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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Most Americans have no clue what a 30's style depression will mean for them.
    If they did the wasteful, irrational purchases being made today would have dropped
    by more than 50% and purchases of canned food, OTC drugs, home insulation, etc
    would have gone way up.
    (Not a criticism of this article. ;^)
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    • Posted by term2 9 months, 2 weeks ago
      I think the situation today wont mimic the 1930's for a few reasons:
      1) Today, consumer, governmental, and business debt is huge and out of control. Our economy is based on continual expansion of debt now.
      2) The national debt is so large that it threatens the value of the dollar on the world stage. This means that as the dollar falls in value internationally, our purchase prices from china will escalate, resulting in price inflation here at home
      3) The government will control what we can spend, and what savings we can withdrw- all in the name of keeping down inflation.
      4) All this will really hurt businesses and cause substantial business closures and layoffs.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 9 months, 1 week ago
        And Generally, people are SO UNHEALTHY and poorly nourished on Junk food they are addicted to.

        The minute they actually get DEPRIVED of these poisons (count on Alcohol Stores to be FULL Operational)... They might get healthier, lose an average of 60+ lbs, and start coming out of their Dopamine Driven Stupors to realize... Oh shiite... I was drugged up, overwhelmed, feeling like crap, and can finally think straight...

        The minute that happens... You will see FREE JUNK FOOD (the true SOMA in todays story)...
        Or at least Government subsidized.

        Too bad. I think once people get a bit healthier from lack of food... They WILL Think straighter!

        Now, many will just starve... Too dumb...
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  • Posted by mhubb 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    worse than the 30s
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 1 week ago
      worse than the 30s... in too many ways to count:
      > We don't have the manufacturing capacity to execute a major war on one front never mind three.
      > We don't have the (trained) numbers in uniform.
      > We don't have the "leadership" to conduct major war(s).
      > Our allies distrust our "leadership". For damn good reason.
      > We posses weapons the public isn't privy to, that can wipe the human race off the planet.
      > The Arabs have Friends. The Chinese. The Russians. The Iranians, and my hunch is, when this war goes hot, we may lose India and most of the Mid-East countries.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    If we don't elect Trump (for the third time), then yeah, this nation will circle the bowl like the Tidy Bowl Man™ or the Scrubbing Bubbles™

    BuyDumb.. Redux? He won't live long enough.
    Camel-Toe Harris? Duh!
    Big Mike? Read his masters thesis...
    Gruesome Newsome? Let Gruesome do for America what he did for California?
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 9 months, 2 weeks ago
      That’s right Turtle. I did some traveling outside of my normal zone of operations recently. My conclusion is CLOWN WORLD is progressing along unabated. My solution is too wall myself off from the clowns as much as practicable. Things are really really bad out there in major metros. And the conversations of the clowns….insufferable vapidity.
      I might also add that air travel is becoming a concern. So far it appears that idiocy hasn’t found it’s way into the cockpit but the ground crew and cabin crew are beginning to show signs. It’s only a matter of time.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 9 months, 1 week ago
      Newsome will be the next President. That's my take. When it happens, it's over. We're done. He will destroy property rights, force vaccinate, run the debt to $100T, open the borders, raise taxes to the highest levels in the past six or more decades. He'll also complete the total destruction of public education. He'll institute affirmative action on steroids. He'll ensure that the world gets involved in a WW3. There...I think that covers it.
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 1 week ago
        WW3 is already underway.
        The pResident and the joint chiefs are on their way to Israel to commit as many as 22,000 of our boys and billions of $ we don't have in preparation to make war with the Arab world.
        Jorden and Egypt have refused to meet with the idiot-in-chief.
        This is going sideways in record time.
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  • Posted by term2 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Its probably NOT going to be the same as 1930. It will be an economic collapse but a different one. This time its more likely to be one marked by serious destruction of the dollar's value coupled with severe inflation and massive deficit spending. In short, its going to be a financial problem where savings are wiped out probably made worse by the CBDC regulations where people cant withdraw their savings and cant use saved up cash.

    Business will be hurt and find it difficult to stay afloat by the rapidly changing financial scene. People will pull in their horns and turn to government programs to stay alive. Life as we have been accustomed to will change
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 9 months, 2 weeks ago
      So an economic collapse but unlike the depression the underlying fundamentals of the economy will be destroyed. So whatever comes next will be different than what was before. I’ve always assumed “The Depression” was a slow down in the flow of capital. A pooling of capital. I suspect that THIS event will result in the destruction of capital.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 9 months, 1 week ago
        Exactly.. As Oil trades for other currencies. Countries who were forced to hold enough USD to buy Oil MONTHLY will send them back.

        We have too many, the inflation will come home to roost.

        I fully expect Uncle Sam to create 2 "Dollars" One for outside the country, and one for inside the country... The latter will be so worthless, that MORONS will gladly convert it for CBDC...
        And then the Controls and Mass Death will follow shortly...
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    This is precisely what the FDR looking Marxist Deep State control freaks dream of for a more enhanced banana republic that we are already being slowly boiled like frogs prepped for.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    The whole corrupt temple is being brought down on their fuQing heads. Get silver Gold and shaped lead. The system needs to be NIFO. What arises will be the best economy US citizens ever experienced or death. Make your choices count.
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