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  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    Tucker Carlson's speech further solidified me dino's opinion that we are all altogether and completely caught up in a war of good versus evil.
    The depravity the left has sunk into is doing and saying things for the sake of being evil. They are slaves who lusts to turn others into slaves.
    These days besides telling you outrageous Schiff that men can get pregnant and can compete in women's sports and cancelling you for it for openly disagreeing~~perhaps the best example of of evil (that me dino can think of ) is how so many wimpy degraded evil puppets of an "evil cartel" controlled Puppet-In-Chief can look into a camera lens (looking into our collective eyes) and with a straight face so blatantly lie that "The border is secure" over and over and over again while fully aware that it is not. Because how can they not be aware that we are being invaded and overrun by all kinds of people we have no idea who they are? How is that even possible?
    Me dino made a note when Carlson said, "Your dignity is rooted in yourself as a free person," and that for a free person "telling the truth makes you stronger."
    The only way to beat the evil that has seduced so many into becoming liars is to tell the truth. Liars are craven weaklings enslaved by evil. "Telling the truth makes you stronger."
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  • Posted by mccannon01 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    Love the first and second ones, for sure! I wouldn't put it past the commie judges in charge right now to glean points from the MSMM by putting Trump in an ankle bracelet. Just think of the distraction away from the fool on the hill it could get in the press. Knowing the Stooges were Jewish makes that meme even more funny! Darn, if I brought a pie like that to the Thanksgiving I went to I'd get to have it all to myself, yum yum!
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