Suddenly a lot of people in London are realizing what “Net Zero” really means: Government Theft of Cars, Homes, and Freedom

Posted by freedomforall 9 months ago to Government
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"This week many Londoners are waking up to the impact of living in an Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) as the £12.50 daily charge for unfashionable cars begins in the outer poorer suburbs.

Normally “climate change” costs are secretly buried in bills, hidden in rising costs and blamed on “old unreliable coal plants”, inflation or foreign wars. Your electricity bill does not have a category for “subsidies for your neighbors solar panels”. But the immense pain of NetZero can’t be disguised.

For a pensioner on £186 a week it could be as much as an £87 a week penalty for driving their car — or £4,500 a year. The Daily Mail is full of stories of livid and dismayed people who served in the Navy or worked fifty years, who can’t afford to look after older frail Aunts or shop in their usual stores now, or who will have to give up their cars. People are talking about the “end of Democracy”. The cameras are expected to bring in £2.5 million a day in ULEZ charges to City Hall. But shops inside the zone may also lose customers, and everyone, with and without cars will have to pay more for tradespeople and deliveries to cover the cost of their new car or Ulez fee.

Protests have reached a new level of anger and hooded vigilantes in masks carry long gardening clippers, or spray cans and lazers to disable cameras that record number plates for Ulez. In one photo the whole metal camera pole has been sheared by an electric saw of some sort. There chaos.

Interactive maps have sprung up to report where the cameras are, and help people “plan their trips”. The vigilante group called Blade Runners have vowed to remove or disable every ULEZ camera in London. Nearly nine out of ten cameras have been vandalized in South-east London.

The Transport for London website was overwhelmed with searches from people wondering if their car was compliant and they would have to pay just to drive on the roads their taxes and fees built. Some people have bought old historic cars to get around the fee, but apparently a lot of people hadn’t thought much about what was coming. Sadiq Khan probably didn’t mention this in his election campaign. Presumably there are others in London who will get a nasty surprise bill in the mail.

As Nigel Farage says: “I’ve never seen people so angry about this new tax on working people. “And people are not just furious at Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, they’re angry at the Prime Minister and the conservatives for not stopping the scheme."
Just the beginning. You will own nothing. You will eat bugs. You will do only as you are ordered.
The "leaders" of the West are the enemy.
They deserve to be tried and executed for treason and genocide.
SOURCE URL: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/london-wakes-up-to-the-nightmare-on-ulez-this-net-zero-bill-cant-be-hidden-and-the-people-are-furious/

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 months ago
    Yeah...I know "net zero". Or ZNE (zero net energy). It's a ghost. A popcorn fart. My firm and I get approached occasionally about this and similar programs like LEED. It's a very strange thing. There is a real desire in the establishment to impact engineers and architects to build expensive (overprised) facilities with impossible promises. I"ve been known to make real waves in meetings when I say, "You really want net-zero? I can design real net-zero but we'll need to rent neighbors' roofs for sufficient PV space, build a solar-thermal complex for your domestic hot water...etc". People just look at me and I can see the wheels turning as they think "I don't REALLY want to safe the earth. I just say I want to." Haha! I know the math and that makes me a bad person...
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    • Posted by mhubb 9 months ago
      without carbon dioxide plants die
      and human caused clime change is a lie
      i know this because solar sats in orbit and nuclear power are the 2 basic solutions
      and we are not seeing those, are we?
      we are seeing moeny given to the friends of politicians, as always, so this is just another scam for money and control

      the Earth is still recovering from the last Ice Age
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 months ago
    "V is for Vengence?" Sound like it is getting just as bad as I expecte, but two years late. I knew that Biden and his croonies were driving this with the pipeline shutdown, and using Ukraine as excuse to drprive Europe of energy from Russia as well. This is classic tearing down of society, it started with Obama and his Saul Alinsky Marixism goal, which Hillary also would have gone for. It did not matter who got hurt, first set people against people, then bring in the gols of UN Agenda 21, seize land, cut out red meat, claim climate change is manmade, when they know it is not. Then for good measure whip up a bogus virus and do as Bill Gates said about depopulation, "Vaccine are the way to go." How can so many, be so bliny, be so blind for so long, as their societis are stripped from tham?The gloal have been out there for the reading, the people leading the charge against them, so obvious. Now, almost every country is either dead or dying. Figuratively, and physically, as the vaccine continues to cause deaths and impaired helath! Biden, Soros, Fauci, Gates, Pelosi, all liars, all responsible!
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 9 months ago
      I agree ... however, the power brokers pay no tabs -- instead, their systematically accumulated (stolen) wealth has only appreciated. Things will need to get much worse before any of the brokers all called to pick up the tab.
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      • Posted by 9 months ago
        People would have to go back to the 50's tech to starve the elites,
        but they have their illegal invaders to serve them.
        There are too many useful idiots running federal agencies who still
        feel they are elites; they won't awaken to reality until they are
        drowning in their own blood.
        People who want to survive must prepare to live for 2 or more years
        without the conveniences that enslave us today and without cheap
        imported food, meds, electronic gadgets.
        Stock up if you still can.
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        • Posted by $ Stormi 9 months ago
          We have never let our supplies dwindle after the shut downs went away, never trusted the supply chain and gov. We live in rural sub, with back power. Do not use the cell much,, watch TV, but often DVDs of good writing. Have wome battery lamps, and outside multple solar yard lights. Buy vitamins as far ahead as expriation allows. But, whatever will the youth do when they cannot go five minutes without a cell phone game or connection to other mindless their own age? They will blame parents who always provide, not government which always takes. Yes, we are a sub of US flags and guns.We prepare for the worst, and are cautious when it seems not to happen. I truly believe those they are manipulating genderwise, will the among those first depopulated, then the protetors, who will easily switch sides, since they hold no true values, they cannot be trusted.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 9 months ago
    Nothing will change until something seriously breaks ... and by breaks, I mean that there is pain felt by individuals within the parasite class.
    Thus far, there have been little to no consequences.
    The peasants just get a little more pissed, they blow off some steam, lean in further toward drink and coping and the shit show just carries on.
    We've all read Atlas Shrugged . . . a person can shrug instead of blow off steam.
    Other books have been written with more active approaches -- and I am not referring to taking action in the streets, that's just a matter of peasants pissing on peasants.
    I leave the definition of "action" to the reader.
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