Are You Willing to Starve for the "Greater Good?"

Posted by freedomforall 10 months, 3 weeks ago to Government
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"The strategy paper notes that Germany’s agricultural and food systems generate approximately one quarter of its greenhouse gas emissions. And to meet its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2045 it needs to transform how food is produced.

“The transformation of the entire food system towards a plant-based diet is the most important adjusting screw in the nutrition sector to achieve our national and international climate, biodiversity, and sustainability goals.”

Organic farming and promoting seasonal, regionally grown, plant-based foods are some of the transformation strategies proposed. We think the national nutrition planners are asking for trouble.

Whenever a central planning authority has commanded what crops to plant, and the means and methods for agricultural production, disaster has followed. In fact, top-down planning of food production has been responsible for the world’s greatest collective famines.

The rollout of centralized agriculture by the Soviet Union was responsible for an estimated 6 to 9 million human deaths in the Soviet famine of 1930 to 1933. Gosplan’s five-year plans missed the mark, spectacularly. Alas, more struggle was needed.

Similarly, Mao’s Great Leap Forward some 30 years later brought on the Great Chinese Famine. As the production quotas of planned farming fell short, something rather curious happened. The numbers reported to the central government increased. Everything looked great on paper.

But everything wasn’t great. In truth, everything was terrible. The human death toll estimates for this man induced starvation range from 15 to 55 million.

Nonetheless, the planners are at it again. All for the supposed intent of controlling the weather."
The real intent is to reduce the human population and to subdue into slavery those who survive.
%^&* that!
These criminal traitors deserve a trial and execution, as soon as possible.
SOURCE URL: https://economicprism.com/are-you-willing-to-starve-for-the-greater-good/

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 months, 3 weeks ago
    Besides all that "starve for the greater good" or learn to eat bugs Schiff, today Word Salad Kamala managed to clearly enough mouth that we need to reduce our population.
    Me dino be sure Planned Parenthood loved hearing that. Maybe the whole idea was to inspire Planned Parenthood to donate more for a win-win bigger kickback in government funding.
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    • Posted by 10 months, 3 weeks ago
      I'd agree to reduce the population by 90 million by sending all the illegals and their offspring back to their old countries. Planned Parenthood didn't try to stop them.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 10 months, 3 weeks ago
        I'm all for sending all the illegals the Jackass Party let in, providing they can all be found.
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        • Posted by 10 months, 3 weeks ago
          Perhaps, instead, we take a hint from the English and send them to the Aleutians
          as colonists. Sorry, no benefits or transfer payments; you're criminals.
          Fingerprints and dna from everyone.
          If they survive maybe they can lead a revolution or me consenting slaves
          like the Australians have become.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 10 months, 2 weeks ago
          I think we ought to go around door to door and have everyone sign a Constitutional pledge that says they have two choices: support the Constitution as written or leave the Country. Anyone found after a certain date to be advocating contrary to the Constitution could be tried in a court, convicted of treason, and hung.
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  • Posted by CTYankee44 10 months, 2 weeks ago
    Hell no. But I am willing to secure any food I can find for the benefit of myself and my family.

    This is an Objectivist forum, isn't it?
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    • Posted by lrshultis 10 months, 2 weeks ago
      I don't doubt that most here are just lurkers due to pro capitalism but ignore the philosophy behind Objectivism. Anti reason is endemic here with all the not so modest proposals for what to do with certain groups of undesirable individuals. It won't be long before animal husbandry will include raising the undesired and perceived enemies for food.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 10 months, 2 weeks ago
    When will the stupid 'thinkers' quit trying things that have been tried before and failed miserably? If you think the world is too populated, visit Texas. We have more vacant land than we can ever fill up. Legally, of course. I'm discounting illegal entries.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 10 months, 2 weeks ago
    Know this. 85% of Vegans are EX-VEGANS!

    While the initial steps into a Vegan Lifestyle come with some health gains. (Mostly from removing junk foods). After 2yrs, many people have to start giving it up.

    Frankly, it simply cannot work. It makes no sense. But they admit that they don't do it to be healthy...

    Anyone wanting to help your teenagers out, have them read The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith. (FWIW, she has recovered a lot of her health, with permanent bone damage remaining, by going carnivore!)

    Also, 2yrs is about how long it takes for severe nutrient deficiencies to become obvious.

    Anyways... The answer is NO!
    I will not sacrifice my health for some brain dead morons who can't think 60 seconds into the future.

    Imagine a world where let animals graze on grass, and fertilize the ground in a regenerative farming way. Where we did not need to poison everything, and use so much fertilizer.
    Where we lived a bit more in harmony with nature.

    Where we took the time to know our ranchers, butchers, egg producers...

    The biggest downside to capitalism has been separation of job duties to such an extreme, that people IGNORANTLY think food comes from Grocery Stores (Sad but true).

    I am not saying we need to go Amish...
    But somewhere between the two extremes I think we can do quite well... And live better, happier and richer lives.
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 10 months, 2 weeks ago
    I came across this Soviet Union aphorism concerning the evil Capitalism vs Soviet Communism.

    "Under Capitalism, man exploits man, but under Socialism the opposite is true."

    C'mon Man!

    Have some cake....
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 10 months, 2 weeks ago
    Let them eat cake!! Urinal Cake. Yellowcake.

    It is infuriating to see all of the hangers on who think that they will somehow be in the ''ruling class" when the new world order kicks in.

    I remember giving credit to the Union leaders in Atlas Shrugged. As vile as they were, they knew that the ruling class would sell them out as soon as it suited them.
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 10 months, 2 weeks ago
    And all this time I thought zombies were just fiction and folklore. Zombies have no soul and are very hard, if not impossible to eradicate. The world is loaded with them, and now that they've shed their protective disguises, we may have a chance to survive their tsunami of evil. Either that, or become just one more zombie in a dead world.
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    • Posted by $ splumb 10 months, 2 weeks ago
      I'm sure this isn't how George Harrison meant it, but.....

      "In their sties with all their backing
      They don't care what goes on around
      In their life, there's something lacking
      What they need's a damn good whacking!"
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    The Administrative State will eat very well. They do so already on our taxes. The sustainability of centralized planning for feeding the country is not possible, as what happened in the old USSR now it seems China seems to be afflicted as well. Thats why they are trying to by our farmland.
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