Five Facts That Compel the Biden Impeachment Inquiry. (Fake POTUS Buydem Is Guilty of Treason. Impeachment Is the Least of Traitor Joe's Problems. )

Posted by freedomforall 10 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"With the commencement of an impeachment inquiry this week, the House of Representatives is moving the Biden corruption scandal into the highest level of constitutional inquiry. After stonewalling by the Bidens and federal agencies investigating various allegations, the move for a House inquiry was expected if not inevitable.

An impeachment inquiry does not mean that an impeachment itself is inevitable. But it dramatically increases the chances of finally forcing answers to troubling questions of influence-peddling and corruption.

As expected, many House Democrats — who impeached Donald Trump after only one hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, based on his phone call to Ukraine’s president — oppose any such inquiry into President Biden. House Republicans could have chosen to forego any hearings and use what I called a “snap impeachment,” as then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) did with the second Trump impeachment in January 2021.

Instead, they have methodically investigated the corruption scandal for months and only now are moving to a heightened inquiry. The House has established a labyrinth of dozens of shell companies and accounts allegedly used to transfer millions of dollars to Biden family members. There is now undeniable evidence to support influence-peddling by Hunter Biden and some of his associates — with Joe Biden, to quote Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer, being “the brand” they were selling.

The suggestion that this evidence does not meet the standard for an inquiry into impeachable offenses is an example of willful blindness. It also is starkly different from the standard applied by congressional Democrats during the Trump and Nixon impeachment efforts."
The entire Democrat Con-gress Should be Impeached for their complicity in the stolen election of Joe the Traitor.
The Democratic Party should be disbanded for treason as well and never allowed to operate again under any name or guise.

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  • Posted by bubah1mau 10 months, 2 weeks ago
    This J.T. essay is a great, must-read condensation of what the impeachment inquiry is all about.

    J.T. details why WH, DNC, RINOs, Dem MSM (and multitudinous implicated foreign interests, including PRC) now muster all forces to block, discredit, gaslight impeachment inquiry illumination with a hearty “Let’s Go Brandon!
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  • Posted by mhubb 10 months, 2 weeks ago
    biden the usurper is on film saying he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired in order for Ukraine to get 1billion in US Aid

    that alone is pure corruption
    and reason to impeach and send him to jail
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