Corrupt Congressional Nincompoops Saddle the U.S. with NATO Forever

Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"Nobody in their right mind wants to be obliged to send their kid off to war in Eastern Europe if Romania and Moldova start bombing each other. Yet NATO membership requires just that. And courtesy of the best congress money can buy, now power to withdraw from NATO has been removed from the U.S. president and enshrined in the well-greased palms of our legislators. More specifically, on December 16 congress approved a bill barring the president from unilaterally exiting NATO without legislative approval. This is a disaster. It’s aimed at Trump and one of the few decent things he might do if elected president, namely ditch that trouble-making albatross, NATO. Naturally president Joe Biden did not delay signing the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes this new NATO provision; so we’re stuck with it.

You doubt this is bad news? Just look at NATO’s track record: bombing Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya and currently the abattoir NATO has made of Ukraine – or rather the disaster caused by NATO’s promise to absorb Ukraine. In Afghanistan, NATO performed with its usual, incomparable mediocrity, so the U.S. withdrew, convinced its puppet regime could hold off the Taliban for months. After all, the U.S. and NATO had bombed the country and the Taliban to smithereens – right? Well, it turned out our puppet couldn’t restrain the Taliban long enough for retreating U.S. jets to lift off from the tarmac. And what was NATO doing in Afghanistan for 20 years anyway? Don’t ask any of our military geniuses like David Petraeus, who kept telling us victory was just around the corner, and who even argued in the Atlantic, August 8 2022, that “we could have won.” Ha!

As for NATO’s 2011 military intervention in Libya, that was a debacle that transformed Africa’s most prosperous nation into a stone-age pit with open-air slave markets. The NATO 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia wasn’t much better, in that it should never have happened and arguably the only reason it did was so then President Bill “NATO Uber Alles” Clinton could distract the public from the lurid details of a sex scandal and impeachment. Thus the noble enterprises in which NATO has engaged, spreading mayhem, misery and murder across the globe in the name of freedom and democracy. What has NATO learned from these fiascos, seriatim? Arguably nothing."
D.C. is utterly corrupt. NIFO

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  • Posted by mhubb 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    no more USSR
    no more Warsaw Pact

    if we (the US) had brains, we would have had Russia join us against China

    but nope, China had more of our money to use to buy politicians, our politicians

    NATO now serves little purpose, it Europe does not want to defend itself, why should we defend them???
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    Not sure it’s within the congressional authority to lock in an international treaty. And since The President is the CiC of the armed forces, NOT Congress, this falls into a really messy category. Congress cannot order troops to fight. They can only declare war. Imagine if the cowardly bastards actually had to go on record with a declaration of war. Instead of using their sock puppet to just do it.
    We are entering into a Without Rule Of Law era. This is ceasing to be a nation of Constitutionally granted Authority. And I would add for whatever agent of the government that may be watching…I state this under protection of the 1st Amendment. It is political speech. The MOST protected kind. The kind that you swore an oath to protect.
    To the other Gulchers. 2024 will turn out to be a chaotic year. No matter WHO sits in the Whitehouse. Buckle Up….and….Act accordingly.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 5 months, 1 week ago
    My objection was (and Is) Richard Nixon's "normal-
    ization" of relations with Communist China. I think that this just encourages totalitarianism. We should embargo nations like that, and put in and follow a policy of non-support.
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    • Posted by 5 months, 1 week ago
      Yes, it was probably intended to expand the market for US made products, and to reduce the cost of manufacturing by US producers who supported Nixon's election. It appears that little thought went into the long term effects.
      In the world of central banking and long term government promises like social security the GDP must always be growing or there will not be enough money creation to pay the banks their interest. When growth stalls and enough of the public begins to realize they can't keep spending what they don't have, government must borrow more and more just to put off the guaranteed eventual collapse of the Ponzi economic system. The federal reserve act created this Ponzi system to make the banks and other financial related businesses wealthy and powerful with no regard whatsoever for those they are stealing from, nor any regard to the harm cause repeatedly by their insane economic system. Those behind the system are people without any loyalty to any country or people.
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