Cure for Cancer?

Posted by $ blarman 11 months, 1 week ago to Science
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Now the trick is to get it more economically feasible. $500K per treatment... Ouch.
SOURCE URL: https://www.theblaze.com/news/cancer-cure-breakthrough-kill-switch-cells-research

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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 11 months, 1 week ago
    Lasik probably started out at $500K. That isn't a real issue. The problem will be drug companies burying the treatment in favor of all their BS present treatments that go on forever.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 11 months, 1 week ago
      Like War. Cancer treatments are far too profitable for cancer to ever be "cured".
      100 years ago, cancer was a rare occurrence.
      50 years ago Autism was unheard of.
      Wake up and smell the coffee folks, we're being culled
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  • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 1 week ago
    Hopeful and very expensive at present.
    $500,000 per treatment.
    Either it bankrupts medicare, or is only available to the very wealthy,
    con-gress critters, and other looting scum.

    Even good news sounds like bad news lately.
    Thanks for posting it, blarman. 👍
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    • Posted by $ sekeres 11 months, 1 week ago
      A generation ago, DNA sequencing was prohibitively expensive. Now, it's a $25 add-on for cattle registration.

      A guy I know is almost a year into the CAR T experiment -- after exhausting more traditional treatments. So far, so good -- medically. The financing, however, is still an "adventure."
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    • Posted by AmericanWoman 11 months, 1 week ago
      Medicare won't give the approval for that treatment no way. And I need to see the research before believing it will do anything and the effects.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 1 week ago
        Anything medicare will pay for to treat cancer today is not on my acceptable list of treatments.
        Modern day torture that benefits the "care' industry, imo. "Care", what a bad joke.
        I've lost several friends and relatives to cancer within a year of being pronounced "cured."
        Looting, brainwashed quacks.
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        • Posted by AmericanWoman 11 months, 1 week ago
          Lost count myself how many were cured...in remission...would only take a few years to go into remission...2 1/2 year old with Wilm's tumor...lied to 5 years....parents....friends...aunts...uncles....too many to mention...too old to keep on remembering...most who know me really know me have not a doubt of my memory on most not all...its a curse
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    • Posted by $ 11 months, 1 week ago
      The initial process is always expensive. Everything is a fixed/sunk cost which has to be defrayed. The hope is that now that the mechanism has been identified that someone can come up with a more efficient, i.e. less costly, way to generate an effective medication.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 1 week ago
    Dr. Burzynski in Texas has the only 20+ Years survivors of Glioblastoma's and guess what. The FDA (and Fauci in particular said), they will NEVER grant a license to anything other than a multi-national company for any kind of cancer therapy.

    To stall his progress... The INDUSTRY of drug companies, voted to RAISE the cost of testing cancer drugs (you know, the COSTS they CLAIM is the reason they have to gouge us)!

    And his treatment is not even toxic to the human body, and he can effectively treat many cancers.

    The NCI RIGGED a "test" of his drug, by watering it down, and using it past the expiration date. (Dr. Burzynski discovered this when a previous patient of his, who LIED to get into the study, and got put on the REAL drug, noticed it was a slightly different color, and "not quite the same" but close. So he took it to Burzynski to test, to see if it was his drug).

    But it turned out, that's how we know they diluted it. And burzynski knew it was expired, because he tracks the sales, and the study started well over a year late. They had not requested more (because they were watering it down, they don't need any more, LOL).

    Anyways. The AMA, FDA, CDC have shut down more GOOD things than bad...
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    • Posted by $ 11 months, 1 week ago
      When you have an FDA board which consists of ex-VP's from the major drug companies, there is no reason to have anything other than perverse incentives involved. :( Just one more example of a government control which should remain in the private industry...
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 1 week ago
        Or at the very least... An adversarial relationship.

        I am all for a 10% tax on Rx Drugs... Where that money goes 100% to fund studies AGAINST various drugs, or for safer alternatives. (Keto and Exercise could use some funding)
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        • Posted by $ 11 months, 1 week ago
          Part of it lies in the perverse incentives in the healthcare industry in general, I fear. Hospitals only make money when they are seeing patients, and that means sick people. Thus they encourage not only hypochondriacs - which have exploded in number in the past few decades - as well as chronic issues requiring maintenance medication (Type II Diabetes, hypertension, etc.). But the good doctors are few and far between who actually recommend exercise and proper nutrition - which tends to cure much of what ails an overweight American populace.
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          • Posted by Rex_Little 11 months, 1 week ago
            " the good doctors are few and far between who actually recommend exercise and proper nutrition "

            Disagree. When I was diagnosed with diabetes recently, my doctor put me in a diabetes education class which spent more time on nutrition than anything else.
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            • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 1 week ago
              Question: Did they teach you to eat 5 or more times a day?

              Or did they teach you to cut carbs to lower your bloodsugar?

              Because ONLY ONE of those approaches is known to reduce T2D and even reverse it.

              My neighbor in TN went to such a class almost 10 years ago. 5 Meals/day. And LOW-FAT.
              I kid you not. This is a recipe for T2D.

              AND that's exactly why they recommend it.
              Because then you start with Metformin, and then eventually with Insulin (all of these are signs that their approach is failing), and then they slowly increase the insulin as you gain weight...
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              • Posted by Rex_Little 11 months, 1 week ago
                Perhaps they've learned something in those ten years. My class emphasized keeping carbs low. We were told that proteins and fats were acceptable substitutes for carbs, though fiber is of course best.

                Following their recommendations (I actually started before the class; cutting out donuts and ice cream just seemed sensible) I've lost 20 pounds and dropped my A1C from 7.5 to 6.5.
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                • Posted by CaptainKirk 11 months, 1 week ago
                  This GIVES ME HOPE!
                  I am SO HAPPY for you to have found this.
                  And for your results. It works. I took my A1C down from 5.8/5.9 down to 4.5! No drugs. Lost over 100 lbs...

                  My doctor was 100% against me doing this.
                  Told my wife I would kill myself.
                  When I came in to see him 8 months later, he did my blood work, and told me how AMAZED he was. He's still not 100% behind the approach (he's a naturally thin person who can tolerate carbs, but his parents are T2D... LOL Probably following his OLD advice).

                  Thank you for sharing.
                  So glad to hear this...
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            • Posted by $ 11 months, 1 week ago
              Then you got a good doctor, with which I have no issue. I've unfortunately seen the other end of things as the two major hospital systems in my area have bought out all the independent practices and now enforce their profitability standards on all their "employees." They were literal Nazis during COVID and I'm in a supposedly red state...
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  • Posted by term2 11 months, 1 week ago
    Interesting. But in the end, we all die from something. If you stop cancer, it will be someone else that send us into the oblivion. But eliminating one disease after another is still a great endeavor. May be all live to be 100, so long as there is some life to be had when that old.
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