Solutions Are Scary: Part 1 – It’s Time To Bring Back Citizen Militias

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 1 week ago to Philosophy
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"The most common retort you will encounter from skeptics and dishonest people when it comes to discussing the issue of economic decline, social breakdown and the PROVEN conspiracy of globalist institutions to centralize power under the formation of a worldwide financial system and a world government, is that “It’s all well and good to talk about the problems, but unless you can come up with solutions your analysis is irrelevant.”

This is a classic disinformation tactic: Suggesting that the person who identified the problem must also solve the problem, otherwise they should not be taken seriously. This is called “deflection.” Often solutions to economic and social decline require that masses of people become educated on the threats so that they can organize to make changes, and that requires talking about the problems. Talking about the danger IS the solution (to a point).

In terms of direct conspiracy and tyranny, the solution is usually war and the elimination of the cabal behind the agenda. That requires talking about the problem and inspiring people to organize for the fight.

But what happens when you finally have the numbers to do something? I would partially agree that the conservatives, libertarians, independents and moderates that make up what I call the “Liberty Movement” tend to talk a lot more about the problems, to the point that solutions become lost in the fervor of discussion.

After nearly 20 years writing for the movement I have noticed a consistent pattern – When I publish an article identifying a concerted attack on the US economy, for example, the audience numbers run high. When I write an article about methods for preventing collapse, such as independent barter markets and localized production, the traffic is cut in half. The truth is, real solutions are not sexy, they are scary.

People can become addicted to watching the system break down and I realize it’s hard to look away from a train wreck. But when it comes time to doing something about the mess and make some hard decisions a lot of people run away. This has to change.

It is with this issue in mind that I am launching a series of articles focusing ONLY on solutions. These are not silver bullet solutions; they will not save people from struggle or hardship. They will not end the globalist empire with a single calculated social shift or technological innovation. Such solutions do not exist and anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant or a fraud trying to lure you into complacency. The real solutions require hard work, sacrifice, courage, tenacity and above all, risk.

If a solution to tyranny and collapse doesn’t scare you at least a little, then it’s probably not a legitimate solution.

And, if there is one solution that has been demonized more than any other in our modern era, it’s the citizen militia. It’s hard to think of a greater taboo, a more sneered at and disdained concept than the militia, and that’s on both sides of the political aisle. Many leftists hate the militia because they fear it; many Republicans hate the militia because they think it makes them look “extreme.” Sorry sunshine patriots, but if there was ever a time for extreme measures, it is now.

Maybe it’s a matter of public conditioning? Militias are the villains in every movie, every TV show, every book and comic book. Articles in every major publication warn year after year of militias as the dark underbelly of American culture; a mode of organization for “racists” and “fascists” and most of all “terrorists.” They are the bad guys, right? Who wants to be seen as a bad guy?"
Brainwashing by the state is a big problem.
Militias are the good guys if they are there to prevent growth of tyranny. That is their purpose and why they are mentioned in the 2nd amendment.

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  • Posted by nonconformist 9 months, 1 week ago
    I have a certain unique understanding of the problem which suggests the type of solutions that would be effective.

    My hypothesis is that the problem is predation, more specifically over-predation, or what Ayn Rand calls 'looting'. Society gets infested with parasitic elements to such an extent that production falls and everyone steals from each other to survive. Eventually, everything is destroyed and all the parasitic elements kill each other. In the end, only the productive survive and are able to rebuild.

    The state itself is a predator. The centralization of power and world government is just a way for some states to take over all the other ones and become even more powerful.

    So, any effective solution must involve a method of removing predation from society.

    I don't think citizen militias is a good solution. My suggestion is to avoid getting dragged into the conflict. If productive people engage with the parasites, they will probably end up being killed just like the parasites they will be engaging. We don't want that. It is probably better for the productive people to withdraw. The whole idea of the gulch is about that.

    One possible idea is to make the parasites kill each other more quickly before they are able to destroy everything. Might I suggest that the productive people start producing weapons/munitions and giving it to all the parasitic elements? This might be counter intuitive, but this will decrease predation, if we can ensure those guys attack each other and not the productive people.

    If there is a way to more peacefully decrease predation, I am having difficulties in seeing it. The parasites usually decide to be that way. Perhaps we can somehow change their minds.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 months, 1 week ago
    "People can become addicted to watching the system break down and I realize it’s hard to look away from a train wreck. But when it comes time to doing something about the mess and make some hard decisions a lot of people run away. This has to change." This really hits me in my core. We've gone so far over the cliff now that it takes almost nothing to be hauled away...much like the Khmer Rouge would do...(why did I read so much over the years? What a curse....). I chose to run away...
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  • Posted by mhubb 9 months, 1 week ago
    there was a time when the cannons and other guns outside of Veteran Posts were REAL and available for use for defense of the community

    guess Americans are too fat, lazy, uneducated and stuck on watching useless sports to understand the need these days
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