Goodbye Seattle

Posted by $ Abaco 11 months ago to Culture
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Recently took my family through my old favorite city. They loved the view from I5. That's good because I refused to take them off the freeway into the city. We were passing through to prettier territory. I even found a homeless camp on the old island where I grew up. What a GD disgrace. The crazy people are running the west coast now. It's pandemonium.


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  • Posted by freedomforall 11 months ago
    And yet, the well paid woke useful idiots continue to profit and ignore the reality of their looting.
    They are brainwashed by imagined white privilege implanted in their so-called education.
    According to their elitist programming, everyone else is ignorant and guilty of racism.
    They insist that others must accept shame for actions of those 150+ years dead.
    They are mentally ill.
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