MEME WHILE: Secret Pfizer report shows company KNEW since February 2021 that its mRNA COVID jab was killing people

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 10 months ago to News
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Unbeknownst to most, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from back in 2021 produced what has come to be known as the "Confidential Pfizer Report," showing that the vaccine giant has known all along that its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) jab is deadly.

The mRNA injection caused more than 1,200 reported deaths and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, that we know of, just within the first two months of its release in mid-December 2020. There were also 23 reported cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.

Pfizer received all these reports by the end of February 2021, and the company itself confirmed that its jabs are responsible for "manslaughter." Based on this evidence, Pfizer had a responsibility at that time under the law to immediately withdraw the injection, but it did no such thing.
SOURCE URL: https://www.newstarget.com/2023-09-18-secret-pfizer-report-mrna-covid-jab-killer.html

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  • Posted by $ 10 months ago
    Here is the link to the actual report: https://archive.ph/M6JBr
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    • Posted by Zonman 10 months ago
      That is their intention with the jabs, they want to reduce the world population by 50% so they are doing it. https://www.wefscam.com/
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      • Posted by $ 10 months ago
        Yes, we concluded that upon observations, called conspiracy freaks and AGAIN!, proved correct.
        Way beyond 17 and 0, lost count but still, people continue to die, some of our best and these creatures still roam free. . .
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 10 months ago
        For decades, I worked for a large research laboratory, part of a major institution (who shall remained unnamed) 90% of our work was for the DoD. Like most woke universities, they pushed daily testing and the jab hard. Seeing the writing on the wall, and being so close to retirement, my spidy-sense told me it was time to fly the coop. A mere months after leaving, they made the jab mandatory or be fired. While a few retired early, many were too young. Far too many of my colleagues told me the jab made them the sickest they had ever been, although none died. It was a horrible thing the Institution did.
        I don't think legal recurse is possible either, they retain an army of white shoe lawyers.
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        • Posted by $ 10 months ago
          Sad, same at Ct Hospice where I was in-charge of the building for 12 years . . . BSed them as long as I could. Put in my Resignation 2 weeks before the state demanded compliance.
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          • Posted by tutor-turtle 10 months ago
            What happed after the SC ruled mandats were illegal? Was anybody ever held accountable?
            Sometime I think this is one big OP to see how far they can push the sheep.
            Apparently pretty far.
            Sorry to hear about your forced retirement.
            Another one joins the Strike.
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            • Posted by $ 10 months ago
              Actually turned out great, took a gig at a local (independent) True value Hardware store, after getting laid off by DeWalt back in 09, I am finally back in hardware/tools/etc. This huge place is my new home, 6 miles from where I live. Gas went up right after . . . I use 3 gallons a week! LMAO
              Not to mention, reduced my taxable footprint. 71, employed full time+ SS and paying the gov. less.
              Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
              • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 4 weeks ago
                Awesome. Glad to hear good news for a change.
                I'm doing repairs on vintage hifi. I feel it is better to repair/restore old electronics than to toss repairable equipment into the landfill then turn around and buy new less repairable stuff from China.
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                • Posted by $ 9 months, 4 weeks ago
                  I have several in the basement work shop. They still work, just need to clean the tuner and the pots.
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                  • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 3 weeks ago
                    Depending on the make and model, there is a thriving market for resale. The Vintage hifi market is currently seeing a resurgence in desirability and value. Check your equipment against eBay's "sold only" listings. Shipping is still a PITA, but you can elect "local pickup only".
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                    • Posted by $ 9 months, 3 weeks ago
                      The sound and quality is so much higher than anything people listen with these days, I elect to keep and enjoy till death do us part . . . LMAO
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                      • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 3 weeks ago
                        Yeah, I have a virtual museum of older equipment. Mostly early 70's Sansui AU series.
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                        • Posted by $ 9 months, 3 weeks ago
                          I wish I had kept some of my Car Stereo stuff, Had Two Stores (Designer Audio LTD) but sold everything. Built mid priced systems that blew away the high priced stuff.
                          Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                          • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 3 weeks ago
                            I always sold the nice stuff with the old car to make the sale. I miss the last one the most: 1,000 watts of JL Audio with Xilinx EQ, All Infinity drivers with EMIT Tweeters. Nothing factory even comes close.
                            Bought a 2-year old Toyota with "JBL stereo system" what a dog that system is. No highs, no lows, no volume above a conversational level. All-around crappy sound.
                            Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                            • Posted by $ 9 months, 3 weeks ago
                              The stereo in my Ranger is not terrible, speaker placement, as with most cars and trucks, SUCKS.

                              That's one of the things I paid attention to in my installations, makes all the difference in the world. Worked with Bose on their Direct/reflecting sound (Placement).
                              Reflecting is key!

                              ...Although, I have to say, Music recordings in the past 20/25 years SUCKS big time. Needs a LOT of reworking to sound half way decent.
                              Shame all my remastering was on tape. That's all we had at the time. Too bad the tape didn't last.
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                              • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 3 weeks ago
                                I've heard a stock-from-the-factory Bose system in a chevy suburban, I was impressed.
                                Amar Bose was an MIT grad and often gave talks / demonstrations at the laboratory where he used to work at, where I worked for 35 years. Alum like Ken Olson (of DEC fame) would come for talks. Jeff "Skunk" Baxter (Steely Dan) worked there too.
                                (my very first hifi speaker was the Bose 501, lost everything in a house fire, 1975)
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                                • Posted by $ 9 months, 3 weeks ago
                                  Have to laugh, Designer Audio was invited to the GM reveal of their Bose system install . . . IT SUCKED! the front door speakers faced the floor!
                                  Great if your little left toe had ears . . .

                                  I brought a Honda Accord with the Bose system installed properly and with a radio that would get along with the Bose Amp, (critical). The Crowd spent all their time around that car in the GM parking lot. LMAO
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  • Posted by mccannon01 10 months ago
    Today is 9/29/2023 and there is a HUGE Pfizer "circus-like" display of "Health stuff" outside a local Walmart not far from where I live. Looks like they even have a trailer set up for the latest jab. Interestingly, in spite of all the hoopla, not many folks are bothering with it. Maybe folks are wising up to this crap?
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 10 months ago
    I didn;t get the vax. I begged my two BFF's not to take the vax. One has now lost 80 pounds she didn't have to lose and has ben diagnosed with 'long Covid' what the ever the hell that is and the other has spent the last two years in the hospital at least 100 days each time. I had Covid and I am doing just fine. Did lose 42 pounds.They both took the vax.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 months ago
    I'm not buying the genocide motivation. I think this was all about $. Funneling it to supporters in the totalitarian swamp.
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    • Posted by Rex_Little 10 months ago
      I would agree with this. Moreover, I think most of the people at Pfizer (and most of the public outside our corner of the political spectrum) honestly believe that the vax saved more lives (by mitigating the effects of Covid) than it cost.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 months ago
        There is a lot of evidence mounting that natural immunity is superior and longer lasting. I'm done with the shots. Sweden did it right. Not sure what they did about the vaccine, but not shutting everything down was the right call. There was never any real significant stress on our systems.
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        • Posted by VetteGuy 10 months ago
          Yes, I get irritated at numerous references to things that were "caused by covid". In many cases, the ill effects were not caused by the virus, but rather by the SHUTDOWNS! Yet the MSM will NEVER say that!
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        • Posted by Rex_Little 10 months ago
          I'm pretty well convinced that the vax confers no immunity to speak of, and I think the mainstream is coming around to that view. What they still believe is that those who do get Covid will have milder symptoms, and are therefore less likely to die, if they're vaxxed.
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          • Posted by $ blarman 10 months ago
            It doesn't. Studies have shown that you are actually 50% MORE likely to get COVID after getting the jab. And that's on top of the other health problems you are setting yourself up for long term such as myocarditis and miscarriage.
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          • Posted by VetteGuy 10 months ago
            I was talking a couple of days ago with a friend who recently recovered from covid. He has had all the shots and boosters as they become available. His doctor son told him it's the "new variant" and that's why he got it.

            Supposedly the "new shot" would have protected him, but the virus got him first. They will say anything to convince people to keep taking the "boosters". Too much money being made for me to to trust this stuff.

            When the gov is spending this much money to coerce people into something, I get very suspicious. If it was so wonderful, wouldn't people pay for it, rather than having to be arm-twisted into getting it for "free".
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            • Posted by $ 10 months ago
              The problem as still see it is that they are still using the PCR test which wouldn't know it's own ass from a hole in the ground. The inventor told us that.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 10 months ago
                So much discussion on this whole topic is based on the “tests”. The tests are worthless. Flu was cured by Covid19. Really.
                One Question not asked enough is why do you have to change the definition of a vaccination?
                Why did the drug co, want to hide the safety research for 80 years? Why is the FDA and top mgmt of Drug co.s a revolving door back and forth.? Why are stillborn babies up from around 30 a year to over 3500 in 2021 up 10000%? Why are so many atheletes dropping dead ? Why is mortality of 18-58 year old higher than ever according to life insurance co.s?
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    • Posted by $ 10 months ago
      Admittedly, it was a hard one to swallow but I know these creatures at the cellular level in my research; PLUS, I also know that we are very close to the end of this cycle of civilization, (if you want to call it that), . . so, it makes sense that they cull the heard because there is not enough room in their tunnels and underground cities for all 7/8 billion of us . . . not that they really give a fuck. Just for optics, I guess.
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