California Bill Banning Hand Counting of Election Ballots Goes To Governor To Be Signed Into Law. California Cheaters Prevail. Every Future Commifornia Election Will Be Rigged.

Posted by freedomforall 10 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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AB 969 would require elections with more voters to use state-approved machines, except for when a state of emergency disables electronic voting systems.

A bill that would ban the hand counting of ballots in most of California’s future elections passed the state Assembly Sept. 8, and is moving to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk to be signed into law.

Assembly Bill 969, authored by Assemblywoman Gail Pellerin (D-Santa Cruz), would require any regularly scheduled election with over 1,000 registered voters or special elections with over 5,000 registered voters to use state-approved machines, according to the bill’s text.

“[AB 969 will] ensure that all Californians have access to secure, auditable, and accessible voting systems. Voting systems are faster, more accurate, and a tried and tested way of counting votes,” Ms. Pellerin wrote on Instagram after the bill’s passage.

However, the legislation permits times when hand counting could occur, specifically during a natural disaster or states of emergency when utilizing an electronic voting system becomes impractical.

The bill, having garnered support along party lines, successfully cleared both legislative houses undergoing multiple amendments. Subsequently, it was returned to the Assembly for a final vote, where it passed Sept. 8.

The bill is a response to the Shasta County Board of Supervisors’ decision in January to cancel the county’s lease agreement with Dominion Voting Systems and to use hand-counting ballots instead, according to the bill’s analysis.
So a local government decided to stop rigged elections by hand counting and the looting scum Deep State Democrats in the capital pass a law to prevent any fair election counting.
Sacramento NIFO

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