CDC Expands Infectious Disease Surveillance at Major U.S. Airports

Posted by $ BobCat 8 months, 3 weeks ago to Government
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First paragraph... "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is expanding surveillance for infectious diseases at four major airports to track pathogens, including coronavirus and the flu."

Comment: Whoa, hold the horses for a minute.... what about OUR BORDERS, you goddamm traitorous idiots.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    The FIRST thing to come to mind when I saw the headline was what about the southern border, but in the text you got that comment covered - I should have known, but hey, I'm in the Gulch here, BobCat!

    Looks like another MSMM darling to hype the hoax and lay down a smoke screen for something else. OR it could be a harbinger of voluntary today, but mandatory tomorrow when too many free thinking people tell them to piss off.

    It looks like the commenters at the end of the article aren't buying this ploy, either. Priceless.
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