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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    Do you have an article or something? I can't see Russia attacking Sweden solely due to geographical concerns: they'd have to go through Finland first. This doesn't make any sense...
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 4 months, 2 weeks ago
      That does not make any sense to the dino either.
      Do you know what Nazi Germany invaded Norway and not Sweden?
      If what I read is true, Norway had one big airfield for all its war planes while Sweden had several spread across its country.
      Being half-Swedish, that kinda makes me want to strut about and cry, "Cock-a-doddle-do!"
      Gotta go. Just thought of something I want to take of.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 4 months, 2 weeks ago
        Hate spotting a glitch I can't fix later on.
        My above ending with "take of" was supposed to be "take care of."
        Guess I was just too excited over strutting about and crowing.
        Dang, all in a sudden I think I'd like to get me dino some Church's Fried Chicken.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 4 months, 2 weeks ago
        What was also interesting was that Russia and Germany both participated in the WW II invasion of Norway. Norway was holding its own against one, but two invaders was too much and they were forced to surrender. That was in the days of the Ribbentropf treaty when Stalin and Hitler were both effectively Axis powers and before Hitler made the disastrous attempt to invade Russia before finishing off the Brits.
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  • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    Putin does not hate America. He actually wants to see America as a great Country again. He has emulated and copied many (good) parts of America. Traditional America, He does not want anything to do with this woke degeneration and devolution, America's rejection of all spiritual values. Christmas is about anything BUT Christ in America.

    2024 is the "Year of the Family" in Russia The traditional family. A "family" is not woke-defined as a street gang or conglomeration of cross-dressers and tradition-haters.

    A woman in Russia who has 3 children will now be awarded $40,000.

    Traditional Christian values are honored in Russia, whereas, when I went to the local high school basketball game here in my Midwest state, I see a montage to Freddy Kreuger, the mass murderer, plastered on the hallway wall. When I asked what happened to Christmas, the principal told me, "We didn't have time for Christmas."
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  • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    Enough of the Russo-phobia. Russia did not influence the 2016 election. Trump did not pee on a bed in a Moscow hotel. Russia did not start the conflict in Ukraine, it was started in the 2000's by the US State Department with "color revolutions" in Yugoslavia, Georgia and Ukraine.

    Russia did not blow up its own $20 Billion pipeline, the greatest (by dollar damage) terrorist act in world history. Russia did not attack its own Kerch Bridge.the greatest (by length) bridge in Europe. Russia did not yesterday blow up its own airliner returning Ukrainian POW.s

    If there's any bad guy here it's NATO-HATO. If your house was surrounded by threatening neighbors, all ignoring your neighborly greetings, all with menacing pit bulls, all armed with shotguns, tanks bazookas, warplanes, nukes, missiles pointed at your house, everything aimed at your house, all refusing to talk to you, all calling you a criminal, all hating your guts and wanting to get their hands on your valuable land and your jewelry, would you be concerned?
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    • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 2 weeks ago
      LOL, "Russo-phobia" (good one, fairbo) IMHO, is the results of a propaganda campaign invented by the left that hates Russia for kicking communism into the ash can of Russian history.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    I remember when Russia first Invaded Ukraine.
    We were treated to ASSUMPTIONS like:
    1) Putin is going to re-assemble the Empire
    2) Putin will NOT stop at Ukraine
    3) Putin is eyeing Europe next.

    Fast forward until today. My take:
    1) Russia secured the regions they were concerned with
    2) Russia destroyed the Dam that was blocking fresh water from getting to Crimea
    3) Russia now has direct land access to Crimea

    And they seem to be holding pretty steady, waiting for the peace talks, in which I SAY "Give them the land the took". But make them build 1:1 new infrastructure in their newly acquired land AND the other side of Ukraine as their price.

    Stop the killing, stop the war. The costs of rebuilding, if done right, will be a benefit to Ukraine and to that new area of Russia. It will cost far more than people realize, and that will siphon off more of their war chest (like it did ours).

    But Russia 100% decimated Ukraine, despite the help of the west. Those who think they had a "hard go of it", PLEASE see how Israel is handling Gaza... And ask yourself if PUTIN was EVER this brutal in this conflict? The answer is no. He laid off their infrastructure UNTIL we helped Ukraine hit their bridge.

    You may not agree.
    But the MEDIA was 100% wrong about Putin's goals and intentions. This was about securing Crimea, and 2 core regions that were overwhelmingly Russian, and were being punished by Ukraine to TRIGGER Putin into invading... (All wars are bankers wars)
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    • Posted by rhfinle 4 months, 2 weeks ago
      Not to sound too pro-Russian, but Crimea ~used~ to be part of Russia, about 100 years ago. They just finally took it back. Probably understandable, with its strategic naval importance.
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    • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
      Putin has said many times he wants to restore Russia to former greatness with the taking over of all territories USSR once held. Why don't we just listen to what he says and believe it????
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 months, 2 weeks ago
        I think you might have some translation issues.
        While he wants RUSSIA to be restored to it's old glory, I can promise you he DOES NOT want all of the old countries.

        But I need the source. I need to hear this, and have my Russian Friends confirm the translations.

        I have been handed a few videos of Putin saying something, and it was UTTER BS. He was recorded elsewhere, saying something else/boring... And someone put English sub-titles that were not even close to what he was saying.

        So, it it's out there, PLEASE send it to me.
        I would love to be corrected.
        But he's really been in power in Russia a REALLY long time. He's moving kind of slow. He will be 90 before he gets to country number 2 at this point...
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        • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
          Russia is a long way from here, and has little control over my life at the current time. Our own enfeebled government has far more effect on my life at this time, and China is a close #2. I have little direct information about Russia except for a few items:

          1) Putin is a vicious dictator who has killed off anyone who is remotely a threat to him. He has a very fatherly demeanor that came out in Oliver Stone interview which I watched. I suspect as long as his position of power is not threatened in any way, he is a reasonable person.
          2) Putin is big time into staying in control. He has enough enemies to keep him worried about losing power.
          3)"Mother Russia" seems to be a big unifying factor in Russian life, and Putin seems to know this
          4)Putin is getting old and wants to create a long lasting legacy. Restoring "mother russia" to the previous position as USSR seems to have considerable appeal to him.
          5) Putin is an opportunist. He takes what he can get away with. He waited for Biden to be in power in the USA because he knew Biden would at most only do half hearted defense of Ukraine. He wouldn't have tried invasion of Ukraine if Trump were president.
          6) I have to go by my assessment of the data I have been exposed to.
          7) If I lived in Poland, I would feel the ned to investigate in more depth, since tomorrow I could be attacked by Russia.
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      • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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        • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
          Its in Putin's own writings and speeches. Plus the interview with Oliver Stone he talked about it
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          • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
            Do you have the actual words where he says he wants to "take over' all former territories of the USSR"? I'm just asking because 99% of the articles in the Western media about Putin and Russia, and Ukraine, further filtered by the anti-Russian Google and Youtube search algorithms, are twisted. perverted. altered or outright dishonest. .
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            • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
              Things are complicated enough just as it relates to my own life that I concentrate on making sure that I verify things that affect directly my life currently, and then have to rely somewhat on what I can obtain from others after filtering them as best I can.

              Relating to Russia, Its far away, appears to be interested in returning to the old USSR size and power, so I don't keep logs of who said what. For better or worse, I have to make do with what I can remember and analyze. I don't believe much information that is out there, and I have to listen to a person like Putin in the Oliver Stone interviews, and integrate that with the fact he is a pretty nasty dictator, and seems to be very afraid of losing his position (eliminates rivals). I put 2 and 2 together and am more likely to accept that he wants his legacy to be he restored mother Russia to the power and influence of the USSR- and to push for that in whatever way he can get away with. If I lived in Poland, I would feel the need to analyze Putin in far more detail. The Polish people should be acutely aware of what Putin might do if he wins in Ukraine.
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              • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                Me, too! I have "feelings". But reality and credibility are based on factual data. not feelings.
                A: I don't like my neighbor C two doors down the street.
                A: Cause everybody knows he is a bad person.
                A: Therefore I am arming B, the neighbor between us, and paying him to shoot at the bad man's dogs
                A: Because C's planning to attack me.
                Has he ever said he is going to attack you?
                A: No, but I know he is planning to attack me.
                How do you know that?
                A: Because it's true!
                So you're starting a war with him because you're afraid he will start a war with you?
                A: Yes!
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                • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                  I understand. Given that its right in your neighborhood and affects your life, more reason and less feelings is in order. Sometimes feelings give you advance notice of what IS fat, but feelings arent facts.

                  As to Russia and Ulraine and Taiwan, its really none of my business right now. We have so many more pressing problems right here in the USA like getting rid of Biden, The federal reserve money printing machine, incredibly more onerous regulations, etc. Lets fix that stuff before the USA just crashes under its own weight. In the meantime, let Ukraine deal with its neighbor
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                  • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                    I was making an analogy, a ironic reply to your "solution" of how to fix world problems. But communication is problematic here.
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                    • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago
                      I never said I have a solution to worlds problems. If anything, I said that its time that the USA thinks about ITS problems and leave the rest of the world to figure out its problems. Right now, what happens in Ukraine doesn't have much effect if any on my life, so I don't spend much time trying to solve THEIR problem.
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  • Posted by mhubb 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    Sweden exported iron to Germany in the 40s
    so Russia has little reason to like Sweden

    but Russia is in no shape to invade anyone, based on how they are doing in Ukraine

    the Russian Navy is a hollow shell of the Soviet Navy.

    the Russian Air Force might be good on Defense, but Sweden is also

    the Russian Army trying to invade Sweden will go up against what the Soviet Army found in Finland in the Winter War
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    The once mighty Vikings are now Woke.
    A shame, really.
    That said, what strategic value is Sweden?
    And, unlike You-Crain, there are no Russians in Sweden being oppressed by the Swedish government.
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  • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
    No question, Rusia wants to take over Europe country by country, and will do so whenever it CAN
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    • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
      Why would Russia want to take over and be responsible for a bunch of woke welfare states?
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      • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
        It used to control all of them for years. Dictatorial power makes it easier. No need for elections. Just use fear to control. Russian territory is not really great territory in itself. Little farming. Europe has a lot of advantages for russia
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        • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
          You are incredible!

          Russia has "little farming." LOL! The world's leading exporter of grain. They are now sending FREE shiploads of grain to Somalia!
          Yeah, I know, your CNN and MSN_LSD ""trustworthy" buddies did not inform you of reality!

          Right! Europe's "advantaged" (LOL!) farmers are blockading Ukrainian borders and demonstrating in Paris against astronomical taxes, TODAY, spraying the cops with manure fertilizer,
          What? That wasn't on Fox and Friends or Newsmax? LMAO!

          I appreciate the humor!
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        • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
          Russia used to control "all of them"? France? Belgium? LOL!
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          • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
            Russia didnt control France. I think both France and Belgium were over run by the germans. I don't think Russia would want France at all- I don't know WHO would want to try taking over France by force. It would be like trying to take over USA by force. Just not going to work.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 2 weeks ago
      How about some unbiased data evidence to back up that opinion?
      Bullshit stories from NATO, the US fedgov, Google, Facebook, and Ukraine are not evidence; they are misinformation and propaganda.
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      • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
        Russia and Ukraine are so far away from anything that really affects my life that I really don't pay a lot of attention to them. I just look from afar and measure all the propaganda using what seems most reasonable. If I lived in Poland, I would probably check out all the propaganda on both sides more carefully.

        I conclude that Putin IS a rather vicious dictator by what he does with his "adversaries" and the amount of wealth he somehow gets out of Russia and how he deals with his oligarchs.

        I also conclude that he wants to use the whole "return mother Russia to its former glory" to help hold him in power and keep him from being assassinated.

        If Ukraine is so much Russian, one would think that the people there would just be friendly to Russia and it wouldn't be necessary for Putin to put the iron grip on them.

        Whether or not Ukraine joins Nato seems a bullshit point. Having Ukraine on the border of Russia seems actually the same as having Poland on the border of Russia. Sounds to me like Putin just wants more territory.

        I am not in the position to engage in war with Russia. I would be more likely to "trust but verify" Russia, but try at treat them like an independent country and trade with them. If I was in Europe I might feel differently after having gone through many years of USSR oppressive rule but I think that's a European problem to solve. Here in the USA we need to keep ourselves defensively strong.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 2 weeks ago
          "If Ukraine is so much Russian, one would think that the people there would just be friendly to Russia"
          They were being friendly to Russia and ELECTED a Pro-Russian president.
          Then the Scumsucking Whores in DC fomented a coup to overthrow the pro russian elected leader and
          replace him with a pro-NATO anti-Russian leader who has acted to persecute innocent pro-Russian people in Donbass.
          The bastard scum neocons in DC did it, just as they attacked Iraq for no reason whatsoever (after 911),
          just to make themselves powerful and their corrupt asshole friends rich. There were NO WMD's, just Lying scum in DC.
          I trust neither Putin or DC, but I think Putin loves Russia, and DC hates America. DC hates me; I despise them.
          I'd rather see DC punished than Putin. They deserve it for pushing the genocide plandemic. Nuke them.
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          • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
            I would go for punishing our current crop of politicians. We should mind our own business and let other countries deal with their own problems. The USA had meddled far too much in the business of other peoples. This needs to stop.
            Since WW2, almost everything the USA has done is meddle in other peoples business to try to make other peoples do what WE think is best.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 1 week ago
          Not to be picky, term2, but Russia and Poland do not share a border. Latvia, Lithuania, and Belarus buffer between them. They are all independent countries though Belarus is very friendly with Russia.
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          • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago
            Once Russia takes over Ukraine, then Poland borders russia/
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            • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 1 week ago
              Poland already has a border with Russia (but not connected to the mainland Russia.)
              The rest is More DeepState BULLSHIT.
              C'mon term. Why are you buying the DeepState propaganda?
              Russia never asked for Ukraine, just that Ukraine's USA coup backed corrupt government stop
              killing and oppressing Russian speaking people living in the Donbass section of Ukraine.
              Your assumptions are based on DeepState propaganda lies.
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              • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago
                Your argument is not in accordance with reality. Russia already took over the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine so why don’t they agree to simply stop the invasion and the war and keep what they took?
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                • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 1 week ago
                  Because Ukraine repeatedly refuses to talk peace and keeps attacking Russians. That's thanks to instructions from NATO morons. The war could have ended after about 3 weeks if the assholes at NATO (aka USA) didn't get in the way. Guess they needed to send another $60 billion to be laundered.
                  Do you just ignore all the news that doesn't fit your views?
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                  • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago
                    I agree that nato convinces Zelenskyy to not stop the war. I think Biden wants to keep Russia busy with a stalled war. That is probably going to end soon as the taxpayers appetite for war waned
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                    • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 1 week ago
                      Buydem doesn't want to do anything. He can't even wipe his own ass.
                      The Deep State wants to ship more money to Ukraine so it will disappear
                      and end up in the Swiss accounts of the scumsucking whores in DC,
                      London, and Brussels.
                      They (Ukraine) just 'uncovered' another $60 million lost today.
                      Meanwhile the assholes telling Buydem what to do are telling the
                      con-gress that the traitors in the administration won't obey the law on border
                      invasion unless the con-gress gives more money to Ukraine -
                      so the Deep State can steal it.
                      NUKE DC. They have earned a radioactive death.
                      They, not Russia, are the enemy of Americans.
                      Repeat: DC IS THE ENEMY. NUKE IT and all the stupid laws will be null and void.
                      Texas can start shooting invaders and actually stop the invasion without morons
                      in DC preventing the law being upheld and invaders stopped.
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                      • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago
                        I agree that Biden is only the spokesperson for the power brokers behind him, and the one who actually signs the executive orders they want signed. This upcoming election will be important. If Biden actually gets elected, you wont have to nuke DC, it will self destruct (along with the rest of the county) all by itself.
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    • Posted by mhubb 4 months, 2 weeks ago
      no sale
      Russia is a hollow shell of the Soviet Union

      right now defense is stronger than offense due to the Javelin type top attack missile

      is that you biden or mitch mcconell?

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    • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 2 weeks ago
      Maybe. However, I'm not so sure I buy into that because if it were true the Soviet Union never would have broken up. It may have converted into a more non-communist (Stalinist) state, but it would still be here with Ukraine remaining within its borders. This war would not be happening.
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      • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
        ussr didnt have an alternative. they were bankrupt and couldn't control all that territory
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        • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 2 weeks ago
          Based on current events it seems to me Russia still doesn't have the treasure or might to "control all that territory". Eastern Ukraine is overwhelmingly Russian as is Crimea and holding on to them is becoming a chore even if the people of the area would rather be with Russia. Invading Europe would be an enormous undertaking beyond Russia's capability.
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          • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
            Russia does have quite a horde of gold, so it might just have the resources, along with oil to do quite a bit
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            • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 2 weeks ago
              Good points, term2. However, IMHO, if Russia steps into Western Europe I doubt it will have enough gold to finance the endeavor to completion and the Russian people can't eat gold no matter how much they have. Making war on Western Europe and by association the USA the Russian ability to supply oil to their war machine and the populous might last 48 hours or so and their war machine will grind to a halt. Nuclear is a very doubtful option since the prevailing westerly winds will drop tons of fallout on Russia and other parts East. I'm reasonably sure Russia can do more than it is doing now, but I'm doubtful it can overrun NATO nations (regardless of how screwed up they are).

              Side note: I expect the Chinese will stay neutral in that mess.
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              • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                Russia is independent of the US now. Totally independent. It has plenty of gold, but does not need gold. it is already winning and outshelling Ukraine 10 to 1, and that's with the combined efforts of 30 HATO countries and thousands of Pentagoon personnel working satellites Starlinks, mercenaries and thousands more NATO military stationed in Poland bases directing every military move by "Ukrainian" Nazi's .
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                • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                  Yes, I agree Russia is a totally independent nation and I wish them well in their endeavor to distance themselves from communism and move towards a more free state for the people. Putting the ruble on a gold standard would be a brilliant move (IMHO) and it looks like they just might do it. Russia is a resource rich (especially oil and gas) nation, which works enormously in their favor on a world trade scale.

                  With all that said I do not believe Russia could wage a war to take down western Europe regardless of its natural resources. One case in point I made with term2 is their war machine would be dependent on getting refined fuel to run it and that supply line would likely be bombed out of commission within the first two days.

                  Even in the war in Ukraine, Russia is not facing swarms of NATO aircraft bombing Russian infrastructure back into the 18th century. I don't think it will come to that as, IMHO, the two scenarios I mentioned elsewhere are more likely.

                  Edit add: It would be more in Russia's interest to eventually buy Western Europe than to blow it up, but as someone else mentioned elsewhere, why would the Russians want custody of a bunch of failing welfare states?
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                  • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                    OMG, there is intelligent life here...

                    yes, Russia does not covet Western or even Eastern Europe, their goal is to bring an end to the 51st state, an entity created by the US, for the sole purpose of attacking Russia. Not to destroy the Slavic people who live there, but to eradicate the US-installed proxy institutions and Bandera followers..
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                      Thank you for the compliment, but I just call 'em as I see 'em. Apparently somebody doesn't agree as my other posts on the subject were voted down without an explanation. Oh well...
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                      • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                        About the "prevailing Westerly winds.".

                        Chernobyl meltdown left radioactivity to the West and North - Poland, Germany, etc.

                        The explosion of the NATO stockpile of depleted uranium shells near Kiev last year, led to an uptick in radioactivity levels, again to the West.and North. The EU monitoring stations suddenly went on the fritz, of course, and this higher-than-normal radioactivity "news" squelched.
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                        • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                          Understood, but I used the word "prevailing" meaning most of the time. For example, where I live the winds are prevailing from the west, meaning Buffalo gets most of the lake effect snow off Lake Erie, but I'm far enough east of Erie to not get as much. However, the once in a while winter North Easter will bury me in snow off Lake Ontario or a summer South Easter after a Southern hurricane will drop a lot of rain. Sounds like when Chernobyl went off a South Easter was in effect.
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                          • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 1 week ago
                            Cool, I lived in Buffalo for a couple of weeks. I know what you mean about the monster snow storms there. I am in the midwest now, but wanted to go to NY to see the eclipse in April. My uncle lives in Rochester by the lake shore. The eclipse will go dead center over downtown Buffalo. A once in a lifetime event, Won't be another one until 2046
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                            • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 1 week ago
                              Looking forward to the eclipse as well. Historic. I live very close to Rochester and within a few miles of Lake Ontario. I can only hope it's not overcast. Ha, rumor has it George Eastman started Kodak here because the whole city is a natural darkroom, LOL.
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                              • Posted by fairbro 4 months, 1 week ago
                                Oh, you are blessed. You won't have to put up with the monster traffic snarls. The Eclipse in Nebraska in 2017, we drove up from Kansas, it was the first time my friend had ever encountered such a monster traffic jam. p[people were renting their rooms for $500 and selling $15 hamburgers. IT was overcast, but at the penultimate moment the clouds opened up and we could see the moon slipping over the sun. The farm animals were confused about the darkness, they were howling.. I was practicing my German with the car next to us. There were tourists from everywhere.
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                  • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                    Yes, Europe is a customer for Russia's oil and gas. Putin is far too smart to attack Europe when it is conquering itself.
                    All he has to do is wait for the morons in charge to collapse it.
                    Unfortunately, that will result in an area controlled by Islamic barbarians (like Minnesota) and Russia has no use for that either.
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                • Posted by term2 4 months, 1 week ago
                  Russia IS a strong country currently with its stockpile of gold and oil. Much stronger than USA actually. It’s also closer to Ukraine, making war much cheaper. I have thought the USA is fighting a useless proxy war to keep Russia busy with Ukraine so they don’t go after Poland and other countries. Once Russia captures Ukraine, we will see if they go after poland
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              • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                I think Putin thought he could over run Ukraine in a few days and get away with it. He was wrong, but he will eventually get it under Biden though.

                Putin wont go after Poland until he successfully invades Ukraine. He nearly captured all of Europe by allowing them stupidly to rely on their total energy needs from Russia. He was close to blackmailing them into giving into Russia...
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                • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                  And the US then illegally blew up the Russian pipeline - an act of war - and crashed the economy of its ally Germany.
                  With allies like the US, I'd rather have enemies. At least I know what to expect from enemies.
                  term, you are buying into the US/NATO lying rubbish. Do you believe Russia got Trump elected, too?
                  And that Trump is a dictator who somehow never took dictatorial powers even when he could have?
                  And that Hitlery did nothing wrong with her email server, that she conveniently destroyed instead of
                  turning over the incriminating evidence of her TREASON when she got caught?
                  C'mon, man. Your opinions about Russia have no objective rational basis in evidence of any kind.
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                  • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                    I have no idea who blew up that pipeline, nor is it my business really. I wouldn't support that the USA should blow it up, although we will never really prove it one way or the other.
                    As a country, we stick our noses into other countries business and shouldn't do it.
                    I don't accept that Russia got Trump elected, although if they did, whoopee ! Trump was our greatest president. I don't accept that Trump is a dictator . I do accept that Hillary was a lying sack of shit, and I really believe nothing she says.

                    I watched the Oliver Stone interview with Putin in its entirety. I actually had a reasonably positive view of Putin as a person, although I would NOT want to do anything that threatened his POWER. I don't think claiming free speech would save my ass.
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                • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                  I think Ukraine will have 1 of 2 outcomes:

                  1) "Forever war" where the lines are similar to now and neither side gives up. This war will waffle between hot and cold from time to time like what we've seen in the Middle East. Neither side actually wins.
                  2) The war ends with a treaty where Ukraine gets redrawn on the map with the mainly Russian parts ceded to Russia or turned into an independent nation of its own. Russia mainly wins, but the fighting will be over.
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                  • Posted by craigerb 4 months, 1 week ago
                    As for 2) remember what happened when Pakistan separated from India: Muslims moved from the latter to the former. Shouldn't Russophiles move from Ukraine to Russia?
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 1 week ago
                      IMHO, that won't work because the populations of Dunbass and Crimea are overwhelmingly Russian and expecting them to pack up and move is ridiculous. Those geographical areas should have stayed with Russia when the Soviet Union broke up right from the beginning and this whole mess could have been avoided. Now where else have we seen idiots with a pen scribbling on a map screw everything up? Oh yeah, the Middle East.
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                  • Posted by term2 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                    I agree. Biden wants #1 to keep Russia engaged and using Ukraine as a proxy. Problem with this is that Ukraine will be totally destroyed by Russia, who probably wont want it at that point anyway.
                    #2 is what Trump would negotiate and the war would be over. Russia wont be really happy, but this war doesn't do them any good really.
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                  • Posted by freedomforall 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                    After the US civil war separating the free states in the south and central from the slave cities in the Northeast and West coast, your option 2 will come to pass.
                    Death to tyrants and traitors.
                    D.C. NIFO
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 2 weeks ago
                      I did have a thought on that, too. That is, if the USA burns itself to the ground in a new Civil War, a lot of world wide re-assessment and jockeying around will take place.
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