Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"Last week, Tucker Carlson traveled to Rusia to interview President Vladimir Putin. This sent the left into hysterics - some of whom have called for the journalist to face sanctions, or worse.

Prior to the interview - which can be seen right now in its entirety at tuckercarlson.com, Carlson explained that it's his job as a journalist "to inform people," as "most Americans are not informed" as to what's happening in Ukraine.

To that end, let's get into it.

Tucker starts the interview by asking Putin why he invaded Ukraine, "and the answer we got shocked us."

Putin proceeded to delve into the history of Ukraine, going back to the middle-ages. Tucker pushed back, saying "I'm not sure why it's relevant to what happened two years ago," to which Putin continued with the history lesson.

"But why didn't you make this case for the first 22 years as president, that Ukraine wasn't a real country?" Tucker asked.

"The Soviet Union was given a great deal of territory that had never belonged to it, including the Black Sea region. At some point when Russia received them as an outcome of the Russo Turkish wars, they were called New Russia or another Russia. But that does not matter. What matters is that Lenin, the founder of the Soviet state, established Ukraine that way," Putin replied. "For decades, the Ukrainian Soviet Republic developed as part of the USSR. And for unknown reasons, again, the Bolsheviks were engaged in Ukrainization."

The trigger for the Ukraine war: "Initially, it was the coup in Ukraine that provoked the conflict... They launched the war in Donbas in 2014 with the use of aircraft and artillery against civilians. This is when it all started."

NATO Expansion

Getting to the meat of the Ukraine war, Putin told Carlson that "The former Russian leadership assumed that the Soviet Union had ceased to exist and therefore there were no longer any ideological dividing lines. Russia even agreed voluntarily and proactively to the collapse of the Soviet Union, and believed that this would be understood by the so-called civilized West as an invitation for cooperation and association."

"We were promised no NATO to the east, not an inch to the east, as we were told. And then what? They said, well, it's not enshrined on paper, so we'll expand.""
SOURCE URL: https://twitter.com/i/status/1755734405337723294

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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Interesting review of the 1150 years of the state of Russia.
    Ukraine (borders always in motion) was tossed around like a rag doll. Russia, Poland, Hungry, Lithuania, Romania, all possessing some or all of Ukraine.
    Russia clearly having the longest standing claim, (16th century) of the most amount, of that war-torn country (the bloodlands).
    Further, back in the 15th century, the Ukrainian head of state wrote letters to both Polish King (who was trying, and failing, to change their language and religious views, and The Russian Czar. Poland to leave, Russia to come to their aid.
    They chose Russia. Most of the rest of the story is common knowledge:
    The C.I.A. starts wars and coups everywhere they can, for the profit of the Central Bankers (which is the very reason they were created and exist to this day) that they (the C.I.A.) started this war by staging a coup in 2014.
    It was a breath of fresh air to hear it proclaimed openly.
    Mark Thursday February 8th 2024 as the day the Deep State and the Leftist puppets in Congress were exposed for the warpigs and financial oligarchs they are.
    Politically and Legally they got spanked like a red-headed step child.
    Their demented crony puppet illegally in the big chair, was exposed as a multiple count felon who cannot be legally prosecuted because he is too mentally impaired to stand trial.
    The leaves Jamaican-Born CamelToe (Who can't legally be President), or Mike Johnson. This fight is going to be epic.
    If the Deep State ceases Russian US Bonds, the world will have a fire sale of all their US bonds. BRICS is patiently waiting for the day the USA is no longer the worlds exchange.
    That leaves two conclusions:
    > This country has proven we can't be trusted with other peoples money.
    > Our so-called leaders will not stand behind our treaties or agreements. As we used to say as kids, they lie like a rug.

    There is no gentle way to say this, these are a self-inflicted wounds, yet another in a long series of unforced errors.
    Bottom line. Putin puts Russia first.
    I sure wish we had someone who put America first. Instead we have the worse political embarrassment any country has ever had to suffer through, at any time in history.
    Prove me wrong.
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    • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      I have actually more respect for Putin than I do for Biden after watching the interview. I am sure he is a ruthless dictator when it comes to maintaining his own power, and would stop at nothing in my opinion. But then again, is Biden different? 91 counts against a former president when in the end- what the hell did he do? Sit in his office while people who were fed up with the left rioted?
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 3 weeks ago
        Riot is problem the wrong word, at least as far as
        MAGA Protestors were concerned, they did not riot.

        From what I saw, it was a FED-Surection.
        John Nichols (the scaffold commander), Ray Epps.... the people wearing their MAGA cap backwards... Panty-fah.
        The first image of someone wearing a "Qanon shirt.... FED. FED FED.
        The first windows broken were broken by the capitol police (there is video of this. it exists)
        The FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Seeing a pattern here?
        They tear gassed the back of the crowd forcing the people in front with no choice but to go forward.
        The pipebomb the cap-police expressed little interest in. They actually directed people (with children) to walk within the bombs range.
        The violence was entirely an inside job.
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        • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
          I dont trust the left at ALL. They lie, manipulate, twist the facts to suit their narrative. I don't know what Trump was supposed to do. He called the capitol police, but you couldn't expect him to actually stop a demonstration. I wouldn't have left the oval office myself if I were president.
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 3 weeks ago
          Oh yeah. I'm seeing a pattern. I'm sure that if I form a small interest group here in town about firearms, camping, fishing and gardening there'll be a fed sitting in the meetings. That blows my mind.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Watched the whole thing, remembered some of that history.
    What was clear is that the global delete and the American Kakistocracy has always shinned Russia, especially Putin, saying we'll get back to you and didn't.
    Seems to me that Putin is a whole lot smarter and honest than any creatures in the rest of the world.
    He reminded me a lot of Ayn Rand . . .
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    • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      I got a lot of respect for Putin after watching that interview and also the other interview with Oliver Stone a few years ago. Our politicians here generally don't deserve a lot of respect.

      That said, I don't thin Putin is particularly bound by morality, particularly if his power was threatened. I do think that the Ukraine war could be stopped in a few days if Trump gets a chance to negotiate with Putin directly.
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 months, 3 weeks ago
        It just occurred to me! Putin respects Trump and Trump in turn has respect for Putin. They understand one another. This was how we won WW2..Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill. They were always having meetings.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 3 months, 3 weeks ago
          The "Big Three" is a separate story entirely. Churchill hated Stalin. And Stalin didn't give a rat's behind for anyone other than Russia, which became very clear as soon as the Russians defeated the Japanese in Manchuria and then bailed on providing military support in the Pacific. And let's also not forget that when WW II started, Stalin and Hitler were allies according to the Ribbentropf Treaty. They invaded Finland and Poland together. It was only when Hitler was stymied by England in the Battle of Britain that he turned his sights for domination eastward again - towards Russia.

          The relationship between Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill was always one of a politician (Roosevelt) with all the resources and two military tacticians who needed them. The Russians would have lost the war without the US providing necessary rubber for tires and shoes - they had the steel production and engineering to build tanks, etc. with the Ural mountains between them and the German armies. The problem for the Russians was that Moscow is on the other side of the Urals from the manufacturing base and thus their political capital was unprotected.

          Similarly, Britain would have lost their part of the war without the US supplies in old naval vessels - primarily old destroyers on the so-called Lend-Lease program (which the US forgave) - as well as basic supplies such as food. But let's remember that England still had a formidable navy (which the Russians lacked) and so they still had access to shipping both from the United States and from the colonies in Africa and India and the Far East (Singapore was a hot spot).

          The US had the economic base and it was insulated from direct conflict. England had its formidable Navy which controlled the Mediterranean Sea, and Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Russia had lots of people it was willing to sacrifice and lots of steel. Germany had a robust military culture and history and grievances against England (and France) from WW I. Italy was supposed to be the foil for the UK's navy - but they were remarkably absent, refusing to engage the British navy despite having superior numbers and local bases. Japan was similarly a military culture with larger ambitions which had been stunted by the Americans.

          I think it's pretty remarkable that the Allies won, to be honest. A few major battles or strategic decisions different and the Axis could very well have forced a negotiated treaty at a bare minimum. The Battle of Britain, Midway, Dunkirk, Crete (the Germans tried to invade and cut off the British in the Med) and a handful of others (decision by Goering to go for jets instead of heavy bombers) all dramatically shaped the course of the war.
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        • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
          Putin doesnt want war. He even said its not good for anyone. He certainly doesn't want nuclear war. Its time for both Russia and the USA to admit their mistakes (The USA not abiding by agreed on treaties in Minsk, and Russia thinking they could just roll into Ukraine and take it over in a couple of days) and move on to settle things. I think Trump is right that he could stop the war in a few days. The USA is not blamess , and Russia invaded Ukraine. Both major miscalculations. USA needs to be on respectful terms with Russia, and Russia needs to be on respectful terms with USA- starting now. I was impressed with Putin actually. He is probably a monster dictator, but he is a smart man, and I heard more rationality from him than I hear from our illustrious and demented leader.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    My Favorite Q&A:

    Why did you not fight the Propaganda?

    My INTERPRETATION of the Response:
    Putin: ~"Against the US-Controlled World-Wide Propaganda Machine... The likes the world has never seen before? Come On this would have been futile! Like trying to get your media to admit there was ZERO Russian Collusion, and Trump is a Decent Person... It simply cannot be said, heard, echoed or repeated without pain of punishment..."

    If his English were better, he would have said it my way... LOL. But that's what I heard.

    He could have added:

    The Average Communist Mouthpieces BLUSH when they think of the power the USA Deep State/CIA Yield in spreading lies!

    In fact, this is what made them realize that Capitalism produces better results!!!
    Trust me Comrade!

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  • Posted by STEVEDUNN46 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    I remember when states that voluntarily agreed to establish a federal government joint 13 parcels of land that were stolen from indigenous people. The main purpose was for a command defense. Years later, some of the parcels, decided the federal government was overbearing on a number of fronts. They decided to withdraw from that arraignment. The president of this federal government was determined to keep all the parcels as part of the federal arraignment by violent force. It was the bloodiest military action ever witnesss in that land. But yet that government want to wage war with another government doing what it did.
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    • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      WE should admit what we did as a country, and let bygones be bygones. Whats done is done, and its no different from what has happened for 1000 years in this world. We must move forward with respect for each other, or this earth will be no more the result of some nuclear conflict.

      Russia and USA need to sit down and just end the Ukraining thing. We don't need to supply military stuff to maintain a conflict, and neither does Russia. As things are going, Ukraine in short order will be a vast wasteland filled with dead people- and for what?

      If I was king, I would go over to Russia and work out a solution wherein both countries admit to misjudgment and bad actions that need to stop now-period. If both countries are ok with looking bad as a starter, the conflict can be over pretty fast.
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      • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
        While I agree with what I think is your point, I'd say that the fedgov should admit that they
        have betrayed the country and the People and accept the punishment for treason.
        The country nor the People have any responsibility for the unconstitutional actions
        of the Deep State controlled government, except perhaps that the people have a
        responsibility in a republic to revolt against the treasonous fedgov.
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        • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
          If Trump gets elected in 2024, he can blame all this on biden and maybe actually get us on the right track finally.
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          • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
            Only if he acts immediately by using the military to arrest and send to
            Gitmo all the most obvious traitors including many in the con-gress.
            Otherwise the con-gress will just impeach him again and 4 years will
            pass with nothing done and another traitor tyrant Democrat as incoming
            potus after the election is stolen again will pardon everyone who is a
            traitor and arrest thousands who are innocent.
            The Jan 6 committee should be executed immediately for treason.
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            • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
              I a concerned about what you say. IF Trump is in fact the next president, he will spend most of his time defending himself in court again. But at least we will get a few years of the left NOT getting what they want.
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 3 weeks ago
          I agree. And, I don't think it will ever happen. Things must follow what is the natural path in these conditions...and the establishment and country just burn itself to the ground. As I've said many times in my life...I really want to be wrong. Too many of those in power seem hell-bent on self-destruction, the end of human life and too many votors agree with them. They just pardoned a sitting president for being senile...and left him sitting.

          Constructive destruction is the likely path.
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    • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      The states in the east didn't steal land, they had agreements and cooperation from the natives. The natives in the east wanted to be apart of this new country. The west was another story, A Holes on both sides.
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      • Posted by STEVEDUNN46 3 months, 3 weeks ago
        I guess it depends on the definition of stealing land.
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        • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 months, 3 weeks ago
          I would stick with the obvious standard definition but it's kind of a moot point at this point in time, just as the "slavery" issue.
          Mankind has gone through many stages of enlightenment, (or UN-enlightenment) from the spoken word, to communal living, complex societies, to metaphoric speech, awareness of one's own awareness, raw and evolved introspection and all actions in relation to that introspective ability; the latter, not always "just in time" results.

          Believe what one may but it's clear that one cannot be blamed for the actions taken, mistakes, misunderstandings of the past, unless one is still behaving in those ways, (like the democrapic party and the resulting political Rino-viruses), much less the openly heathen UN-introspective bicameral's which pretty much involves 60% of present day population according to the last studies of such.
          Of Course we understand that a majority of which resides within governments and associate offices.
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  • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    I think Putin has some good points. I was hoping for some more talk about how to stop all this madness, but I understand that Putin cant undermine his own negotiators, and he feels that there were agreements already made that the US disregarded. so he doesn't trust us.

    If I were elected president, the first thing I would do is visit Putin and tell him that both Russia and the USA have made mistakes in the pas (The USA reneged on Minsk agreement and NATO, and Russia thought that taking over Ukraine would be a two day invasion and it wasn't), and its time to accept those and settle disagreements and move on. Russia and USA need to be friendly neighbors, same with China too. I would tell Putin that a good start would be to revisit the Minsk agreements and reinstate those and pull all the troops out on both sides and leave Ukraine to elect its own leaders and get no further military help without interference from the USA.

    Trump can do this, and I hope for everyone's sake that he gets a chance to do just that. Biden and the left doesn't know how to get out of a war (Afghanistan), but certainly knows how to get us into one (ukraine)

    Putiin asked a good question- with a huge national debt and uncontrolled borders, why is the USA interested at all in fighting in Ukraine? Damn good question !!!
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    • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      The banking cartel wants war to bail out their Ponzi scheme. No President will be able to make peace (and stop feeding America's wealth and young people into irrational wars) until after the banking cartel is destroyed, imo.
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      • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
        Our money is going to be destroyed at some point, and it will be too late to save our wealth. I am VERY concerned about this. Bitcoin is trash and would be made illegal. Gold will be confiscated. Assets can be confiscated through wealth taxes. The only thing that's safe is to have a compound somewhere either isolated in the USA, or in South America somewhere, and set it up to be self sustaining somehow.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    This is about as clear as mud to me? Whos is the Johnson Putin is talking about? As for Tucker Carlson, I do believe a news analyst can travel anywhere in the world he/she dares as they are free to do. What's with these people?
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago in reply to this comment.
    Sorry about stretching your statement. I suppose I do get a bit testy, since I keep getting called a liar because of my personal history of connections to US military intelligence, since it seem that everyone magically knows no intelligence source ever tells the truth.

    I have no reason to doubt your personal Russian contacts, although I'm sure your observations often get discounted because those with opposing view tell you anecdotal experiences don't count in "the big picture." It has to be difficult for anyone from either country involved to get the facts out (just like I don't trust nearly every official source of information in our own government and media).
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    • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      It's so difficult to get to the truth.
      It's probably always been that way.
      Please accept my apologies if I did call you a liar.
      That was not my intention, which was to express my mistrust in reports from both sides of the conflict.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    What shocks most thinking people, probably, is that the west never wanted "cooperation and association". Putin was shocked. I'm shocked. Most people with a brain are shocked. Seems to me that the biggest sin by the Soviet Union in the eyes of leftists Americans is demonstrating that communism is a failed ideology. How dare they! And, now the lefties are going to make them pay.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    The left is upset with Tucker over this. Yet, when Trump was in office John Kerry, who had no job at the time, would show up after Trump left a foreign nation and try to undo everything Trump did. What a total POS Kerry is...I have this opinion from a buddy who had to protect Kerry in the secret service...just a total POS "biggest asshole I ever met".
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    I haven't posted on the Gulchin for some time, I don't intend to watch Tucker Carlson interview Putin. In particular for a Russian history lesson. I have read several postings on Quora by Russian people talking about their country and the war. Unfortunately, I didn't save any but one individual posted of rural Russian homes looking very dilapidated and then stated that in the major cities looked like any other European city. Another posting stated that there are very few jobs for men in rural areas and that the army is the only way they can earn a few rubles.
    One very interesting post by a Polish officer stated that if Russian troops stepped over Poland's border their army would roll right over them, and in a few days be in Moscow. They would burn it to the ground like they did during the Polish-Muscovite War of 1605-1618.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Carlson overhyped this softball exercise, but it did give the Russian leader the chance to have his say to an American audience. Remember, he has said that the collapse of the USSR was a historic catastrophe, so his view of history is classically Stalinist.

    What really started Ukraine-Russia relations rolling toward a catastrophic collision was Ukraine's refusal to renew the lease of Sevastopol for the Black Sea fleet. Without that port, Russia would have to undertake a huge infrastructure effort in Rostov or one of the other Black Sea Russian ports, so the loss of that port was the tipping point.

    NATO is treaty bound to accept requests to join from any European state, and did not proselytize for new members after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was the rise to power of Yuri Andropov's favorite KGB agent Putin that led nations to seek NATO membership. Otherwise, they felt it was obvious that they would soon have the Russian collar around their necks again, in a new Warsaw Pact.

    Trump held Putin's hand in check by simply telling him that he could break Russia's economic back by enabling increased production of American oil and gas, dropping the international price below what it cost the Russian industry to produce. Putin does not want to see Trump in charge again.
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  • -1
    Posted by WilliamRThomas 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    I didn't see any answer to why Putin didn't reject Ukrainian statehood until his puppet ruler there lost power.

    I'm sorry you all are so loyal to the Republicans that you can't see that Putin is an imperialist and NATO hasn't harmed the Russian people in the least. it has only limited Putin's imperial dreams.
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    • 10
      Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      Maybe instead of criticizing Gulchers you should read what we have posted
      and think before posting your criticism.
      I would like to hear your opinion of the US telling the Russian leaders that NATO
      would never move one inch closer to Russia and then breaking that promise.
      This is not a case of NATO white hats against Russia black hats.
      The sole evil empire is not in Moscow.
      The biggest and most powerful evil is the Deep State warlords in D.C.,
      Brussels, London, and their conspirators in places like Ukraine.
      What power is going to limit that evil empire's 'imperial dreams?'
      It certainly isn't coming from the GOP or the Democrats or
      any other arm of the US federal government.
      It certainly isn't coming from the UN which is a Deep State
      conspirator supporting the evil imperial dreams.
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    • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
      I wouldnt want to get in the way of Putin's power if I lived in Russia. I think he is ruthless and I would be dead for sure in some mysterious accident.
      Every country seems to want to take over other countries in the whole of history. The USA did it until it expanded from the Atlantic to the Pacific. I am sure Russia wants it too, even though they have more land area than anyone else (but most of it is frozen and useless). The USA should concentrate on making itself a great country with tremendous defenses that no one wants to test, and we ll live in peace as a result. Fighting over Ukraine is a useless exercise even for Russia, and it should be stopped ASAP
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      • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
        The problem with trying to restore George Washington's vision of an America free from any ties to foreign powers is that we're living with a globally intertwined economic market. People didn't seem to recognize that until supply chains started breaking down when COVID hit. Fortunately for us, we're one of the few major nations with all the resources to become economically independent if necessary (and it will be, in the next 20 years, due to global demographic factors among other things).

        Russia can't stop trying to grab all the territory it can, as it will only have the young population to support military action for the next ten years, before the demographic bomb hits, and there aren't enough young people left. Even now the effects of the current action in Ukraine are straining the limits, as increasing the size of the military has reduced the size of the labor force for Russia's military industries to the point that they can't meet the schedules for new armored vehicles.

        Common sense left the picture long ago, crushed by Putin's determination to restore Russia's international stature and secure a defensive posture that controls all the possible land invasion corridors.
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        • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
          Really, who wants to invade Russia- ceertainly NOT the USA. Putin IS paranoid about that.

          A comment on countries going up and down. First of all, we are all dependent on other people for our lives as we know them today. Not just internationally, but also within our own borders. I just ate a fancy burger that had beef, cheese, jalapenos, lettuce, bacon, secret sauce(?). I am dependent on the farmers who made the lettuce, raised the cows and pigs, processed the cheese from the milk the cows provided. Without all those people, I don't eat what I just had. If our economy crashed, our lives as we know them would face major disruptions.

          A business relies on customers and their needs. If those needs change because the customers are older or younger, the business must adapt in size and what it provides if it wants to stay in business.

          Same thing applies to a country. The people in the country must be willing to adapt to changes in demographics both inside and outside its borders. That applies to the USA and also Russia. Economies are similar to individual businesses, and have to adapt to those changes. Trying to take over additional lands is not a very efficient way to adapt, as there are bad side effects to that. We in the USA should heed that and try to maintain our lifestyles in the face of many changes both inside and outside of our borders. We are doing a BAD job of that by bringing in millions of illegals who arent going to help our country by feeding off our citizens and not having useful skills. Our national debt is going to collapse the country financially at some point. Those two things are MAJOR problems that we are trying to ignore, but which till cripple us.

          Russia should consider that same issues. Maybe Russia can preserve a significant amount of its economy even with demographic shifts, and still have good lives for its people. Russia is doing quite good with resources it can trade to other countries. Its pretty safe from invasion too. If mean who is going to attack Russia !!!!
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          • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
            Good points, especially regarding internal national dependence. The shift I'm thinking of toward increasing internal dependence isn't from a national collapse, but from a gradual shift in international trade as a result of demographic and technology changes.

            Check out the YouTube channel Zeihan on Geopolitics, and Peter Zeihan has some very good discussions on what the impact of the demographics of many countries are going to have on the future of international trade. China, as just one example created a disaster for itself with its "one child" policies, and over the next decade will see a decay in the number of working age adults.

            We definitely agree on the disaster that is the open border policy supported by the increasingly extreme left wing Democrat party. Unless we get a handle on it, they will discover too late what a huge mistake they've inflicted on this country.

            Putin is trying, far too late, to shift the Russian demographics by encouraging larger families. However, he seems oblivious to the fact that he's draining the supply of reproductive age males with his insane Ukraine "special operation." The KIA ratio in the latest Russian offensive is a mind boggling 20 Russians killed for every single Ukrainian killed. Unfortunately, Russia finds itself in the hands of a madman with delusional visions of restoring the grandeur of the Russian empire.
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            • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
              Peter Zeihan? seriously?
              I've seen a number of his videos and he always seems to parrot the Deep State propaganda of the day.
              I think he's being fed by the state and is being paid to publish the videos. Just so you know which ones,
              the Zeihan videos I recall were all saying how Ukraine was going to retake all their territory from Russia.
              Maybe they will in 20 years, but he was talking about them doing so in a month (at that time), not 20 years.
              I have no respect for Zeihan based upon those published videos.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                Zeihan is not a military expert, so he was definitely reaching with his predictions of more victories for Ukraine like retaking as much or more ground as they did in their first surprise offensive. The Russian commanders were caught with their pants down the first time, and were much better prepared for the later offensives.

                I did check on his statements about the demographics, and his numbers are correct. Think about the predicted collapse of our Social Security system when all the Boomers retire, and there aren't enough working age people to keep feeding the Ponzi scheme. Russia has one of the worst demographic imbalances of the developed countries, so their situation is worse.
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                • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                  Now we know where to send 60 million illegal invaders.
                  Unfortunately, there is no rational government that is foolish enough to accept them regardless
                  of the demographic imbalance 'problem.' Most of the rest of the world has many worse
                  problems and they don't purposely destroy their own civilization as a solution.
                  The solution is worse than the problem it is supposed to solve.
                  Americans managed to survive world wars and economic catastrophe at the hands of
                  the banking cartel. American people can conquer this 'problem' better than the elite
                  but the result might be better for the people and reduce the wealth and power of the state.
                  It's another 'problem' like global warming. It will just give the Deep State cover
                  for their plans to eliminate all freedoms except for themselves.
                  Typical of the elite who feel that the people can't decide whats best for themselves
                  and their loved ones. They are definitely traitors and should be treated as traitors.
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            • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
              What is the source of your KIA info, DrZ?
              I am very interested in those factual details.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                The UK intelligence service based the estimates on the number of armored vehicles lost since October in the assaults on Avdiivka and Krinky (?, sp). One assault that went several days against Avdiivka, with only infantry, with commanders unaware they were sending troops into seemingly unstoppable machine gun fire. The guns had been set to operate remotely, without any Ukrainians manning them.

                The normal ratio of attackers to defenders is estimated at about 3 to 1, but the UK intelligence service has estimated a consistent 7 to 1 ratio for the "special operation" based on the number of Russian units that lost combat capability and had to be replaced.

                Ukraine appears to have made better use of FPV drones, and has stepped up production to the extent they can target troops as well as armor, flying the explosive drones directly into Russian trenches.

                Part of the armor loss may be due to the effort to bulk up the force with the use of updated T-55 and T-62 tanks, that are more vulnerable to FPV drone attacks than the T-72, T-80, and T-90. When a Russian T-55 or T-62 is lost, more KIA result, as the older tanks lack the autoloader, and have to have a fourth crewman to load the cannon.

                I was surprised at the KIA ratio, and tried to get a link to a complete document, but all I've found is secondhand information through American and French sources, so it's one of those things that have to be taken as a "could be less, could be more" number.

                It's plausible that the "Storm Z" troops, who have limited training could be the source of heavy losses, inexperienced, sent into combat with limited ammo, and shot if they try to retreat. The Russian commanders seem to be banking on the fact the Ukrainians are going to run out of ammo before Russia runs out of bodies, and given the admission from the Ukrainians that they're desperately short on artillery shells, the Russian commanders may be right.
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            • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
              I think Putin is getting old and wants a legacy and doesn't want to admit defeat. But both he and Biden have made terrible errors with this war, and they both need to admit it and stop fighting. Its a useless war, and by the time its done there will be no ukraine left.

              My company buys a lot from china, and I have to say that most of the peoplewe deal with in China are young people who look like 12 years old, but are probably no more than 21. Zeihan is a bit sold on himself and his cocky attitude, and it makes me trust what he is saying about China and how they cant do anything about the effects of demography, I look at the unbelievable growth and vitality the Chinese people have shown, and it just seems to me that with that level of adaptability, they will find a way to survive.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                There are a lot of economists who say pretty much the same thing as Zeihan about the Chinese economy. Part of the problem is the heavy reliance on real estate, with the "ghost cities" that are unoccupied being an illustration of excessive overbuilding. The pending collapse of that sector of the Chinese economy is like the US subprime fiasco on steroids.

                The Ukraine mess is definitely a Putin mistake. Biden is just carrying out the orders he gets from the folks behind the curtain. American military action has become an embarrassment, and the constant whining about not wanting to escalate has prevented decisive action needed. The world is exploding because our enemies feel the time to take us down is while we have an incompetent demented head of state.
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                • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                  I think demographics will change the economies of China and Russia from what they are today. That said, human nature is quite adaptable and zeihan doesn’t consider the ingenuity of people to react to those chabges. He thinks China will pretty much disappear, which sounds pretty unlikely to me
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                  • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                    As I recall, what Zeihan thinks is that the Chinese Communist Party will disappear, and be replaced by a much-changed system, after an ugly economic revision. Xi Jinping has pretty much eliminated any personal competition for power, and has become essentially an emperor. Unfortunately for Xi, the incredible depth of the CCP corruption is only beginning to surface. The recent discovery, which I'm sure would be appalling to any head of a nuclear armed state, that the tanks of its ICBM force were filled with water, the fuel having been siphoned off and sold, are just one sign that things are definitely not in order.

                    If Russia shifts its gears (and Putin will have to go for that to happen) away from being primarily a military production house to being an agricultural breadbasket (they already provide a substantial part of the world's grain supply), using their technological edge to further automate agricultural production, that will overcome its demographic issues.
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                    • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                      Russia has the raw materials and a workforce. Unfortunately no one in the 'west' will help Russia become a safe, confident, peaceful trader. It has to be a corrupt tyranny that gives most of its production to warlords and banksters. The Deep State must be defeated for the Russian (and any other) people to have any chance at the pursuit of happiness.
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                      • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                        Unfortunately, Putin's insane exercise to try to expand the Federation is bleeding out the Russian workforce. That's showing in the inability of the military centers to come close to the call for increased production, with the heads of the various production houses protesting they can't find any workers, thanks to mobilization efforts that have pulled workers into military service.
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                        • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                          In order to know that is true, we need an inside source in Russia, not the controlled western media nor the warlords in NATO who would sacrifice their own mothers to maintain their power. Manpower might not be the weakness that we believe. I do acknowledge it is more of an issue for Russia than for NATO since NATO cowards have only risked our economy.
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                          • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                            Opposition voices in Russia quickly disappear. The one source that seems to somehow leak out is the 1420 (name of the source, not a number) independent interviews of ordinary Russians on the street. Most toe the line about how wonderful Putin is, and how everything is just fine, but there are a not so insignificant number of people who speak surprisingly frankly about their concerns, unable to contact relatives who've been conscripted, rising costs, failure of utility systems, their desire to end the war (which is daring, since to refer to the "special operation" as a war is a criminal offense).

                            If you want evidence of something not being right, some of the recent Ukrainian videos from the front line show T-62 and T-55 tanks they've stopped that have no upgrades, like added armor, which indicates they were sent to the front directly from storage, as soon as they could be made to run. That's a sign of problems in the refitting that's supposed to happen with these older vehicles, indicating labor problems crippling the component supply chain. Earlier these vehicles were just used as "zombies," loaded with explosives and sent without crew into minefields to clear a path, and later were said to just be used as light mobile artillery, not on the front line, but lately have been seen as part of direct assault forces.
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                            • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                              Thanks for that source (1420.)
                              However,as to the Ukrainian video, I have no faith in anything coming from the Ukrainians who are liars (desperate or corrupt to get more billions that we can't afford to send) or the western press who are utterly controlled.
                              Based on conversations I had some years ago with Russians, Putin has respect and control because he has convinced Russians that he is a Russian patriot. (I haven't spoken to them recently.)
                              Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                              • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                                It's a little disturbing to see the mantra of "all Ukrainians are liars, and all Russians tell the gospel truth," when I see the most outrageous lies from the Russian press and military spokesmen. There's one Russian general I've come to call "Moscow Mike," after the infamous "Baghdad Bob." Good old Mike was quick to declare that the Russian army had destroyed 100 Bradley fighting vehicles, when the vehicles in question hadn't yet left the US.

                                I tend to rely on France 24 and the Indian news service, CRUX, which seem to be more even handed in their coverage of the whole affair.
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                                • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                                  I'd appreciate you not creating fake quotes from my post. Nowhere did I say I trust the Russian media either. Personal one on one conversation with Russians that I knew who were speaking their honest opinion about Putin is a different matter entirely. They had no vested interest in lying as the Ukrainian and Russian and US media do (and are likely paid to do) about the capability of the Ukraine military and the capability of the Russian military. I'd be more likely to believe French and Indian media but that depends on their sources which could be hacks from the west for example. I am reluctant to accept any media source without following the trail to the original source. (With respect to you , DrZ. You have made many valuable posts here in the past.)
                                  Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                                  • DrZarkov replied 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                        • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                          maybe Putin realizes that his Federation is not sustainable for reasons other than the existence of NATO. Maybe its the philosophy of control over the people inherent in the country that is its biggest danger. Maybe he thinks that continual expansion will cover over this. It didn't work for the USSR, though, and wont work now.

                          Nuclear weapons are not going to save the Russian Federation. He who first uses nuclear weapons will result in immediate expanded use of nuclear weapons and the end of civilizations. So, every country really might as well get rid of them.
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                      • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                        There seems to be an irrational hatred of Russia on behalf of Americans. similar to the irrational hatred of Trump that is apparent now. I think Putin is a strong willed dictator who will do anything to preserve his power. But he is a realist. USSR failed for reasons of philosophy, and if Putin tries to repeat the USSR, it will fail again for the same reasons. Russia already has more land area than any other country, but its a tiny country really. Its not land size which will limit Putin's Russia.
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                        • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                          It's not so much irrational hatred as it is frustration. After the collapse of the USSR, US and EU businesses tried to establish connections with Russian companies, but the Russians were so used to dealing with a corrupt system, they felt the western demands for performance, accountability, and quality control were just a different form of oppression. When potential investors tried to enter the picture, Russians felt investor demands for owning part of their companies was nothing but a kind of theft.

                          The EU and NATO both indicated the door was open for Russian membership, but the Russians viewed those as traps to make them subordinate to foreign rule. Putin was smart enough to recognize it was easier to support the Russian ego and pride than to convince Russians that joining those organizations could be a positive thing.

                          Call it a culture clash, and Putin had a personal vision of remaking Russia into a superpower again, which led to supporting the other side of whomever the western countries didn't get along with. He appears to have felt the Cold War was a good thing, keeping the world in balance, and wanted to restore that balance.

                          Wanting to avoid the problems of the Soviet economy, Putin went the fascist direction, with the state directing the economy, rather than trying to own it, and it appeared to be working, until he decided to stop the move for independence of some of the former socialist republics, diverting the nation's wealth into increasing military ventures.

                          We had a fantasy of a new Russia that would become part of one big family of developed countries, and Putin spoiled that vision, so a lot of Americans are pissed that he stomped on the dream.
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                          • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                            Interesting scenario. I haven’t been involved at all in dealing with Russia, but I can certainly accept their culture is very different from ours. McDonald’s dealt with Russia. But suddenly withdrew totally for unknown reasons (to me anyway). I think Putin is concerned only with his personal power and position, as is Xi in China

                            All that said, USA needs to think about USA first, as does European countries. We need less government, less controls on the economy, no money printing, and a strong moral fiber as well as impenetrable defenses. Russia will do what it does and we should stay out of it
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                          • Posted by 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                            Russians that I have spoken to about the activities of western companies after the
                            fall of the USSR are pissed that foreigners stomped on their dreams.
                            I take no side in this as I have little to base a rational conclusion.
                            Some who lived in Soviet satellite countries said they sometimes longed for the stability they had under the Soviets.
                            This surprised me, coming from people who had learned to prosper in a freer 'western' world.
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                            • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                              Like I said: culture clash. Americans are used to the instability of a dynamic capitalist economy, and the idea that a business failing is normal. Russians who grew up under a socialist system where a business was kept going even when it was a miserable performer were not used to dealing with things as western businessmen did.

                              American and European business persons weren't trained to deal with the introduction of their way of conducting things to people that had no exposure to the high risk environment of western markets. There was no ill intent on the part of western players, but they didn't realize the effect on Russians who had no skill or desire to operate in such an environment. When ventures failed, or payment wasn't made because a product wasn't delivered, or didn't meet standards, the Russians felt betrayed.

                              If there had been a strategy to create a kind of middle ground, to meet Russians halfway as they were introduced to how to deal with western folks that had so recently been their enemy, and who might as well have been beings from another planet when it cam to the conduct of business affairs, things might have turned out differently.
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                    • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                      Several items- 1) the CCP has a very tight grip on its populace. Just how would revolution happen?
                      2) There is a lot of ingenuity inherent in the people, and I think Zeihan doesn't take that into account. Policies could change as demographics change
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                      • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                        Actually, I think Zeihan is an optimist when it comes to China. The CCP is just a lackey to Emperor Xi, who has stated he wants to have more control over the party than Mao. By purging all opposition, he's emasculated the CCP, which has been reduced to obeying his edicts.

                        Xi has established such absolute control that if something happens to him, there's no real successor. When things fall apart, as I suspect they will, things will become brutal in the Middle Kingdom as he lashes out to punish anyone he thinks enabled failure.
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                        • Posted by term2 3 months, 3 weeks ago
                          China has gone up and down many times with little stability. Must be for to something in their culture !! We enabled this latest rise by purchasing a lot with printed money. This ride is slowing down and we can’t keep printing money
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