Traitors in Supreme Court Allowing Illegal Alien Invasion. Barrett and Roberts Proven Deep State Traitors. Impeach Them and Jackson, Kagan, and Sotomeyer For TREASON

Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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Supreme Court Allows Federal Government to Remove Texas Border Wire
The high court issued a 5–4 vote on Tuesday.
By Jack Phillips

The Supreme Court voted 5–4 vote to allow U.S. Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire that was set up along the U.S.–Mexico border by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott while a legal challenge plays out.

In a brief order, the high court vacated a ruling issued in mid-December by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh voted to deny the application to vacate that lower court injunction, which would have prevented Border Patrol agents from removing the barrier.
Chief Justice John Roberts as well as Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan, and Sonia Sotomayor sided with the Biden administration. No one provided an explanation for their vote.

The order represents a win for President Joe Biden’s administration, which has struggled to curb illegal immigration into the United States since he took office in 2021, amid an ongoing battle with Mr. Abbott, a Republican, over the border. The administration had filed an emergency request to the Supreme Court and argued that Texas was blocking federal agents from carrying out their duties.

In arguments to the high court, Biden administration lawyers claimed that the barrier prevented agents from reaching illegal immigrants who already entered the United States. Lawyers for the state of Texas, however, have said that Washington has not been able to secure the border as Mr. Abbott’s administration set up razor wire fencing under the Operation Lone Star plan.

They argued that the razor wire blocks agents from gaining access to “the very border they are charged with patrolling and the individuals they are charged with apprehending and inspecting.”

“Like other law-enforcement officers, Border Patrol agents operating under difficult circumstances at the border must make context-dependent, sometimes split-second decisions about how to enforce federal immigration laws while maintaining public safety,” Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar wrote to the Supreme Court. “But the injunction prohibits agents from passing through or moving physical obstacles erected by the State that prevent access to the very border they are charged with patrolling and the individuals they are charged with apprehending and inspecting.”

In the application, she also rejected the idea that federal agents have done anything illegal or improper.

“Border Patrol agents’ exercise of discretion regarding the means of enabling the apprehension, inspection and processing of noncitizens in no way suggests that they cut wire for impermissible purposes,” the solicitor general wrote.

In court papers, the administration also said that, in any case, federal immigration law trumps Texas’s efforts to stem the flow of migrants into the country.

That was submitted after the Fifth U.S. Court of Appeals sided with Texas several weeks ago, saying that “the public interest supports clear protections for property rights from government intrusion and control.”
Earlier this year, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration and multiple federal agencies and officials for destroying the razor wire. He and other state officials have argued that federal agents cut the wire to help groups crossing illegally through the river before taking them in for processing.

Illegal immigrants walk toward a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Sept. 28, 2023. (John Moore/Getty Images)
Illegal immigrants walk toward a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Sept. 28, 2023. (John Moore/Getty Images)
“Federal agents have developed and implemented a practice of destroying Texas’s concertina wire to encourage, induce, and assist thousands of aliens to illegally cross the Rio Grande and enter Texas,” he said in a release in October. “Federal agents in some cases attempted to ease aliens’ ability to illegally climb up the riverbank into Texas by attaching ropes or cables to the back of pickup trucks. Federal agents regularly cut new openings in the wire fence, sometimes immediately after Texas officers have placed new wire to plug gaps in fencing barriers.”

Mr. Abbott also has authorized installing floating barriers in the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass and allowed troopers to arrest and jail thousands of migrants on trespassing charges. The administration also is challenging those actions in federal court. A federal appeals court last month forced federal agents to stop cutting the concertina wire. Large numbers of migrants have crossed at Eagle Pass in recent months.

In a separate case, the U.S. Fifth Court of Appeals in December ordered Texas to do away with a 1,000-foot-long buoy barrier in the Rio Grande, also designed to block illegal immigration. The court sided with the Biden administration, which argued that the barrier makes the Rio Grande difficult to navigate.

This month, Texas denied entry to Border Patrol agents around Shelby Park in Eagle Pass after Mr. Abbott said that the state won’t allow agents “on that property anymore,” widening a dispute with the Biden administration.

“We said, ‘We’ve had it. We’re not going to let this happen anymore,’” the governor said earlier this month, referring to the dispute.

Top Two Comments:
Jim Castle
It’s way past time for states to start declaring their independence. We are no longer the United States of America. Our government has been taken over by communist. I’m just waiting in the wings for enough people to say they’ve had enough. We can’t vote our way out of this mess.

Vonnie Hull
Has Scotus forgotten about “State’s Rights”?
That border belongs to Texas too.
The SCOTUS have proven repeatedly they are owned by the Deep State.
They deserve ultimate punishment.

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    Posted by mhubb 4 months, 1 week ago
    seems the black robed clowns cannot read

    the Constitution allows for States to defend themselves from invasions

    all that voted with biden the usurper are cowards and traitors
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 4 months, 1 week ago
      Instead, just enough black robed clowns voted against their most important purpose of protecting We The People and to stab us all in our collective back.
      And those clowns included Trump appointed (in)Justice Barret? What a supreme disappointment!!!
      RINO Roberts was not much of a srewheaded weak as tater water surprise.
      Whoa! This sarcastic Babylon Bee satire appeared in my email as quickly as me dino was writing the above~~https://babylonbee.com/news/supreme-c...
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  • Posted by 4 months, 1 week ago
    Female justices?
    All voting against the American people.
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    • Posted by bubah1mau 4 months, 1 week ago
      I knew it was the four women and the equivocating Roberts when I first heard the news. If it wasn't the desire to destroy US sovereignty that motivated them, it was the vision of people entangled in razor-wire, real or unreal, that provided their inspiration

      Razor-wire, walls alone will never stop determined saboteurs of national sovereignty anyway. Only a committed policy of shoot-to-kill could have that effect.

      What was taken by shoot-to-kill (Texas and the Guadalupe-Hidalgo cession territory) can only be kept by shoot-to-kill. Even the Great Wall couldn't stop the 17th c. Manchu invasion once the Ming dynasty had reached its corrupt end.
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    • Posted by nanovation 4 months, 1 week ago
      Women see all the young strapping men coming across the border and on some level they want to sleep with them and thus they are for open borders when men are coming across.

      If all the people coming across were 20 year old hot women in wet T-shirts, the men would be for open borders.

      It's all biological.

      The problem is, when you allow women to decide who comes into your society, the result is always death, mayhem and societal collapse, because they always want the most masculine men, that will murder the existing men in the country in order to control access to the women.

      Thus, we never should have given women the unearned privilege of voting. I pray someone remembers this when America is rebuilding.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 4 months, 1 week ago
        Upvoted per the biological imperative -- right on the mark. Females never should have been granted the right to vote - however, the Collectivists wanted to give them the vote in order to force the nation down the road of Socialism -> Communism.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 1 week ago
        "Women see all the young strapping men coming across the border and on some level they want to sleep with them..." I disagree with this assessment entirely, but do believe there is a gender component at play. The maternal desire to nurture is stronger than the similar paternal desire in men. The border runners are posturing a "help me, help me, help me" mantra (especially with children!), which is more likely to be acquiesced, even if totally irrational, by the female half of the population - which does have a pull on the male half. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar is the key appeal to SCOTUS and 4 of the 5 judges ruling against Texas were women (even if one of them can't tell you what a woman is). Tough battle to win even if the nation depends on it.
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        • Posted by 4 months, 1 week ago
          The SCOTUS female members do not defend the US Constitution and that is the sole function of the SCOTUS.
          I think that is a treasonous offence and they should be prosecuted, convicted, and punished based on their votes.
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      • Posted by $ katrinam41 4 months, 1 week ago
        And what is your solution to this problem? Misogyny has no place in the world. Judge the individual, not the genitals.
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        • Posted by nanovation 4 months, 1 week ago
          The solution to the problem is to take women's unearned rights away from them. It's not that hard. The Taliban did it in ONE DAY.

          Will American men do what needs to be done to keep the west from collapsing? No, they are too weak. 100 years of feminist propaganda has doomed our society. All we can do now is prepare for collapse.

          In the collapse, all the weak men in the west will die off, leaving the strong men to rebuild. I pray those strong men will be smart enough to not give women unearned rights again.

          The problem with empowered women is that instead of having babies and keeping society going, they go to college, get full time jobs and then eventually think about having kids in their 30s when their ovaries are starting to shut down. This is most likely a contributing factor to why 1 in 36 kids have Autism these days.

          The West is collapsing because we live in a matriarchal society right now.

          Empowered women don't have babies, vote for socialism, communism, a police state and open borders.

          We did this to ourselves by empowering our women.

          After the collapse, if some white knight in the future recommends we give women the unearned right to vote again, he should be immediately impaled on a 10 foot tall spike.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 4 months, 1 week ago
    In total violation of "States Rights"
    Makes one question whether the "Right Side" won the Civil War?
    The Civil War was never about Slavery.
    Any study of Abraham Lincoln's words and deeds will tell you he never thought conflict was about Slavery, but about whether the Federal Government can dictate to the States what they could, or could not do.
    BTW, Good Ole' Abe was Pen Pals with Karl Marx.
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    • Posted by $ splumb 4 months, 1 week ago
      I've been saying this for years.
      While slavery is an abomination, that war was about the rights of individual states vs. an all-powerful federal government.
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    • Posted by mhubb 4 months, 1 week ago
      the South was right, for the wrong reason...
      they had the right to leave
      loosing their slaves would have bankrupted them, but they had no right to keep humans as slaves in the first place

      the North was wrong, for the right reason....
      they had no right to force people to stay, that WAS slavery, the thing a good number of people in the North was opposed to. but the South fired the first shot, giving the North an excuse to fight

      it was a war over economics, clouded by the moral question of slave ownership
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 4 months, 1 week ago
        Agreed. No man should own another.
        Slavery continues in many parts of this world to this day, the Mid-East comes to mind, but certainly not the only ones owning slaves.
        We could talk about Indentured Servitude, which should have been illegal all along.
        There were far more Indentured Servants than there were slaves.
        Ask the first Irish who crossed the 'pond.
        They served 5-7 years of Servitude, on average.
        We could also talk about the elephant in the room: sex slavery, including children, in this country.
        No my friend, slavery did not die after the Civil War, it changed gears and went underground.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 months, 1 week ago
    Think Roberts is grooming Barrett to be the next pretender.
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    • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago
      Robert’s needs to become incapacitated
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      • Posted by 4 months, 1 week ago
        Has he acted with any independent thought in decades?
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        • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 months, 1 week ago
          Roberts is a POS, either a totalitarian or the DNC has pictures of him fucking goats on Epstein's Island.

          We need another Trump admin, and then both Thomas and Roberts to retire. Roberts because he is a POS. Thomas because we need him to go on our terms. Get that federal judge from CA who keeps ripping into CA laws to take Thomas' place, and a junior high school student who can read the Constitution and not be compromised to replace Roberts... how about Kyle Rittenhouse?
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          • Posted by nanovation 4 months, 1 week ago
            Trump would just promote another Liberal and claim she was a conservative. That's exactly what he did last time.

            "Amy Coney Barrett cried with her black daughter after watching George Floyd video"

            Source: https://www.nydailynews.com/2020/10/1...
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            • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 months, 1 week ago
              Well, your perspective has born out in her voting, but at the time I saw this, I thought she was just trying to diffuse senate objections to her nomination.
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              • Posted by nanovation 4 months, 1 week ago
                I hear ya and I don't blame you.

                I'm more jaded / black pilled. When I saw that she had a black daughter, that immediately told me she's a bleeding heart liberal who adopted someone of another race because she felt sorry for them.

                I based this opinion on the fact that one of my white boomer friends adopted 2 Chinese girls because he hates the Chinese and wanted to provide a better life for these 2 Chinese girls.

                I asked him why he didn't adopt 2 white kids and he rolled his eyes at me and told me that they can fend for themselves just fine.
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                • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 months, 1 week ago
                  You might remind him that Asian-americans are the highest earning ethnicity in the US.
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                  • Posted by nanovation 4 months, 1 week ago
                    Agreed. It's too late for him. He's been raising them for years now. He's a true globalist. He has no love for his country. He moved to Paris and thinks all the Muslims and Africans enrich France perfectly and that everyone should be allowed to move there. But at the same time he'll complain about all the crime, trash and rapes, but he can't put 2 and 2 together for some reason.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 months, 1 week ago
    Nothing changes until one of the traitors suffers the consequences of being a traitor. Day of the Rope. Pass the mashed potatoes.

    As for the actual "wall" -- you could implement this cost effectively with a fleet of a few thousand cheap drones (barking out warnings in sundry languages) along with microwave weapons posted every quarter mile or so. Add a few men in jeeps to zoom into the hot spots and put down the invaders with deadly force. Just do that for a week and make sure that the video footage makes its way out to the public.
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago
    illegals are not stupid. they can see the razor wire and can imagine what it will do if you tangle with it. Do, don't try a crossing where its located.
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  • Posted by rhfinle 4 months, 1 week ago
    "No one provided an explanation for their vote."
    Uh, huh. None needed. They WANT more illegal immigrants into the country.
    I hope the Texas guard opens fire on ANYONE that attempts to damage their fence.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 4 months, 1 week ago
    What if? ... What if this turns out to be the right decision for the survival of the Republic in the administration that follows after the one that's currently installed?

    In the matter of immigration the judgment indicates that Federal law trumps (yes!) state laws that protect illegals. Thus when the next administration gets its feet back on the ground, and goes for something like Removal Of Illegal Immigrants, so-called sanctuary states and cities would lack Federal legal support.

    "It had to be this way."
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    • Posted by nanovation 4 months, 1 week ago
      Trump is owned and controlled by the Central Bankers as well. He is there to give us the illusion that we have someone on our side. No one is coming to save us unfortunately.

      And even if I'm wrong, the military lied to Trump last time, why would they do anything he asks of them the next time?

      Source: https://taskandpurpose.com/news/us-tr...
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 4 months, 1 week ago
        Agreed. It is really tough to get folks (as in my parents, among others) to see the big picture.
        Trump is there because he is useful. He serves a purpose and can follow a script.
        That is it.
        I mean, I was visiting my parents recently in Florida.
        My parents are die-hard Trumpies (dad is lead Trumpie, mom follows dad's lead).
        I said "Trump failed completely in year four with the entire Plandemic nonsense" and I listed the failures.
        My dad replied with steely eyes "He was Powerless!"
        So, I said "we are going to hire a guy that is impotent to save the country?"
        My mother began crying ... no shit ... and while weeping, whispered "We may have lost another son!"
        That's how bad it is among a lot of folks -- they have nothing else to hang their hat on.
        For some, Trump is the Second Coming of Christ.
        Good Lord.
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        • Posted by mhubb 4 months, 1 week ago
          Trump is not a doctor
          was he to allow people to die if he was told people would die in great numbers?

          what would you have done???

          remember he WAS surrounded by traitors, attacked from all sides

          a lesser man would have crumbled

          he is not perfect
          name a better Man
          for the job
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          • Posted by $ pixelate 4 months, 1 week ago
            I forgot to mention something in my prior bit ...
            My dad, in a measure of exasperation asked me "So are you voting for Trump or Not?"
            And I replied "Oh hell yes I am voting for Trump!"
            That settled it ... dad was good and mom stopped crying :)
            I am a fan of Trump. I enjoyed most of 2016-2020.
            Hell, I even own, and wear, the Red Hat.
            Trump is so much better than the rest of the herd it isn't even a contest.
            And yet -- I have no false hope that Trump will save us ... I am saving myself.

            Now back to 2020 ... even the CDC data, that was being made public by August 2020, showed conclusively, that the deaths were WITH Covid -- Not FROM Covid. Those who died WITH Covid also had 2.6 Comorbidities -- bad heart, broken lungs, obesity, you name it -- they were essentially already close to death's door. With this information, the lockdown madness should have ended. The silencing of alternative media reports regarding Ivermectin and alternative therapies should have been stopped -- no more Cancelling those who questioned the Narrative. All of the children should have been back in the classroom by the Fall of 2020. End all the nonsense regarding "Essential" vs "Non-Essential" -- we learned quickly that all government offices and bureaucrats were Essential. Small businesses were closed as Non-Essential. The $5T in PPP could have been much lower given the lack of a necessity to Work From Home. The whole Plandemic was an exercise in increasing State Control while simultaneously crashing a wreaking ball through the world economy. Trump was the US President during eight months of the reign of nonsense and the bastardization of Science. He is culpable for the mess; in spite of this, I will still wear the Red Hat.
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            • Posted by mhubb 4 months, 1 week ago
              yes there are a lot of people that should pay a heavy price for what they did to use over covid

              the bastards i work for violated Federal Law, the US Constitution, Basic Human Right and i was working from home full time, yet demanded i take the damned shot and 1 booster (i took the non-RNA one)
              they denied il-legally denied my requested exemption, said i had no right to appeal

              they claim to be a Religion panel
              may they stand before God and explain themselves as i watch
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              • Posted by $ pixelate 4 months, 1 week ago
                I managed to escape a lot of the Covid crap -- I was already retired, live alone (no spouse to have potential disagreements with), no children... so I just traveled and worked to steer clear of the nonsense.
                My parents were skeptical of it all, including the vax, and so that is one less concern.

                These regional panels consist of individuals -- with names and addresses.
                I am uncertain if they will receive a trial before God.
                Once enough breakage occurs, these individuals may be party to a trial before those who were damaged. Since I have sustained minimal damage, do date, I will not be holding any personal trials. That may have to change over the next couple of years. I am an engineer... and I keep a scoresheet.
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