Wokesters attack Ben Shapiro defense of White "Snow White", ‘37 Disney animated romantic love tale. Disney projects March ‘24 woke version release; Latina star: original flick “about creepy stalker”

Posted by bubah1mau 11 months, 2 weeks ago to Culture
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Shapiro, in a recent review of what Disney has already made known about the pending woke version—in which Snow White can’t be White—passes along part of Latina star Zegler’s commentary. Here’s a telling portion:

...It’s one of those things that I think everyone’s going to have their assumptions about what it’s actually going to be, but it’s really not about the love story at all, which is really, really wonderful.

My guess: a lot of people don’t care what it’s about if it’s an attempt to discredit romantic love.
SOURCE URL: https://www.dailywire.com/news/disneys-new-snow-white-shed-be-better-off-staying-dead-than-kissing-a-stalker

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  • Posted by mhubb 11 months, 2 weeks ago
    i've run out of words for now to describe those traitors we all see around us

    i simply do not understand how they can be so blind to what they are doing, to how much they must hate their own children and grand-children to be doing what they are doing
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