
Posted by jack1776 1 month, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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If I wanted to destroy western civilization, I would…

1) I’d tear down boards and promote migrations to destroy the state. I would embed drugs and disease as well as military aged operatives.

2) I’d flood the country with highly addictive drugs, causing widespread economic, family and society collapse.

3) I’d attack the police, rendering them ineffective by damaging their image among the population.

4) I’d replace the general attorney in each state with a paid shill, prosecuting law-abiding citizens while releasing the worst people possible.

5) I’d release the “nonviolent” from prison to they can wreak havoc in society, rape, child molestation and armed robbery is now nonviolent.

6) I’d promote division among the populus, race against race, sex against sex, class against class.

7) I’d spend the country into oblivion, causing massive inflation.

8) I’d convince the population that through their actions, co2 (plant food) is causing the destruction of the planet. I’d use this as an excuse for authoritarian control.

9) I’d release a lab engineered virus and use it as an excuse to inject the population with gene therapy that slowly destroys their immune system, causing cancers and other autoimmune diseases. Use the initial panic to instill authoritarian obedience into the population while depopulating the world.

10) I’d take control of the education system, educating the children to hate their elders and country.

11) I’d make available to the young free mental health services, convincing them they are victims and have no recourse other than to dropout of society and become a burden.

12) I’d add student clubs (GSA or Gay Straight Alliance) to all schools to promote a deviant lifestyle, distorting family, and depopulating society.

13) I’d make available cheap/free hormones from the opposite sex, destroying their ability to procreate, depopulating society.

14) I’d make the population dependent by introducing digital currency with the ability to deny transactions for some products and services.

15) I’d make money cheap to borrow, causing the population to become indebted before increasing the interest rate on the borrowed money to force a financial disaster.

16) I’d create government agencies with the power to create policies and enforce fines discouraging prosperity.

17) I’d reduce the interest rates of home loans to cause the population to finance more than they can afford, thus enslaving the population to debt, which will never be repaid.

18) I’d destroy small business, in every way possible making it impossible to thrive.

19) I’d take control of the media as a tool to distract and obfuscate the true story.

20) I’d start wars to distract, I’d arm your enemies with your own weapons.

21) I’d destroy the military by replacing the cohesive culture with the woke ideology.

All Comments

  • Posted by Dobrien 1 month, 3 weeks ago
    If….I would accept the election fraud. I would ignore the War we are engaged in and not support the clear leader against the oppressive regime that took over our Country. I would take the bait that Trump is just too divisive and not Smart (haha) and buy into the Con Inc narratives.
    I would ignore the fact that If Trump didn’t enact Operation Warp speed we would still be in lock down mode for a fake PlanDEMic. Under this installed infiltrated Govt. I would ignore the fact that the elections are and have been rigged.oh and MOHAP.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 month, 3 weeks ago
    10 could include "and hate each other".

    # 17 could also include increase property taxes to strangle home owners.

    Edit add: Regarding #21 I'm reading a book right now, "Operation Vengeance" by Dan Hampton, which is about WWII at Guadalcanal and the planning and execution of the shooting down of Admiral Yamamoto. In it it is explained the Japanese had no respect for American soldiers and thought them effeminate to be easily defeated, until they found out different. From the news I'm seeing today they may be right - I hope not!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 month, 3 weeks ago
    Make the young people fail to learn math and science…and critical thinking.

    As far as releasing a virus…(you’re hearing it here first) I’m guessing a bird flu adaptation is next on the docket. If so…you ain’t seen nothing yet. If it goes airborne, it’s been nice communicating with you all…
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