Jordan Peterson loses his Court battle

Posted by $ blarman 11 months, 1 week ago to Culture
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To me, the most staggering paragraph was as follows:

"The judge further claimed that it didn't matter whether "Dr. Peterson's comments were supported by facts or were his honest opinion, as the concern arises from the nature of the language used, not the validity of his opinions."

Facts < Feelings.

I expect Peterson to appeal, but fear he will lose again there. Canada has already - repeatedly - demonstrated its lack of respect for basic human freedoms, but their willingness to ignore even truth seals the deal. They are now a tyranny. I pity the poor people of Canada and fear we won't be long to join them.

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  • Posted by $ BobCat 11 months, 1 week ago
    It's 1984! Big brother is watching you.

    JP will land on his feet. I admire his dedication to his principles.

    All this is already here in the USA. The world is indeed upside down.
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  • Posted by Lucky 11 months, 1 week ago
    Psychology today has a certain reputation, it appears to be based on mental tests on college age students.

    Little evidence exists that conclusions are from carefully conducted tests constructed to be bias free, and that claimed results apply to other demographics.
    Psychology is not based on the methods and findings of science, as is (or should be) psychiatry but on the results of hit and miss trials to which statistical analysis has been applied with more enthusiasm than rigor.

    Worse, project groups of medical professionals may be placed by administrators under the leadership of a psychologist as such are more proficient in manager speak.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 11 months, 1 week ago
      Psychology and psychiatry are witch doctoring by crazies who can't even think rationally about their own lives.
      (In the majority, psychologists do show that they believe themselves to be superior to other people and
      they do want to control the lives of others and force others to their will.)
      Professional recognition of that 'profession' should be banned as should advertising of it and of psychotropic drugs.
      Let the free market decide based on actual scientific results in unbiased studies.
      Give people the freedom to destroy only their own lives.
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      • Posted by $ 11 months, 1 week ago
        The study of the mind is no doubt nuanced. There is the study of "normal" brain chemistry and maladies which affect the brain's standard behavior but there is also the study regarding the norms of human behavior. Unfortunately, these two paths often cross because distinguishing between chemistry and ideology can often be difficult even when the practitioner has the best motives.

        I'm not going to disparage the entire practice, however. I have some friends who are good counselors (i.e. psychologists without the PhD) who regularly help people in need of coping with difficult situations such as divorce, abuse, suicide and suicidal thoughts, and many more. And there is a need for these services in today's world. But I think it starts first with two maxims of practice: First, do no harm, and second, seek for the long-term good of the patient. I think there are many practitioners today who ignore both of these in the pursuit of the $.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 11 months ago
    The solution is Go Galt! It’s quite literally THE LEAST we can do.
    The Canadian Truckers got it ALL WRONG. They should have setup Go Fund Me accounts and simply parked their rigs in their driveways. Let their absence be felt on the store shelves. Instead they painted targets on their backs.
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