Anderson Cooper Is A Disgusting CIA Goon (and a traitor who deserves execution.)

Posted by freedomforall 10 months ago to Politics
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"In a recent CNN interview of US presidential candidate Cornel West, former CIA intern Anderson Cooper argued that the US invasion of Iraq was morally superior to the Russian attack on the city of Grozny.

Pushing back against West’s claim that NATO provoked the Russian invasion of Ukraine and his call for ceasefire negotiations, Cooper argued that Putin was too evil and murderous to agree to stop slaughtering people.
“I mean, you saw what he did to Grozny in the nineties,” Cooper said. “I mean, he flattened that city. Civilians were trapped in that city. The world didn’t come to the rescue of Grozny. He did exactly what he wanted to do. I mean, unchecked, he will slaughter people.”

“Well, I mean, unchecked, he will slaughter folk, unchecked, what we did in Iraq was slaughtering people, unchecked,” West replied, when Cooper began frantically interrupting him.

“Nation states do that and they are wrong. And when they’re wrong, you have to point it out,” West continued while Cooper talked over him."
Cooper is a Deep State paid propagandist who commits treason every day.
Try him. Execute him.

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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 10 months ago
    Ahhhh presidential election time. When the Fake Liberals indicate that THEY will burn the whole world to the ground before they will share one iota of power with the actual liberals.

    Claire Wolfe was prescient when she penned this nearly two decades ago:

    We hear that voting is the essential act of citizenship: “If you don’t vote, don’t complain.” But that’s nonsense. To vote is merely to express one 100-millionth of an opinion, or one 10-thousandth of an opinion (The amazing Lysander Spooner first said that). It’s to say that you agree that your own, informed, educated, lawful view of a candidate or an issue should be subjected to the majority’s less informed, more self-interested, unconstitutional, gimme-gimme-gimme view of what government ought to be.

    To vote is to accept the pacifier -to do next-to-nothing and enjoy the illusion of having done something big and important.

    It is an attempt to force your viewpoint on unwilling others.
    It is to give your tacit consent to whatever the majority wishes to do to you. There was once a Constitution and a Bill of Rights to put some limits on that “whatever.” But today, voting brings to us only whatever the (brainwashed-(my words)) majority, their political choices, and THEIR big-money donors care to do to the rest of us.

    That’s been true for many years. And now, of course, there are those hackable, crackable electronic voting machines. Cast your vote on one of those, and you might actually end up voting for the candidate you hate (Antrim County Michigan-2020) Or for nobody at all, as your e-vote is e-liminated from the database.

    “The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don’t have to waste your time voting.” - Charles Bukowski

    "Which is better - to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away?" - Mather Byles

    Pass the popcorn. And watch as the logical, reasonable people are ROFLstomped into the ground by the entrenched, corrupt UniParty theatrics in the “Plato’s Cave” political theater that is DC.

    I’m well past voting in an attempt to “Change” anything. My votes, when they are cast at all, are cast in retribution to whatever I perceive the coercion based DeepState agenda to be.
    I expect NOTHING and thus am rarely disappointed.
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  • Posted by mhubb 10 months ago
    i do not miss sadam
    but i will no longer defend any of the Bush family

    Ukraine was part of Russia long before the United States existed
    i do not feel qualified to comment on what looks to be a civil war with Ukraine being a corrupt part of Russia
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