This Changes the Election

Posted by $ Abaco 10 months ago to Politics
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If you have heard what the DNC has done to RFK Jr. you realize they have basically thrown him out of the party. The policy they enacted in reaction to RFK is farcical. To add insult to insult he was the first such candidate in decades to be refused secret service protection. They want Newsome. And, I still think Newsome will be the guy. But, RFK has gotten so much attention from Republicans too that this will make Ross Perot's impact look like Romper Room. Before I pretty much gave up on this election I did attend one campaign meeting with Kucinich about Jr.'s efforts in my Gulch state. It was a good meeting with some very awake citizens. There have been many calls for a stickers and shirts that say "Republicans for RFK Jr.".

I did do some research and DID find the clip where RFK Jr. talks about a low-interest, government-backed mortgage program. We were talking about that here and I was saying that I need to hear it from the candidate's mouth anymore, given the media mangling. But, give me a candidate who understands the mess we've created in this country in terms of how we're poisoning ourselves, the grip of big pharma, the corruption that's endemic to the most impactful branches of our leadership. My background is very unique and involved a very deep dive into these issues, with firsthand experience. We're in deep trouble in America. If we close the borders today and even end the proxy war with Russia we're still screwed. But, I know you know that...

I've lost count of how many interviews of RFK Jr. have been scrubbed from the internet. You know you're over the target when you're getting the flak and this has been blatant election tampering against this guy.
SOURCE URL: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/robert-kennedy-jr-run-independent-could-complicate-trump-biden-2024-contest-2023-09-29/

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  • Posted by GaryL 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    RFK Jr., full blown anti 2A gun grabber and climate change advocate. Any conservative listening to him is not a conservative at all.
    All of the polls we are being fed are complete garbage. 95% of republicans and conservatives can't be bothered with participating in any political polls. I get the phone calls and just hang up and I get the emails and my delete key is getting a workout.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 3 weeks ago
      Bernie Sanders stupidly let the DNC railroad him. The 2016 and 2020 Primaries both were his. Even though I disagree with most everything he (Sanders) pontificated, what was done to him was wrong. Undemocratic, if you will.
      That said What Bobby Jr. is doing now is playing the roll of spoiler. Sure he's taking votes from the Demon-Rats, but he's also siphoning off votes from Trump.
      All of Bobbys warts will be reviled in high definition. You can count on the Deep State Media to pull out all the stops to discredit him. Refusing him SS protection is a sure indication to the extent the Cabal will go to eliminate Bobby Jr. Last week was the first (of many) assassination attempts on his life.
      Bobby Jr. will not get my vote. Expose all his views, that's fair play. He has some good points I am glad to see getting air play (hence the blatant censorship) But I do not want to see him assassinated by the Deep State like his father and uncle.
      I will not vote for anyone who speaks blasphemy against our Constitution.
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    • Posted by $ CBJ 9 months, 3 weeks ago
      RFK's position on guns is less extreme than that of most Democrats:


      Kennedy, who is rivaling President Biden for the 2024 Democratic nomination, was asked by an audience member how he would use federal resources to slow gun violence.

      “I do not believe that there is, within that second amendment, that there’s anything we can meaningfully do to reduce the trade in the ownership of guns,” he said, “and I’m not going to take people’s guns away.”

      “Anybody who tells you that they’re going to be able to reduce gun violence through gun control at this point I don’t think is being realistic,” Kennedy added.

      His emphasis on refusing to infringe on Americans’ constitutional rights echoes a common Republican position on the limitations of responding to gun violence through gun control.
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      • Posted by GaryL 9 months, 3 weeks ago
        Any candidate who is on the post about Guns is nothing more than a "Fence Post Turtle"! If they can manage to ever get off the post there is no telling which side they could fall on. The constitution was founded on the bill of rights including the second amendment and I will defend that to my death but JFK Jr. is on the fence
        There is no fence! Pay attention to not what they say but what they do!
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        • Posted by $ CBJ 9 months, 3 weeks ago
          Your original post described RFK as "full blown anti 2A gun grabber". Now you claim only that he's on the fence. At the moment we can't pay attention to what RFK "does" because he's never held public office. We do know that, as I said earlier, his position on guns is less extreme than that of most Democrats.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    Heard a recent podcast where the hosts argued that RFK Jr will suck more Republican votes than Democrat ones if he's allowed on the ballot as an Independent. While he may talk a good game, that 1-2% was what made the difference in 2016. It's also what threw the 1996 election to Bill Clinton. As much as I want third parties, we need to revise the 12th Amendment first and go back to having the second-highest vote-earner become Vice President before third parties are going to be effective agents for change.
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    • Posted by Rex_Little 9 months, 3 weeks ago
      we need to revise the 12th Amendment first and go back to having the second-highest vote-earner become Vice President before third parties are going to be effective agents for change.

      No, what we need is preference voting, aka "instant runoff". When there are more than two candidates, a voter can indicate his first choice and his second. If no candidate has a majority of first-choice votes, all but the top two are dropped. Any ballot whose first choice was a dropped candidate gets its second choice counted.

      This system would let people vote for the candidate they liked most, without worrying that it would take votes away from the major party candidate they disliked least.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 months, 3 weeks ago
        I've done reading into ranked-choice voting and while it sounds like a good idea, it doesn't actually result in better representation. They do this (ranked-choice) in Alaska and its the reason Lisa Murkowski keeps getting elected. She's no one's "top candidate" but she comes in with a lot of second- or third-choice votes because the better (more principled) candidates get more first-choice votes and the system weights the votes the same. I'm not a fan.
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  • Posted by $ 9 months, 4 weeks ago
    Now Jesse Watters is literally saying that "if you're a Republican and you see Biden, Kennedy and Trump on the ballot, you're voting Trump." Uh...I'm not so sure that's true. The meeting I was in about Kennedy's campaign had plenty of Republicans present...
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 9 months, 3 weeks ago
      I'm just one person, but I can say that as much as I appreciate what RFK Jr. has done WRT vaxes, I will never, ever, ever, in my life, vote Democrat. They bring too much with them that RFK will either acquiesce to or outright propose himself. (ETA: even if he runs Independent, he's not independent enough for me.)

      For one, he's a gun-grabber, which makes him 100% ineligible for my vote. Once the guns are grabbed, NOTHING ELSE matters.

      So, in my case, Jesse Watters is correct. But....I'm just one person.
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 3 weeks ago
        Forget the polls. Forget what you read or hear in the Lame Stream Media. Talk to people on the street. Look at all the Trump posters and flags on normal, working peoples properties.
        We're not blind. We saw first hand Trumps handling of domestic, economic and foreign policy, compared and contrasted to the pooper-in-chief currently Occupying the brown house, there should be no indecisiveness in sane peoples minds. Elect Trump or watch the burning of Rome again.
        The last thing I want to do is move to another country, but it's still on the list.
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        • Posted by $ gharkness 9 months, 3 weeks ago
          I know just exactly how reliable polls are. Any time I am approached by a poll-taker, IF I deign to even answer.....you can be sure I give the "wrong-est" answer I can manage!
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 months, 3 weeks ago
      +1 You did not deserve a zero over what you observed.
      As for what wimpy Watters said, I'm voting for Trump though I quit donating to the GOP due to RINO behavior during Obummer's first term.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    Though RFK Jr is, yes, a Democrat and harbors some deal-killer stands on some vital issues (most importantly his affinity for the C3 [Climate Crisis Cult,] and his stated desire to transfer defense spending - the #1 priority of government - to welfare, as if Reaganomics and "Gekko Echo" never happened,) he nonetheless represents a stunning departure from the current foaming-at-the-mouth Talibantifa neo-Nazi model into which the Democrat Party has morphed over the last two decades. (If you have not yet read philosopher Leonard Peikoff's 1982 work "The Ominous Parallels" consider it required homework in re: Root causes.)

    Though as an objectivist and Republican I'm not sure I could give him my vote despite the truly dismal 2024 choices we have as Republicans, I consider RFK a vast breath of fresh air in a political arena that's been increasingly taking on the aspect of a preschool romper-room filled with a Who's Who of Spoiled Punks. And yes, I mean all of them, especially Trump - except Scott and Burgum, who despite being instant also-rans are at least capable of comporting themselves as respectable, mature adults. For a great sample of RFKJr's sober, rational, professional maturity - and setting aside disagreements with his specific stands - sit down and watch this half-hour interview with TET's Roger Simon:

    [It prompts you for an email addy but is otherwise free to watch. And as an aside: Though I have zero affiliation with them other than a subscriber and supporter, the NTD News channel and The Epoch Times newspaper and website - created by the Falun Gong Buddhists, who have brutal first-hand experience with the evil of socialism - comprise what is arguably the best and most reliable source of news in the Western world today. At something like seventy bucks a year for a sub it's money well spent - basically two pitchers of beer at the airport. But again, you can watch for free anyway.]

    Regardless of party affiliation, this is the kind of character and thoughtful respectability that's been missing from Presidential politics for far too long, and IMO the first Presidential candidate who's shown himself to be actually worthy of the office - just on that level of character alone - in years.

    I'm not sure where critics of his stance on guns are getting their info, but as CBJ has indicated elsewhere here (or via a simple Qwant search,) he is orders of magnitude more rational and gun-friendly on the issue than the bulk of Democrat-Socialists. And ultimately the Second Amendment stops any attempted gun-grab in its tracks anyway, as we're seeing over and over in recent court cases. Yes, it would be great to have an unambiguously pro-2nd President, but as Democrats go RFKJr is no Obama - or Biden, or Warren or Buttigieg or PelosiMini-Me (newsome) or Sanders. OTOH he is unambiguously hostile to the whole Wuhan Hypochondemic lockdown template - an attitude that is arguably indispensable to any 2024 candidate, and arguably more uncompromising than any of the Republican candidates. Recall which Republican candidate was actually sitting - on his hands - in the Oval Office from the outset of the Wuhan lockdowns and compulsory-facebras all the way through to the de facto forced vaccinations.

    As a California Republican - and given PelosiMini-Me's recent dictate which forces ballot counting to digital-only and outlaws all hand-counts Statewide - I have valid reason to question whether my votes get counted in any case. Instead of hand-inked paper ballots being counted by thousands of people and/or non-networked tally machines, a handful of software engineers - who are all magically neutral in their political beliefs? - hammer out code that tells voting computers what to do with entered votes. So a+b+x, solve for x. And as a California resident, the State's electoral votes are almost certainly going to the Democrat-Socialist regardless, so I have considerably more leeway in voting on conscience than someone in a battleground State. But the fears that RFKJr would somehow split the Republican vote more than the Democrat vote have zero credibility. We've already heard some big-name stars - Pierce Brosnan, Woody Harrelson (who I can't stand,) Eric Clapton (who I thought was British?) Alicia Silverstone - plugging for him, and that list will grow. His support will be overwhelmingly Democrat in composition, methinks.

    At this point I have no idea who I will end up voting for in the Presidency slot. Given the shabby lineup of GOP candidates from Trump on down to Christie I may be writing in Ted Nugent or Sonic the Hedgehog or maybe Ozzy Osbourne. But it will almost certainly be a write-in - or possibly Kennedy - as a protest vote So yes, though any Republican would be better than a Democrat, a Kennedy Admin would be a Presidency I could live with. YMMV
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    • Posted by $ DriveTrain 9 months, 3 weeks ago
      Addendum: Something profoundly important that I forgot to mention is that he's a staunch defender of the indispensable First Amendment. Have a look at footage from the Congressional hearing on the issue, which the Demo-Socs, apparently oblivious to the irony, attempted to move behind closed doors out of fear of what Kennedy would say about them. DemoBimbo Wasserman Hyphen Schultz actually tried to label him as an anti-Semite to get him to shut up.

      So the man also has front-line experience in combating neo-Nazi censorship from his own Party. And an aggressive reassertion of First Amendment rights is something desperately needed just now.
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