“Good Morning Students” … “Good Morning AI Overlord” - Dallas Implements AI To Spy On Students. Another Good Reason To Home School

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 2 months ago to Government
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"Last week, the Dallas Independent School District was boasting about its new pilot project, undertaken along with the company Davista. The pilot project, the school district says, uses AI to extensively monitor each student and then sound the alarm if a student deviates from his “baseline” behavior.

Talk about stifling. Doesn’t growing up tend to involve moving away from your baseline? And since when does being a kid mean you should have no privacy? Tough kids, that is not how the AI sees things."
SOURCE URL: http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2023/may/22/good-morning-students-good-morning-ai-overlord/

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