How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World - A Handbook for Personal Liberty -By Harry Browne
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 4 months ago to Books
In 1973 Harry Browne sent a simple message — that you can live the life you want to live. 50 years after the publication of How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, it is now available in digital format — to reach the millions of people around the world that are still seeking a point of view that is as refreshing, and liberating as it was when it first appeared on the scene. From the book: Freedom is the opportunity to live your life as you want to live it. And that is possible, even if others remain as they are. If you’re not free now, it might be because you’ve been preoccupied with the people or institutions that you feel have restrained your freedom. I don’t expect you to stop worrying about them merely because I suggest that you do. I do hope to show you, though, that those people and institutions are relatively powerless to stop you — once you decide how you will achieve your freedom. There are things you can do to be free, and if you turn your attention to those things, no one will stand in your way. But when you become preoccupied with those who are blocking you, you overlook the many alternatives you could use to bypass them. The freedom you seek is already available to you, but it has gone unnoticed. There probably are two basic reasons you haven’t taken advantage of that freedom. One reason is that you’re unaware of the many alternatives available to you.
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If we want freedom achieved peacefully some of Harry's ideas can be applied today.
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If we want freedom achieved peacefully some of Harry's ideas can be applied today.
With the advent of computers and algorithms that can do the monitoring and the coming digital currency avoiding contact with the state may become impossible. Individual freedom may well be doomed.
VERY COMMON Sense type stuff. But kinda refreshing...
Allosaur is short for Allosaurus, which means "different lizard."
Why is it a different lizard besides it being me, myself and I in The Gulch? It was the first predator of its kind found and I recall reading several were dug up at about the same time. T-Rex was discovered later.
That's why allosaurs are the top predator of "The Lost World" written Sir Arthur Doyle (of Sherlock Holmes fame).
Never read the book but have a DVD of the silent movie. Special effects have come a long way since then.
(Psst, Allosaurus and Triceratops lived millions of years apart).
Browne simply rehashed the arguments made in his 1969 How You Can Profit from the Coming Devaluation. By 1971 it was in paperback and had sold millions of copies. Monex was paying Browne, perhaps on a commission basis, to tour the country, making a pitch to get people to buy US silver coins through Monex.
I read HYCPFCD after hearing Browne's free promotional message about US silver coins. I guess it was the most influential book I ever read regarding personal finance. I still regard it as a classic, an eternal message with eternal relevance.
I also read Browne's later books, but didn't find them as inspirational as How You Can Profit... Maybe it's something like the issue of trying to give people fish vs showing them how and why they need to fish.
Maybe a subject for another "book club" similar to "The God of the Machine" just finished?