America, Your History Is Being Erased

Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"The US political left is no longer content with canceling thoughts and words but has taken its Orwellian sword to the annals of history as well. What will become of a nation that seeks to eliminate all vestiges of its past?

This was one battle that Robert E. Lee never stood a chance of winning. While the wily Confederate general may have outfoxed the US government on numerous occasions during the Civil War, like at the Battle of Chancellorsville and the First Battle of Bull Run, nothing could have prepared him for the formidable adversary known as the American progressive. Under the auspices of the ‘Swords into Plowshares’ initiative, the Charlottesville, Virginia monument to the Southern leader, one of the last in the country, now sits inside a foundry, chopped into numerous pieces, waiting to be forged into some new public works project that doesn’t offend modern sensitivities. And good luck with that.
This leads us to the $50,000 question: what will the 6,000 pounds (about 2,721.55 kg) of bronze that used to be Robert E. Lee and his horse be turned into? All things considered, it’s much easier to say what it will not be, and that’s some white dude, either living or dead, unless ‘they’ were born a biological female and pledge allegiance to the rainbow-colored flag and the 57 different genders. Still, we can make some wild guesses. How about a 300-foot bronze flagpole from where the good people of Charlottesville can hoist the multi-colored flag for the annual LGBTQ+ Pride Month? Or maybe a massive bronze throne from where Drag Queen Story Hours can take place, featuring cross-dressing wonders like Trixie Mattel, Alaska Thunderf*ck, and Sasha Velour, who will enlighten youngsters on the latest sexually charged reading material."
SOURCE URL: https://www.rt.com/news/586353-robert-lee-statue-us/

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  • 17
    Posted by $ jbrenner 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    And when that history is erased, inventors like me disappear.

    From Galt's speech: You expect industrial giants
    – who plan in terms of decades, invest in
    terms of generations and undertake
    ninety-nine-year contracts – to continue
    to function and produce, not knowing
    what random caprice in the skull of what
    random official will descend upon them
    at what moment to demolish the whole
    of their effort. Drifters and physical
    laborers live and plan by the range of a
    day. The better the mind, the longer the
    range. A man whose vision extends to a
    shanty, might continue to build on your
    quicksands, to grab a fast profit and run.
    A man who envisions skyscrapers, will
    not. Nor will he give ten years of
    unswerving devotion to the task of
    inventing a new product, when he knows
    that gangs of entrenched mediocrity are
    juggling the laws against him, to tie
    him,, restrict him and force him to fail,
    but should he fight them and struggle
    and succeed, they will seize his rewards
    and his invention...
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  • 13
    Posted by mccannon01 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    "what will the 6,000 pounds (about 2,721.55 kg) of bronze that used to be Robert E. Lee and his horse be turned into?"

    The left may as well just cut to the chase and forge an Idol of Baal, Ishtar, or Molech. Or maybe Shaka Zulu.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      They will forge a bronze turd, and it will be signed by an HIV+ black lesbian trans man teddy bear. It will be placed upon the Washington Monument before the reflecting pool. It will be a national holiday. All bow in a moment of silence to the Holy Almighty Turd.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Going Galt is the best move. Says I as I throw another log from the property in the wood stove. Eating chicken soup from a chicken we butchered ourselves. The noodles were bought but we’re working on it. I gaze at my library. It’s not on the level of Alexandria but it should survive the coming dark age. They can try to erase my history but it will live on. My family, which was here before the current regime presuming to rule over this land fought their way to power, has nothing to be ashamed of and will endure.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    TAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATIONS Are responsible for this as exposed by Norman Dodd. Who controls the Carnegie and Rockefeller trusts? Why it’s the same bankster Cabal who is enslaving and committing genocide , as we talk about a statue the dog faced pony soldiers were instructed to vandalize. Our Education system has been brought under almost total control of the Mother WEF ers. The Point is our history has been under attack like we the people for 100 + yrs.
    1925 they formed the American historical society all to shroud the truth.
    I have posted GEdward Griffiths interview with zNorman Dodd a dozen times. Nobody gives a FuQ, about who what where when and how ! they would rather just bitch about the results from these maggot psychopaths intentions . Creating anti-fa , Isis , Al Queda , BLM , Hamas or narco terrorists. like Queer month or tell a boy he is a girl and cut off his dick and wow Israel can shoot a missile out of space but could not stop Paragliders. Everything is controlled by one Cabal, that is Prussian origined and has infiltrated most of everything, but we are fighting back and they are panicking, the people have awakened.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      Great post.
      I just hope we are not too late to join the battle.
      May God have mercy on their souls, because the only way we are going to win is to go Medieval on them.
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      • Posted by 8 months, 2 weeks ago
        ...with modern less-than crew served weapons.
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 8 months, 2 weeks ago
          Can't get Led Zeppelin's "The Immigrant Song" out of my head:

          Ahh! Ahh!
          We come from the land of the ice and snow
          From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow

          The hammer of the gods
          Will drive our ships to new land
          To fight the horde, sing and cry
          Valhalla, I am coming

          On we sweep with threshing oar
          Our only goal will be the western shore

          Ahh! Ahh!
          We come from the land of the ice and snow
          From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow

          How soft your fields so green
          Can whisper tales of gore
          Of how we calmed the tides of war
          We are your overlords

          On we sweep with threshing oar
          Our only goal will be the western shore

          So now you'd better stop
          And rebuild all your ruins
          For peace and trust can win the day
          Despite of all your losing
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          • Posted by 8 months, 2 weeks ago
            Sounds a lot like the Vikings tv show that my best friend has been binge watching lately. ;^)
            No comment on that. I just don't enjoy watching lots of combat with swords and axes.
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            • Posted by tutor-turtle 8 months, 2 weeks ago
              Yeah, that got old quick. Even the Vikings got tired of it (after a few hundred years) Look at that lot today, you would never guess they were of the same blood lines. They got to be the most pacifist people on the planet.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    . . . All in preparation for the beginning of the next cycle. As we dig ourselves out of the rubble of the Solar Micro Nova, some call Armageddon, those new born will never know of our past; just like we know not much of our past beyond 12 thousand years ago.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    The end game being sought is an one party finally rules shredding of out constitutional republic to the chanted jackass brays of "We're saving our democracy."
    And if that seems to make no sense, what does these days? For example, men can get pregnant while our latest appointed Supreme Court justice is a woman who said she does not know what a woman is.
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  • Posted by janblacha 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Remember that cable news cut RT programs from their lineup. There can be no opposing viewpoint. There can only be one viewpoint and it is always to tell the lie and to hide any truth. Some of you may not like RT but it provides an alternative news source. No different than this page.
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  • Posted by term2 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Whoever owns that bronze shuld cast it into miniature likeness of General Lee and sell them to people like me.

    Someone should make bronze likenesses of Trump and sell them to the people who remember in fact the good that he did DO.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    As part Cherokee, I have long seen istory erased, I expect it from our often corruptgorenments.I saw a former POTUS walk in lies about his father, as proven by Brit intelligence, lied about the family sexuality, as proven by Larry Sinclair, and suddenly histpru was pm tje cjamge again. The Bush family of thugs most liedly killed and lie. We have the dumbest bunh of US leaders in history, qq5, 117 evem Bisj Jr. was called stupid while sporting and IQ highger than Obama. Who's smart, beside Musk, Bibi of Israel,180s IQ! We tend to try to destroy those who are smart and be led by the rally ignorant and conniving. Who in the US gov understands climate, none in high office. But they know how to manipuleate us using lies about it.They use made up racial lies to set race against race to erase true history. Why, because we knew who we were, but they want us to be people without links to the pst, as in "1984" Orwell novel. They take away history, so we have no commone ground. They dumb down Blacks so they are at kindergarten reading level by graduation, so they cannot learn their own history, and it can be manipulated to control and use them. They tell us the Holacaust never happened, yet I have talked with surviors, but when they are gone, so is that hisotroy. Our high school did not teach Pearl Harbour, as they wanted to push socialism and the joys of Japan. They have lied to us for years about the UFOs, bbecause they do know more about the Earth history and dangers of nuclear attacks than do our youth. For a government to control, they must lie and rewirte history, or in the case of "Anthem", take away all traces of history. So, will we be strong enough to demand truth and intelligence or fall blindly into UN Agenda 21, world gov.. under totalitarian UN?
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Remember this is an article from the Russian Times. What is their motive for publishing this? Stir up trouble , anger and hate as their propaganda always does?
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      Historically Russia (but not the Soviet Union) has at least once taken the side of the US, notably in the US Civil War. Russian warships patrolled the waters off New York and San Francisco. (I'm not counting the USSR during WWII.)

      Occasionally some Russians speak very favorably of the United States. I could name one example, but I'd be preaching to the choir.
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    • Posted by 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      Fair enough. What part of this 'op-ed' can be disproven with facts?
      Remember also that the author couldn't get his article published anywhere in the west because
      they only publish propaganda approved by the corrupt Deep State that appears to have a goal
      of ending our freedom.
      Talk about stirring up trouble, anger, and hate? Nobody does it better than the corrupt
      mainstream media. Their proven false headlines for the past 8 years are solid evidence that
      they are at least as big an enemy as http://rt.com.
      Do your own due diligence.
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