Lying Lancet Distorts Heat Deaths To Falsely Support Climate Warming Agenda. This Is Fear Porn Propaganda, NOT Science.

Posted by freedomforall 10 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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"What do you do when not enough people die to suit your religion? Distort the axis and hope no one notices.

Welcome to government-science, where one of top journals in the world uses graphic design tricks for political convenience. In this graph from the paper, 10 excess deaths from the heat looks “bigger” than 50 excess deaths from cold. Isn’t the whole point of a graph so we can compare the bars “at a glance”?

Björn Lomborg corrected this with chart on right. Doesn’t that tell a different story?

Thanks to Patrick Moore @EcoSenseNow:

The journal “Lancet” published the chart on left with unequal X-Axis* to downplay fact that cold causes 10X more deaths than heat in Europe. …This is disgraceful for a supposedly scientific journal."

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  • Posted by mccannon01 10 months, 1 week ago
    Sneaky slight of hand. Good thing there are a few folks out there that pick up on this stuff and call the foul.

    Anyway, the proverbial "Ministry of Science", like the Nobel prize, isn't about truth or merit anymore since selling out to money, power, politics, and the commie way.
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