First Rule of Fight Club: Do Not Fall for the Demoralization Program (of the Deep State Controlled media)

Posted by freedomforall 10 months, 3 weeks ago to Culture
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"You probably haven’t heard of Rupert Sheldrake. He is a biologist, a former fellow and don at Cambridge, and a devout Anglican in the tradition of CS Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. But unlike them, he performs double blind experiments, one of them being on the morphic field..

Dogs Who Know When Their Owners are Coming Home was the first of his books that caught my attention, since every dog I’ve had seems unnervingly to know everything that I think. My current, Pan, is always to be found sitting in the front hall to greet me, exuding crossness that she didn’t go with. Unless of course, she is canoodling with Jamie which is her second favorite thing to do, her first being keeping me on HER schedule."
keep reading for the connection ;^)

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