France bans short-haul domestic flights (because they compete with the government socialists' rail system.) Climate change? Rubbish.

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 2 months ago to Politics
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"France’s ban on short-haul domestic flights when there is a viable train alternative came into effect on Tuesday, as the French government seeks to reduce the country’s carbon emissions.

The law had been in the works for over two years following the passing of a 2021 climate law which had initially moved to prohibit any domestic flight under four hours when passengers could instead take the train.

However, several reviews of the legislation following widespread criticism reduced this to a duration of two and a half hours.

The move will directly affect three major air routes from Paris to Lyon, Nantes, and Bordeaux."

Obviously the French HAVE READ Atlas Shrugged and are using it as a manual to crash their civilization. Morons.
SOURCE URL: https://rmx.news/france/france-bans-short-haul-domestic-flights-despite-widespread-criticism/

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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 2 months ago
    Let them destroy themselves. Sometimes that's the only way to get progressives to stop being idiots: allow the walls they slam their faces into to fall on them.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
    One of the "thousand cuts" to kill Western Civilization. I would expect the new law would include the appropriate exclusions for politicians and other elitists - they are sooooooo special.

    Just wondering - does this mean they can shoot down private planes now?

    Let's see... Paris to Zurich to Marsielles, etc., ought to do it.
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  • Posted by JakeOrilley 1 year, 1 month ago
    Trying to get control of everything......you (the people) can't do this because of ......latest reason. You can't do that because of ...latest reason....chipping away at our freedoms all the while....... Yet the "elites" continue to do whatever they want because they are "entitled" and they need the convenience to assist their work to control "us".......And too many of the "us" don't see it coming....
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