MEME WHILE: Trump Campaign:: "Dream On" in Memes

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 months, 4 weeks ago to History
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Those of you that saw the post housing this video may not have seen the amazing work by creators of matching Trump's Experiences and aspirations to the words/music of Led Zeppelin's "Dream On".

I thought it was a great piece of work, so I sought out to screen print the photos and merge them with the lyrics so that you too, may enjoy this body of work.

(Don't know exactly why I was moved to do this, it took a long time,) . . so you be the judge.
Was I infected with Covid?, was my brain overwhelmed by excess cosmic radiation? or In so doing, did I create something of value.

Tell the Truth . . . my sanity depends upon it! LMAO
SOURCE URL: https://twitter.com/Charles52631252/status/1743385724647301217

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