joe, nine month approval time vs. the 12 years that it would have taken you!”

Italics added.

“Saved us from COVID”? The sickness that didn’t kill 99.8-something percent of the otherwise healthy, not already chronically sick/frail/old population? The sickness that became the excuse for destroying millions of livelihoods? The sickness that Trump played along with?

Maybe – at the beginning – he didn’t know beter. Most of us didn’t – because how could we have? It took a little while to realize it was mostly a bogey. That the threat was being deliberately exaggerated, for obviously malignant reasons. Else why exaggerate it? And Trump participated in that. Maybe not personally – so as to have plausible deniability. But it was Trump and no other who turned the podium (and the country) over to career bureaucrat-quack Anthony Fauci.

Trump did not save us from that. And yet, he could have."
Get off your rump, Trump.
Admit you completely caved and how wrong you were.

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  • Posted by jack1776 3 months ago
    This aspect of Trumps personality I do not like, he is all in on Trump and Trump never admits to an error or changes direction. I find people like this usually very weak but with Trump, it seems to serve him well. I’ll vote for him, but I can’t excuse his part in the force gene therapy. This was forced upon everyone who was in the military, employed by, contracted with, employed by a subcontractor of, attended a school by the federal government. My employer at the time was forcing me to take the crap or leave my job without severance/unemployment/forfeiting unvested stocks. Everyone I worked with took it, all have been sick multiple times since then.

    Someone needs to pull him to the side and tell him to stfu on this topic.
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    • Posted by diessos 3 months ago
      He needs to stfu on a bunch of things....

      Watched to Oscars last night. Kimmel wasn't too bad. Only on political joke very early on and it prompted only a few audience laughs. Otherwise a decent show.
      UNTIL the end. Trump posted on truth social that Kimmel was a lousy host and that the right movies never get awards.....
      It prompted a end of the night response from Kimmel.

      Trump should have just kept his mouth shut.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 3 weeks ago
        It apparently triggered a LOT of MAGA Supporters who have not yet realized they lack the context to grasp what Trump did during the PLANDEMIC and is now openly revealing TO THE WORLD. TRUMP WAS QUOTING JOE BIDEN JUST MOMENTS BEFORE! See the QUOTATION MARKS?
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        • Posted by 2 months, 3 weeks ago
          Yes, it was a quote of and comment on Joe's lies in the so-called state of the union propaganda campaign stump speech.
          Repeating Joe's lies and claiming them as his own.
          Yes, Trump was responsible for allowing the untested experimental un-vax
          to be forced on millions of people and making the murderers richer.
          At no time were they vaccines.
          At no time were they safe.
          At no time were they effective.
          And that is what Trump should have said.
          He should have said it in 2022 when it became obvious.
          Will he be a better choice for POTUS than the lying stealing Deep State puppet Buydem?
          Almost without doubt, assuming he is the American patriot he claims to be.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 3 weeks ago
            He wasn’t Claiming Biden’s lies as his own!
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            • Posted by 2 months, 3 weeks ago
              He has repeatedly claimed success of getting a "vaccine" in a short time that saved lives.
              It wasn't a vaccine.
              It saved no one.
              It killed many.
              It made many ill.
              He still claims the vaccine was his "success."
              It wasn't a success.
              It was an abject, total failure and it was forced on the people he was supposed to protect.
              (No, he did not force it on people, but he made little attempt to stop it and keep on claiming the 'vaccine' was good.)
              He has not admitted he was wrong and he won't because he might lose votes
              (and the Democrats would probably illegally sue him even though he didn't force anyone.)
              If he doesn't know he's wrong, then he's an idiot.
              If he knows and still claims its a success he's a liar.
              Yes, he's likely a better choice than Buydem.
              If he wasn't such an ass he'd be elected in a landslide.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 3 weeks ago
                It seems that no one thinks Trump could have been lied to about the Vax. That’s crazy ,I know they would only lie to the rest of the world. Not Trump who ‘s admin was ambushed by the same enemy. Well they wanted the country/ world locked down for 5-7 yrs. Operation Warpspeed kept the world from disintegrating by ending them. Plus He was el3cted in a 2020 landslide but then it was fraudulently.stolen…..we disagree about almost completely everything about Trump …oh well. Btw MAGA supporters are almost completely unvaxed. I said the PlanDEMic was a scam back in March of 2020 .Right when it started on this platform. I also said Fauci was a piece of shit at the same time everyone fell in love with him. For you to say Trump is likely a better candidate than Biden is enough for me to say . We have nothing else to talk about or debate. Best wishes.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      Allow me to DECODE Trump’s post.

      JOE BIDEN: “The pandemic no longer controls our lives. The vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat cancer. Turning setback into comeback.”

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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
    Trump should take credit for fast-tracking the vaccine development and release.

    He should vilify the vaccine requirement EVERYWHERE, as medically irrelevant, misplaced, ethically inappropriate AND he should completely vilify not endorsing a prior infection as a vaccine.

    He should also vilify closures, but he probably can't, since he was party to some. Maybe his spin doctors can get around that.

    That those with any modest knowledge knew:
    - everyone was getting exposed to COVID, and it was never going away
    - an organic immune response is superior to the vaccine
    - the vaccine had negative side effects
    - masks are ineffective
    - closures are an economic disaster
    ... therefore, the Biden, totalitarian, leftist response was unnecessary, unethical, economically destructive, dangerous, and a simple gilding of pharmaceutical stocks. It was a perfect test of more government power, and the government FAILED!
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  • Posted by 3 months ago
    Trump's next %^&*-up?
    A Democrat woman from Hawaii as his VP.
    That's 3 strikes in one swing.
    It's almost like he wants to lose to Buydem this time.

    NO ONE can be trusted to head the fedgov.
    It has too much power.
    The answer is not Trump. It's NIFO.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 3 months ago
      Say THAT isn't so! Yeah, she's one of the six named possibles, but if true I may as well buy more precious metal and stock up on long term supplies - AND stay home on election day. Eric Peters points out Trump failings, but I still stay with him - unless he does something this stupid.
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      • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
        Let's see his 6 possibly likely choices. 2 black men, 2 women, 1 Deep State insider, and Ramaswamy.
        Trump is a pathetic judge of character if this is the best he can do.
        I wouldn't want any of these untrustworthy incompetents as POTUS. None want to drain the swamp.
        Rand Paul is the only one in D.C. that has a clue about liberty, Constitutional rights and limited powers.
        I doubt if he can stand up to the Deep State, big Pharma, and the war machine though.
        I may be living in South America before election day if this is the best Trump can do.
        Maybe he should pick a former POTUS who can't serve as POTUS again.
        Unfortunately, all the former POTUSes still living are traitors.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 months, 4 weeks ago
          Cynical me understands completely, FFA.

          OK, I have to ask. Why bother moving to South America when it seems to be moving here? LOL
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          • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
            Because I can afford to live there and the governments are very weak in comparison.
            (Perhaps the former is a result of the latter.)
            Little money being wasted fighting foreign wars, too.

            Which do you think is worse for the people?
            The US fedgov or the drug cartels in South/Central America?
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            • Posted by mccannon01 2 months, 4 weeks ago
              Interesting point, FFA. I imagine under normal circumstances the cartels could care less what you do unless they think they can profit off harassing you in some way. Not so true with government intrusion, which is permeating EVERYTHING. Do governments where you've tested the waters permeate as well?

              Let us know how you make out.
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        • Posted by term2 2 months, 4 weeks ago
          I think the indian dude would make a good VP. He could learn the ropes and be a good President if the need arose. Forget the governor of S Dakota, and the black dude from Georgia. @nd choice would be Kari Lake IMHO.
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  • Posted by term2 2 months, 4 weeks ago
    I think Trump was being attacked from every angle and chose to start on a vaccine (good idea actually), and leave it up to the state governors to lock down the country IF they wanted to. Its hard for me to blame him since this was really a one-off thing and there was a past pandemic of Spanish flu which killed off a LOT of people over 4 waves...Looking back on it, I never got the virus in spite of being over 75, admittedly stayed away from crowds and avoided wearing a mask unless forced to.
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    • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
      The problem is that the so-called vaccine (that wasn't by any measure actually a vaccine) has been shown to :
      1) be not effective in killing the virus, stopping transmission of the virus, or lessening symptoms of the virus
      2) have harmful side effects
      3) change human dna and that could have devastating side effects
      Trump hasn't acknowledged any of these issues and continues to take credit for the "miracle" non-vaccines.
      In this way Trump is proving himself again to be a poor choice for any position.
      I wouldn't invest in Trump's company knowing how poorly he manages and how often he distorts the truth.
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      • Posted by term2 2 months, 4 weeks ago
        HE DID CLAIM THAT the tariffs he imposed on items brought in from china were PAID BY CHINA. THIS IS TOTALLY UNTRUE, AND I HAE DEBITS FROM OUR ACCOUNTS TO PROVE IT. Tariffs are paid by the importers, NOT the shippers
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  • Posted by bkeiber 3 months ago
    Well to date it looks like you'll have to choose from Trump (Archie Bunker) or Biden (Grampa Simpson). Who you gonna pick? ;>))
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
      Even if you buy the rough analogy, noting a decision between two negatives, the answer is simple, Trump.

      Trump WILL move the country back toward individual rights and freedom. PERIOD. The only freedom-taking area he is saddled with now is abortion, taking freedom away from actual humans to serve the religious beliefs of others.
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      • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
        Funny how irrational people can't understand that federal power that just lets the states (via legislation or voters) set the laws on abortion for residents of each state doesn't mean anything has been banned.
        That is the correct answer for any moron media insisting on abortion as a federal power.
        If it's important to people, they should do something locally instead of depending on big brother to broaden powers to levels that are not allowed in the Constitution.
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
          Personally, I think abortion should be protected under the Constitution by the First Amendment, but aside from that, I agree with the States Rights position.

          However, that is not the limit of Federal abortion legislation or Executive regulation that will be supported by Christians in Congress, and potentially supported by the new Republican leader, Trump.
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          • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
            The SCOTUS could very well call any such legislation unconstitutional.
            They'd be smart to do so and end the federal involvement.
            For example, cannibalism isn't a federal crime.
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
              I'm ok with cannibalism, if it doesn't involve murder.
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              • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                I'm ok with the states and their citizens passing laws for themselves on both abortion and cannibalism.
                But I'm not ok with either being a federal law. Neither is part of the constitution and unless there is an
                amendment formally passed they shouldn't be powers of the feds.
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                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                  Making sure states don't violate the Constitution is a function of the Federal Government, SCOTUS, and various extremely bad decision by states have been overturned recently.

                  Abortion is another one. Making it illegal violates the First Amendment, quite clearly. The rest of the arguments against it are the most egregious, fabricated cognitive dissonance ever constructed. 100% correlation to religion is evidence enough. Arguing a single cell is a human, without a brain, is the most non-technical, religious, soul-based, pile of nonsense ever constructed.

                  I've been thinking I need to start a religion. Might be time. Nonhypocrtiticalistic - One who believes a cosmic continuum demands individuals to have complete freedom, until those freedoms are proven, unequivocally take freedom from another without their consent. The cosmic continuum teaches that mortal beings are just that and no more. After death there is nothing. Life, upon which these freedoms are granted, is a incremental scale, measured by intellectual ability and uniqueness (e.g. from virus to humans). Higher beings can control lower beings as they choose. Life as a higher being, begins when one demonstrates capacity beyond lower beings.

                  That should do it.
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                  • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                    I am not able to understand your reasoning on the act of abortion being a right under the first amendment.
                    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
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                    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                      All resistance to abortion is based on religion. The rest is just BS. That is why. A law prohibiting abortion is the government instituting a religion. Therefore a federal or state law prohibiting abortion is Unconstitutional.

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                      • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                        All objection to abortion is religious? Really?
                        I don't buy that argument.
                        And the founders who wrote that amendment certainly weren't writing it considering abortion.
                        But they certainly were considering limitation of powers to the central government.
                        I think the 10th amendment applies.
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                        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                          Objections to abortion are religious, yes. Virtually 100% correlation. Thus, prohibiting abortion is instituting religion in government, yes.

                          If not, in accordance with our beliefs here, instituting government force against a person (the mother, in this case compelling her to 9 months of pregnancy, then childbirth and then dealing with the a baby), is inappropriate. Except in the case you and others "believe" a single cell, and small collections of cells constitutes a human. Your beliefs forced on another. Believing a single cell, or 2^n cells is a human being with rights, is nothing but religion. It can't think, doesn't have a heartbeat for months, can't survive on it's own, the very definition of a parasite.

                          Belief, belief, belief. Forced, forced, forced. Complete Libertarian hypocrisy.

                          Next we'll be arguing every cell in one's body is a human, because we can clone one from a cell. Then hitting your own finger with a hammer will be murder.
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                          • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                            Actually I have no 'belief' on when a cell is
                            or isn't a person whatsoever.

                            I object to the fedgov imposing the 'greater good' on everyone.
                            I feel the same way about state gov, too.
                            People need to learn to defend themselves and their rights without
                            mommy in D.C. telling everyone what to do.
                            That is what has been happening since 1860 and it's time it ended.
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          • Posted by mhubb 2 months, 4 weeks ago
            please explain what you mean

            or i must assume you mean murder is ok
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
              All on you, who seek to use government force to institute your religious beliefs, to prove it is murder.

              But in the context of your question, "Yes, absolutely, destroying 32 cells is perfectly, even positive in some cases."
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              • Posted by mhubb 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                so there is not right to life then

                you basic lie is this
                by the time those "cells" are detected, the Child is far along, far past the 32 cell point

                and those 32 cells HAVE a UNIQUE DNA
                they are a PERSON, QED

                murder is murder, of a unique set of DNA that makes those cells a PERSON

                but not to you
                i pity you that lack of concern
                that i have to PROVE a unique set of DNA is a person make YOU a monster beyond belief
                YOU are the exact type we need a divorce from, 2 separate nations so you can go murder the innocent

                you really missed your time -- 1939 -- 1945

                32 cells, 64 cells, millions, Jew, someone you don;t liks. some you don't think has a life that is worth living... what's the difference....

                ignored as you are simply beyond the pale
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                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                  Cancer cells have unique human DNA. Are they humans? My dog has more to live for than 32 cells.

                  This argument is 1) based on religion, not biology, and 2) therefore emotional and inappropriate for legislation.

                  Using Ad Hominem as an initial argument demonstrates you have already lost.
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                    Thor, you still insist the only pro-life argument is religious. You and I have been down that road and I have clearly explained my pro-life position is NOT religious nor does it need to be, leaving your religion argument irrelevant. True, the most vociferous pro-life advocates are a religious people who use their religion as a chief argument, but that is irrelevant as well.

                    Here's an overview reiteration of my position as follows so others reading this have an understanding of what it is:

                    Are we a civilized people? I say we are or, at least try to be, and a defining characteristic of a civilized people is respect for the life and value of each human individual within the civilization and that value is (or should be) protected by the laws of the society claiming to be civilized. This is very objectivist, I might add.

                    So, what is this individual? This living human that has value within a civilized environment? Biologically (scientifically if you will) it is a living organism that transitions through various phases from its beginning at conception. A normal life cycle of our species includes a gestation phase, childhood phase, adolescent phase, adult phase, and finally a geriatric phase (if I left any out please feel free to fill in). I argue to be civilized the gestation phase deserves the same protections as any of the other phases.

                    I've seen plenty of arguments, including from Ayn Rand, that the gestation phase is fair game to willy-nilly kill off a human being and such killing has taken place by the millions within our so-called civilization. The criteria defending such practice is normally some pulled-out-of-the-ass fetus or cellular characteristic that has to be met to finally admit it's a human life. IMHO, the ONLY way to be sure of its humanity is at conception.

                    A few thoughts at large:

                    Pregnancy is a normal and natural condition of the female members of our species who are sexually active. Redefining natural pregnancy as a rights violation of the mother or redefining a fetus (human in gestation phase) as a parasite and therefore deserves a death sentence on a whim is patently absurd, at least if you want to claim yourself civilized.

                    There can be exceptions, such as self preservation of the mother, but these are serious decisions not to be made "willy-nilly".

                    The cancer cell argument is irrelevant as, even though they contain human DNA, they will never pass through the life phases of our species. Even if they could they would fall into the self preservation exception of the person carrying them. Yes, you can kill cancer cells with human DNA and still be civilized.
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                    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                      We have been down this road, but I reject the assertion, and find it cognitive dissonance. Sorry.

                      1 Zygote is not a human. That is ridiculous. You "believing" in this, is NO BASIS for you to force another person to pregnancy and childbirth. It just isn't.
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                      • Posted by mccannon01 2 months, 4 weeks ago
                        I don't buy your say-so on this matter, either (Zygote is not human is one of those pulled-out-of-the-ass assumptions I don't buy when it is human fertilized ovum). I started on my post to point out your insistence on the religious argument for pro life isn't the only one. I got more verbose so others know my position. Let them read. Let them decide their own positions.

                        We do seem to get along well on much else, though.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 months, 4 weeks ago
      Time after time, voting for the POTUS always boils down to the lesser of two evils--or at the very least the lesser of two imperfections.
      Orange Man Bad may be the best president during (by March 17th) my 77 years on this stupid planet~~but he sure as hell ain't freakin' perfect.
      Besides his light speed push for a Covid "vacine," some of the people he as president trusted to appoint to very important posts turned out to be complete disappointments.
      From the get-go, picking bland as sand Mike Pence as his vice president turned into a treacherous stealth bomb that waited until the end of Trump's four years to explode into a cowardly stab in the back.
      Not to mention "I am science" Falsie Fauci, the crappy Kraken, the Barr who couldn't make par and other wastes of breathing space.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    Yes -- by August 2020, the CDC data was publicly available. People died WITH Covid, not FROM Covid. The deaths showed an average of 2.6 comorbidities per death. Age at death average over 75 years. Covid affected the old and sick. Lockdowns and flatten the curve became nonsense. Schools should have been open in the Fall 2020. All this crap was by design and right there in our faces.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 4 weeks ago
    Assuming this is really his thought...This is why I won't vote for him. Plain and simple. The nation's going to burn once he's elected anyway. This doesn't help. Not one bit...
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  • Posted by GaryL 2 months, 4 weeks ago
    Trump was the guy at the desk where the buck stopped! No man can be all knowing and where I fault him is those he picked to advise him on many issues. Comey should have been fired on day one. Bill Barr and Mike Pence were disasters. Trump went from being a celebrity and real estate developer to being the leader of the free world knee deep in the biggest swamp known to man and he sure as hell did make a lot of mistakes. He also made some fabulous policy changes that did us all much good. He will have my vote and my only wish is that he stops with the BS names that are unnecessary now. Newscum, although correct, just turns off far too many who would cast their votes for him. Right now and on paper Trump appears to be a shoe in but let us never forget the deceitful tampering the democrats employ at every election. We have the dimwitt Biden now from the shenanigans they got away with. Trump will need every possible vote he can get just to overcome the cheating that is sure to happen.
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    • Posted by term2 2 months, 4 weeks ago
      Not so sure the dems wont find someway to defeat Trump, either before the election, during the election, or after the election. Any alternative I can see is a true disaster that the country will never recover from.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 months ago
    This story will get the normies aroused. When was the Tweet? No date it looks to be a bit aged. Seems like many want to get medical advice from a RE Developer. Keep pushing the DeSanctimonious simps arguement about Trump. Karl Rove loves it .
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    • Posted by 3 months ago
      Trump can end any such speculation any time.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 4 weeks ago
        “Trump adulators cannot answer this question intelligibly and so they avoid answering it. Instead, they fall back on Q-tip talking points such as Trump was really just encouraging people to try Ivermectin. That he was revealing the Deep State.”

        Clearly this author is not a MAGA supporter. Just another Uniparty simp FuQ him …War as Andrew Brightbart said
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        • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
          Actually the author is one of the best at pointing out where government has been taking freedom from the people.
          Does he idolize Trump? No. But I think he will vote for him in November.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 4 weeks ago
            What is his stance on the 2020 election fraud?
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            • Posted by 2 months, 4 weeks ago
              Sorry, I don't recall if he has written about it since 2020 and I don't have time to go back through 3+ years of articles.
              Primarily he writes about automobiles because he reviews them, but he does post an article every day on politics here:
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              • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 3 weeks ago

                It apparently triggered a LOT of MAGA Supporters who have not yet realized they lack the context to grasp what Trump did during the PLANDEMIC and is now openly revealing TO THE WORLD. TRUMP WAS QUOTING JOE BIDEN JUST MOMENTS BEFORE! See the QUOTATION MARKS?

                But watching people’s reactions to Trump’s Vaxx post is infuriating!

                Allow me to DECODE Trump’s post.

                JOE BIDEN: “The pandemic no longer controls our lives. The vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat cancer. Turning setback into comeback.”


                Wait…twelve years to get the vaccines rolled out to the American People?

                That’s the FIRST TIME I’ve ever heard Trump, or anyone else for that matter give that timeframe.

                What I remember, was NIH & CDC claiming it may take 5-7 years to develop any COVID-19 vaccine IF EVER.

                From where did Trump pull that particular #?

                Perhaps someone should ask Trump and then listen what would probably be a very interesting answer.

                Because I can guarantee if he is posting that # during a very public event that means he WANTS someone to ask him.

                So he can give it and it’d be a very great thing for some of you Folks to have waited to LISTEN CAREFULLY to it.

                Especially before POPPING OFF with really uninformed & overly emotional opinions which ultimately are nothing more than a juvenile misunderstanding of his motives and intentions.


                Nothing could be further from the truth.
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                • Posted by 2 months, 3 weeks ago
                  If you know what he's referring to when he said 12 years, then please say so.
                  His statement (not Buydem's quote) is defending the jab and taking credit for it, as if it was a good thing.
                  The jab objectively saved no lives and it caused death and disease. The worst is not over, imo.

                  My opinion on his 'tweet'? It's Trump.
                  Sometimes he say things that are accurate and true; sometimes he says things that are bull.
                  Sometimes he appears to believe he is still on his tv show where no one will research and point out his real errors.
                  Maybe that is what MAGA wants to hear.
                  It's not what I want to hear.
                  The media, courts, fedgov, Deep State are all evil and have been trying to destroy Trump.
                  They are my enemy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
                  The enemy traitors have been on offense and Americans have been on defense for far too long.
                  Bring in the offense.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 4 weeks ago
        Excuse me but the date that he tweeted this is very pertinent. I have seen 90% of the media stories about Trump are total lies. Trump likely said this in 2021 when Biden was taking credit for ending the lockdowns with the Jab and no Real data on safety was available. Trump said Ivermectin and Hydroxycloraquin was helpful and promising treatment. Now everyone knows this but they conveniently forget Trump said this before the first illegal shot was given. He was falsely accused of telling people to drink bleach.. Illegal to give an emergency use authorization when an existing treatment is available.
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