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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year ago
    All people had to do after a few months of the mRNA vaccines being administered is look at the VAERS data. It was obviously very dangerous.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year ago
    Of course we knew it, it is their MO.My first sign of cover ups came from a British autopsy study on those who died of supposed Covid19, but it found clots so widespread the morticians could not get embalming fluid to pass in. Not discussed by our medical geniuses! It was clear the VARS damage reported did not agree with the internal figures I got. Families were complaining heir loved ones were marked as Covid19 death, when they knew better, and some went to authorities Then they pulled out the bogus sudden adult death syndrome as casue. Right!I never belived anythig, as the CDC grant showed what they were doing in China, This was to have been the big depopulation event to get Biden his New World Order quota of 75% dead, via the vaccine. Gates said as much when lecturing on the topic, when he said, "vaccines are the way to go." The UN told Biden no vax for the immigrants, as none citizens of anywhere, they could sue the vax companies and take them down. But, that could not happen as it was the ongoing method for depoulation, and UN wanted that badly.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year ago
    They pervert the reporting definitions to inflate actual death figures and then try to manipulate things even more to cover up their intentional program to kill off as many people as they can. It's all part of the WEF plan to get the world population "under control" while making it look like they aren't trying to commit genocide.

    I wouldn't mind some divine intervention like dropping an asteroid on Davos while they are in session...
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