Musk, targeted by DOJ, comes up in M. Garland House inquiry; Musk TwXes: “...many actual crimes, some of great significance, go not merely unpunished, but not even investigated. Something’s rotten.”
Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 5 months ago to Government
Tyler Durden's collection of excerpts from the inquiry reveal Garland as Bribe'm obfuscator/stone-waller in chief. But, as unanswered questions pile up, those who have eyes can at least see which Stalin-wannabes have no clothes, redeeming values of any kind.
He needs to be impeached and convicted. It's a long shot, but the process needs to happen. Mayorkas as well. Gross dereliction of duty.
I like what Musk is doing, but he is an opportunist and a narcissist. He is not Hank Reardon. He is a D'Aconia-smart version of John Taggert.
We dodged a bullet.
Just hope the public gets some idea of the extent of our government's corruption and duplicity revealed here.
I notice Musk is getting the Trump treatment by the left. As long as they slumbered in the Democrat bed they were given praise, but as soon as they woke up...