Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 months, 3 weeks ago to Economics
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Auto Execs Admit the Electric Car Industry is a Money-Losing Dog

During their third-quarter earnings calls with investors last week, almost every CEO from the big auto companies delivered bleak news to their shareholders. The EV industry is a dog, and they are losing money hand-over-fist. If they don’t turn away from this pipe dream of a fake industry soon, they stand to lose everything.

[ ] Actually, GM will be producing ZERO Chevy Volts over the next nine months. Not a single one. Dealer lots across the country are already packed with Chevy Volts that are collecting dust and pigeon droppings because anyone who actually wants to buy an EV by this point already has one.
(Of course, expect BS from her face to face)

According to a new report by the Texas Public Policy Foundation, recharging an electric vehicle right now costs the equivalent of paying $17.33 a gallon for gasoline. Read that number a second time and let it sink in. That’s the actual cost of refueling an EV when you add in all the government subsidies that are helping to prop this dead horse of an industry up.

Yes, we are. And we’re laughing at all the fools who thought that they could force these unnecessary changes on the marketplace when people were already happy with their affordable gas-powered cars.

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  • Posted by $ 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    Economic Gonorrhea!
    Whomever or whatever sent that to my head . . .THANK YOU.
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    • Posted by $ BobCat 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      Great post OUC. The govt isn't finished in their continual pursuit of shoving this Pox-laden dead horse down our throats. When it comes to throwing our good tax dollars at their horribly reckless ideas, the govt suffers from severe diarrhea.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    Sucks to be Californians. That will be fun to watch in about 4 years.

    Meanwhile I’ve been paying close attention to Uncle Tony’s Garage as he teaches me about the best “classic” cars to use as daily drivers that aren’t full of government mandated bullshit.
    Turns out the early 1990s win. Nothing after 2005…’s all overly complicated garbage.
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    • Posted by $ 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      Big fan of older cars, ones without computer dependence. Been looking for an 86 Ranger to replace my 07 which as 267,000 miles on it and still running but when the sun kills our grid, it's a good bet the newer cars will suffer the same fate.

      I'll be checking out Tony's Garage. Follow many in this venue but hadn't heard of that one.

      PS, published mondays "IN THE MEME TYME" a few hours ago.
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