If Donald Trump Hadn't Had The 2020 Election Stolen From Him, Does The Great Awakening Still Happen?

Posted by Dobrien 9 months, 2 weeks ago to History
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Oct 21, 2020 2:41:31 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No. 11192505


Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.

Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.

Truth can be HARD to swallow.
They LOOT OUR AMERCIAN RESOURCES AND OUR AMERICAN WEALTH using their UniParty goons put into power with fake elections and they send it all over the world for their pet projects.

Sep 09, 2020 7:01:53 PM EDT

Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.
You must SHOW them.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.
SOURCE URL: https://briancates.substack.com/p/if-donald-trump-hadnt-had-the-2020

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  • Posted by Aeronca 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    The Great Awakening will happen. Lots of people see and feel instinctively that they are being lied to. I know D's and R's who have one thing in common: they do not trust our government. They can fight about liberalism and conservatism, but they see the lies in the twisted faces of politicians. We are all swimming in lies so long it's hard to know, like a fish breathes water. For The Great Awakening to take hold, it does need some velocity. If a few people see the truth while millions keep getting brainwashed, there is no critical mass. If Trump wasn't kicked out in 2020 by the Cabal, the fighting to kill and silence him might have kicked off the Awakening faster...?
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  • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    The great awakening (may it speed up) will happen when more people get truthful information AND actually pay attention to it. Sometimes I think it's happening and sometimes not.
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    • Posted by 9 months, 2 weeks ago
      It’s a slow process ,but I have witnessed many awakened folks since BuyDem stole the Presidency.
      We have one shot at taking the heads off of the hydra. Winning happens slowly and then all at once.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 2 weeks ago
        Agreed. A phenomenon I've been noticing is how quiet the "Leftern Front" among family and acquaintances has become. I even think one person has come out of the dark side and back into the light. The obvious (to us) persecution of Trump and his family is getting noticed by people I thought would never see it. Xiden crime family as well.
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        • Posted by 9 months, 2 weeks ago
          Yup , I was at a reunion of sorts and some known liberals said nothing when I said Democrats have turned the cities into shitholes and want to bring it to the nice areas. I call it seed planting.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 2 weeks ago
            There's a lot of "seeding" going on in my area (I've lived here 42 years). More trash on the streets and lawns and vandalism and crime increasing. There's a beautiful mall not far from my home my wife and I don't go to anymore. We'll drive 15 miles to shop instead. There's a Walmart super store not far away, either, but with all the recently added security it resembles an airport to go shopping there, not to mention the rudeness and stupidity of the new set of "shoppers", so we go to the Walmart in the next town over (10 miles). Getting tired of my walls getting rattled all hours of the night from the cars stopping at the stop sign (I live on a corner lot) blasting their poor excuse for "music". Do I sound like and old geezer whining? The city I live close to has been commie (D) run for decades and it shows.
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            • Posted by 9 months, 2 weeks ago
              After buying my fathers home 36 yrs ago ,we are actively looking for our next home. We are going a hour or so out of the Metro area. Problem is so are a lot of others. Prices are insane having just about doubled in two to three yrs.
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              • Posted by mccannon01 9 months, 2 weeks ago
                Maybe it's a good sign of the awakening. People are figuring out what's happening and want to get farther away from the commie run cities and counties before the big collapse. Damn the price - RUN! I'm nearing a point where I will need to do the same. I'd go in a heartbeat, but mama loves the house we built and isn't ready to leave it. Therefore, I'm doing my best to devise a survival plan here for as long as possible.
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