FBI Murders Yet Another Innocent Man. Shut Down the FBI. Try All FBI Agents For Treason. NIFO

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"Online records show Mr. Robertson was a retired welder who owned a custom woodworking business and was married twice, with his second wife dying in 2008.

Travis Lee Clark, who’s known Robertson for years from working at their church ward together, described Mr. Robertson as “frail of health,” a masterful woodworker, and an “established icon” in their community. Robertson propped himself on a wood walking stick he’d carved himself, said Mr. Clark, who was surprised he was considered a serious threat.

“He was a boomer, and he was very political and sometimes made off-color jokes ... but nothing that indicated it was a threat,” Mr. Clark said.
Facebook posts on an account authorities say was run by Mr. Robertson included numerous threats against President Biden and other U.S. officials such as Attorney General Merrick Garland and New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

"The time is right for a presidential assassination or two," Mr. Robertson wrote in one post. "Death to Joe Biden," he said in another. In a third, he said he imagined President Biden's body with the head severed."
Does the First Amendment mean anything to the MURDERING THUGS of the FBI?
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/neighbors-react-to-fbi-killing-of-man-who-threatened-biden-5457078

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