My Brain Explosion - The Indoctrinated Brain

Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 1 month ago to Books
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I was listening to a interview of this author, Michael Nehls, the last couple nights. At one point I was literally stopped in my tracks. I was on my way into the gym when he briefly mentioned it - omega-3 combined with vitamin d are critical, and their effects are It reminded me of a pivotal time in my past that I often wonder about. About 17 years ago I started fishing in the Pacific a lot, adding tons of omega-3. I was also taking D3. I suddenly became hyper focused. My brain kicked into overdrive. Looking back on it now I remember some of the things I started doing: the problems I was solving, the designs I was completing with no redlines (errors found by reviewers), the discussions I was having. I laughed the other day while describing that at times my colleagues seemed pissed at how, in a meeting, I'd say, "Guys. This isn't tough!" and go on to explain how we could solve the problem being discussed. I still annoy my colleagues in industry similarly. I don't like to waste time and I love getting to the truth in important matters. What made me like this? Michael Nehls seemed to explain this in the interview and I look forward to reading this book. In the interview I was listening to he also talked a bit about aging, dementia and Alzheimer's.

I also happened to read Atlas Shrugged at the same time I took up long-range fishing. It was a neurological perfect storm at that time...haha.

Will report back after I read this book.

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  • Posted by $ kddr22 1 year, 1 month ago
    If interested in this subject esp DHA/brain chemistry Dr Michael Crawford (England) has very in depth knowledge in this area. He basically seeing DHA as a quantum switch for our brain and basis much information from anthropological studies. About 2.4 million years ago a small band of hominids( I believe a branch of A austrap.) living in South Africa would regularly eat vast quantities of shellfish exposed by tides which lead to doubling of th4e brain case over a short geological time about 100k, attributable to DHA.
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